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Coral Vue Hydros

Sarah's 10gal "Rimless"


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Get a 29


Pretty sure I just got one


I've upgraded twice now without ever having moved anything from my tank. Weird. I also can't find my putty to stick my rocks together... Roomie said she thought she put it on my bed while I was gone... but it is no where in sight. Uggghhh. Will try to take a picture tonight if I remember... It looks a lot better without the hair algae, although the cyano is still being stubborn. Going to start doing tiny water changes every couple of days to see if it helps, and so as not to kill my shrimp. That is IF I can remember to get more ro/di water... Also, it's snowing like a mo-fo right now... I'm hoping school gets canceled tomorrow and I can stay home and play!

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Just had a 2 hr delay, no cancellation... just messed up my entire schedule <_<


Changed some water last night, and repositioned the Koralia to blow more across the front than it already did. My salinity was *perfect*, and the phosphate and ammonia were 0. Went to test the nitrate this morning, and the cap for my test tube is missing... ugh. Think the roommate knocked it down the sink. Arrr. Took a bunch of pictures too, then failed to bring my camera. Shrimp made it through the water addition just fine! Hurray! Bought 3 new rics of KY-reef, because I can't say no to rics... I think I have a problem. I also decided to just start paying Ryan to make me some ro/di water, rather than buying from the filtering machine... That might cut down on the crazy cyano problem.

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the filtering machine? like a re-fill station for 1gal jugs of drinking water found in places like grocery stores? if so that water is not as good as it clames to be. even if it tests clean if the tds is more than 5 it can have stuff that feeds algae. so good idea getting it from a friend. nice tank btw :)

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the filtering machine? like a re-fill station for 1gal jugs of drinking water found in places like grocery stores? if so that water is not as good as it clames to be. even if it tests clean if the tds is more than 5 it can have stuff that feeds algae. so good idea getting it from a friend. nice tank btw :)


Yeah, kinda knew that, but it saved me driving like 45 mins to his house to pick up water... I think it'll be worth it though at this point. And thanks. I can't wait until the algae is gone, and I'm actually super-excited about up-sizing in the near future!

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Just buy a damn mightymite like he and I both did!


Totally have to buy all the crap for an overflow/sump first!! Patience, tadpole! Besides, it'll make Ryan a good $5/week in the meantime ;-) He'll be rollin.

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Speaking of sump, my 10 gallon one will probably be included. It looks like ass but it is functional. Hell I am thinking I may just work something out with you for everything, stand included.

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Speaking of sump, my 10 gallon one will probably be included. It looks like ass but it is functional. Hell I am thinking I may just work something out with you for everything, stand included.


You're hilarious. Kind of like a used-car salesman, but for fish gear.

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well he's got to thin out the pile some how. everyone knows that as soon as fish junk drys out it starts to multiply. If you are doing the 29 its a great up grade, so I have go with coastie on that one. I must ask about the planed overflow though. Think I missed it, type, size, single drain or duel drain, so on. sorry its just that system design is the fun part. the cyano is most likely from a build up of nutrients in the top couple mm of the sand bed. like the 5-7 mm range. next time the tank is full of bubbles watch how fast the water is flowing across it. ideally should be in the 7-10cm per second range, but it can still drop to around 5 & be ok. but this should give you a better Idea of how much is building up there. if its low try swirlling the water just above the sand to help stir this are up with out disturbing the bed to much. Easiest fixes will be a combo of running dark for 2-3 days, something like mb7 or other heterotrophic bacterial booster, & a water change right before coming back from the dark cycle. running a dark cycle now & then is actually a pretty healthy thing for the tank to go through. allows for the heterotrophic bacteria to out compete some of the autotrophic ones like cyano. then yeah big skimmer 7 vodka can help to.

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well he's got to thin out the pile some how. everyone knows that as soon as fish junk drys out it starts to multiply. If you are doing the 29 its a great up grade, so I have go with coastie on that one. I must ask about the planed overflow though. Think I missed it, type, size, single drain or duel drain, so on. sorry its just that system design is the fun part. the cyano is most likely from a build up of nutrients in the top couple mm of the sand bed. like the 5-7 mm range. next time the tank is full of bubbles watch how fast the water is flowing across it. ideally should be in the 7-10cm per second range, but it can still drop to around 5 & be ok. but this should give you a better Idea of how much is building up there. if its low try swirlling the water just above the sand to help stir this are up with out disturbing the