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Nebthet's 20L pygmy clown tank: Euphyllia Forest and Juvi clowns 2b readded


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Looks like things are doing well! I'm glad the clowns are recovering.


This tank is really looking nice. I can't wait to see the Euphyllia grow more.

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Very glad to hear of the improvements.

Those Clowns are beautiful, hope they make a full recovery.


Looks like things are doing well! I'm glad the clowns are recovering.


This tank is really looking nice. I can't wait to see the Euphyllia grow more.


Thanks guys..


The little clowns seem to be doing well in the bucket and it is near the end of the month now and they have been without meds for the last week and a bit in there and are still doing very well, so as of next Monday they are gonna be going back into this tank with fingers crossed. So in a couple of days when I do a water change in their bucket, I will be slowly adding some current tank water in there with them and see what happens.


The nice thing about them being in the hospital tank is that it has allowed the smaller clown to teach omen how to properly take eat flake food off the waters surface, something he has always had issues with.


The mandarin is doing nicely in this tank so far. Very much active and searching around for pods. I have soooo many isopods in this tank and not so many copepods, but she seems to be doing fine, but I am going to be ordering in some Tiger and Arctic pods to culture for her and keep her healthy.


The next thing I need to do though is get the ATO I bought from BibleSue and Weetie up and running on this tank. Doing manual top offs is really a pain in the arse on this tank as I am looking about 1 to 1.5 litres of water daily and because I plan on going away for five days at the end of August for Geek Weekend in Toronto, I need to have that taken care of.


Later on tonight, once it is finished loading I will have another video of what the tank currently looks like right now. The euphyllia really love this tank and the led lights.

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True, but mine has been springing back, and frankly I think it is my fault as I didn't properly quaranteen the Tangora Goby before adding it.


I was lazy today and didn't add the little guys back into their home but am gonna do it in a day or so. I really need to figure out how to set up the ATO I got and get that going. It will really help in keeping the salinity stable. Otherwise everything else happening in my tank seems to be fine and happy.


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love the video! Love the look of the black sand as well. Don't see many tanks with it but it really gives a nice and unique look to the tank.

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Thanks for the compliments guys.


Well, I nearly had another disaster again today. Omen, the larger of the two clowns decided he wanted to go carpet surfing while I was in the shower. I haven't a clue how long he was on the floor for, or how my cats missed him, but he wasn't dried up when I found him, so after a quick freshwater bath under the tap to get the cat fur and dirt off of him I plopped him back in the tank.


Immediately, the nassarius snails all came out of the sand and were looking for food. Never a good sign, but she was trying hard as hell to swim and made it to the surface away from the sand bed so I put my larger net in there and propped it just in case I need to pull her out for more time in quaranteen if she gets sick again.


She was looking a lot better after half an hour and only had a couple pieces of dirt left on her, but she was swimming around a bit, though not eating yet. So keep your fingers crossed for me. I guess I am going to need to get acrylic cut to fit over the top of the tank seeing how she got through the egg crate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has been a few weeks since reintroducing the juvi clowns to my system. They have no signs of reinfection at this time and they are eating like pigs, especially runt who's belly is as round as Santa Clause's.






The Euphyllia are all happy and growing, and the mandarin seems happy and is eating freeze dried cyclopeeze in between hunting for pods.















VIDEO 05-26-2011

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks squirreliey..


The little clowns seem to be doing a lot better after being reintroduced and are continually eating like little pigggies, especially Runt who often has trouble swimming due to sporting a Santa belly after eating so much.. it is sort of funny to see.

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aw cute.


im currently being faced with medicating lunch the maroon. its such a tough decision if you ask me, i totally know how it feels. hope my little buddy will be right as rain soon too.

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Well if you start seeing spots popping up every where, then I would definitely suggest starting medication.

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no spots, just discoloration, loss of scales, tattered fins (now healing), and periodic boughts of a white film on his cheek spines and fin bases.


i still havnt properly ided it yet, i may start with a fw dip and go from there.

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Thanks John!!



Squirreliey, it sort of sounds like your clown might have velvet, especially with the white film and tattered fins.

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hmmmm, or not perhaps.


i just went and did a little brushing up on my velvet info and im starting to lean towards no on that one. he dosnt have any of the gill disorders associated.


i also just went over and shined a flashlight on him for closer inspection and he looks a hell of a lot better than he did about 3 weeks ago. just one teeny white patch left, tattered fins are damn near healed and it appears that the scale loss/discoloration is going away.


i may be able to chock this one up to being beaten by his own immune system.


what ever it is it has never been severe enough for me to want to pull him and medicate. i dunno...



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That is good then... at least whatever it was it wasn't a severe case. I know clowns often get lymphocystis which looks like a small white cauliflower like growth and it takes time for that to heal.

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what ever it is wish my little buddy luck, hes not out of the water just yet (odd pun not intended) :lol:


thanks for chattin with me about it though, you definitely sparked my need to go inspect him closer. im gonna check out your 57 here in a few as well. ive got a whole lotta tank threads to catch up on. :)

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Oh I love chatting with people.. so no problem.


Haven't updated the 57g much... am running out of room for corals so I am in the planning stages of upgrading to a larger tank.. lol.. though my bta split... that was exciting.

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  • 4 weeks later...
jonny roks

I enjoyed reading through your thread. Your livestock looks great. Loving the photos skills!

Keep it up!

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