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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Hypes Archipelago


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Sorry to hear about breaking down the tank, but it's completely understandable. If you're planning on putting your livestock up for sale on this forum, I'd definitely be interested.

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In other news ive been seriously thinking about breaking this tank down




......................... stop seriously thinking about this nonsense

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......................... stop seriously thinking about this nonsense

I third this notion. You've created an all time great tank. Anyway. I hope you come back to the hobby soon. (48X48X18... Just a suggestion).

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Nah, he's bluffing. I wouldn't tear down Mt.Rushmore or the Eiffel Tower, this tank is just as monumental around here. Seriously, name another 206 page thread that consisted all most entirely of praise?


Everyone has taken notes. I've seen shallow cubes with island rock scapes cropping up faster than any other build style. Hell, I had one running for 6 months before a move. Rehype's the guy that made people take pause in regard to LED, if only for a moment. Seahorse in a dedicated reef for how long now? 2 years? A wider variety of exotic fish in one nano than I see carried in some LFS? Coral that blows everyones mind, including the few and proud jaded vet's? That's a list of accomplishments that deserves a medal, imo.


If you're serious, I'd be willing to rehome some stuff you'll wish you had again later. No charge, even! :P

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Oh God, if you break it down before I get to see it I'm going to need therapy.



I think youll be able to see it before i break it down.


Sorry to see you break it down. I enjoyed watching your thread.


Thanks alot for following amjez


Id like to see a picture of the stand and tank with the front doors open and with an outside light source so we can see everything. I dont think a picture like that that has ever been posted. Maybe a cell phone pic from about 10 feet away with the lights on in the room.


Ill take one before it goes down.


Sorry to hear about breaking down the tank, but it's completely understandable. If you're planning on putting your livestock up for sale on this forum, I'd definitely be interested.


Most of the livestock will probably go to local reefers first just so to ensure they're overall health/safety but if anything is left over ill definitely put it up for sale in the classifieds.


......................... stop seriously thinking about this nonsense


Ive been going back and forth with it for a few months. I might think it about it a bit more but im definitely leaning towards taking it down.



I third this notion. You've created an all time great tank. Anyway. I hope you come back to the hobby soon. (48X48X18... Just a suggestion).


Thanks man...nice maybe when i move.


Nah, he's bluffing. I wouldn't tear down Mt.Rushmore or the Eiffel Tower, this tank is just as monumental around here. Seriously, name another 206 page thread that consisted all most entirely of praise?


Everyone has taken notes. I've seen shallow cubes with island rock scapes cropping up faster than any other build style. Hell, I had one running for 6 months before a move. Rehype's the guy that made people take pause in regard to LED, if only for a moment. Seahorse in a dedicated reef for how long now? 2 years? A wider variety of exotic fish in one nano than I see carried in some LFS? Coral that blows everyones mind, including the few and proud jaded vet's? That's a list of accomplishments that deserves a medal, imo.


If you're serious, I'd be willing to rehome some stuff you'll wish you had again later. No charge, even! :P



Thanks psy. Id like to think that this build helped inspire the surge of shallow cubes that are so prevalent on the site now as well as taking a more minimalist/calculated approach to aquascaping as i think that what will help take our niche part of the hobby to the next level.



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No kidding. I think you have more than accomplished what you set out to do. Sad for all of us not to get almost daily inspiration from you and your tank. All the best in whatever you decide to do!


Hopefully, you won't stay away from this hobby too long!!!

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Sorry to hear that. IMO Stop when your tank still in the perfect condition and remember it would be better than wait until your tank drop down infront of you by lack of care.


Thanks this tank for being my inspriration to change my old tank to the new one :bowdown:

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Man I imagine that post took some typing. You've accomplished a lot and have a lot to show for it. Not a bad idea at all to bow out on a high.


One thing, I am sure your wallet will appreciate the break =0)

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Honestly though, I really hope you don't take this down as it is so very nice. However, if you must, then I'm sure we'll all understand.


I am still new to this hobby but I can already see how this could get to be a bit much after a while. I could only imagine how it would be to get something as nice as yours up and going for a long time.


Whatever you decide, I hope you stick around.

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I would be very sorry to see your tank being torn down!

It's without a doubt my favorite of all the tanks I've seen on the internet. :bowdown:


However, I must ask you to do two things for the N-R community before calling it quits. :)

1: Do one or two in-depth videos on your tank. I'd love to see both an artsy 10 minute video on the tank and it's inhabitants and one video about your system. It would give half the site a spontaneous nerdgasm, I'm sure. :naughtydance:

2: Give us all of your photos in real size, hi-res, hi-def quality so that we may gaze upon your awesome work and get inspiration for years to come. :rolleyes:

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Rehype, I can understand needing to take a break, these SPS tanks can be a lot of work and worry. I know you are a serious reefer who needs to continually progress, not doing so quickly leads to boredom. One thing to consider is moving beyond the 2 year stage of a tank, keeping a SPS tank relatively untouched for several years. Not sure if you have done this or not in the past, you probably have (see this tank is 2+ years old already), but I consider this a true reefers test. Keeping a SPS tank stable and flourishing consistently for 4+ years. Really letting it grow out. Yes boring, but a true test of patience and skill of any reefer. So I challenge you to keep this tank going, as is, for another 2 years at least. There are quite a few large reef tanks out there that have been running this long but not many nanos, likely due to their specific challenges. Just saying, your next big challenge does not have to be a new build, just let this one go forward as is, and see what nature and a little help from you can do in time.

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Nano sapiens
In other news ive been seriously thinking about breaking this tank down...


Really? I think that many would really enjoy seeing this outstanding tank stick around for a while still, but it is understandable if you don't have the time to really enjoy it.

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In other news ive been seriously thinking about breaking this tank down ive just been really busy lately and dont have much time to even look at this tank(all i keep up with is maintenance) Im also kind of bored with it at this point as ive pretty much accomplished everything ive set out to do with this build. There was a heck of alot of setbacks with this tank but for the most part it came out ok. So im thinking i might break it down and just give the hobby a rest for a bit...Ive been going nonstop for the last 4 years. It will give me some time to come up with some new ideas..


WTF man!

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I'm really sorry to hear that you're breaking down this tank and I wish that you won't have to...But if it's really unavoidable, I wish you all the best in whatever endeavor you wish to pursue outside of this hobby.


Thank you for inspiring us all with this remarkable build ;)-_-

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Hype - Keep it up! I know the feeling and I have a ton going on as well. I think the coolest thing is to do the easy stuff and let it go. Dont post or anything for 6-8 and come back and show an update. I'm at a water change every 3-4 weeks and not really doing much of anything besides feeding.


Hope this helps sway you! ;)



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Buddy, this like going to your own funeral and hearing what people say about you. Haha. Relax people he's "thinking" about it. He's not dead yet. +1 for Dave's idea. Low maint and let it grow.

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Don't be like me, Hype... all it does is make you spend more money...


Hahaha no seriously though, if you do decide to tear down, you're next build will be even better. I progressively get better and better at desigining and setting up systems each time I do it.

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Sad, but never forgotten. Wish you the best of luck and choices that you make.


I applause you for all these couple years in reefing and a very big inspiration to everyone.



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In other news ive been seriously thinking about breaking this tank down ive just been really busy lately and dont have much time to even look at this tank(all i keep up with is maintenance) Im also kind of bored with it at this point as ive pretty much accomplished everything ive set out to do with this build. There was a heck of alot of setbacks with this tank but for the most part it came out ok. So im thinking i might break it down and just give the hobby a rest for a bit...Ive been going nonstop for the last 4 years. It will give me some time to come up with some new ideas..

nononononononono :tears:


Edit: Yeah, me and many others would be dissapointed but I'm sure the next build will be even better. I mean comeon, you are Rehype. You create sick tanks :D

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Well he did leave us with 200+ pages of knowledge. There's lots to learn from this thread and now it's time for more of us nanoreefers to up the bar! Lesson learned: pricey equipment makes things better, as seen on this tank. :)

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wow, i would never have guessed you of all people would be tired of your tank, especially since you've done such a good job with it.


i do know how you feel though. i honestly would have torn my tank down a while ago to if it wasn't for the fact that tearing it down seems like way more work than just doing the upkeep. i hate the idea of moving everything and trying to find people to take stuff and all that mess. it's kind of an albatross around my neck at this point.

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Why not just go on a diferent direction with the tank? Like maybe a softy and macro tank, or lps. you can make it very low maintinence. even doing a new rockscape would keep it going.

i hope you dont take it down. :(

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What this tank needs is some super high end cherry rare corals now. It's a whole new game of collection.

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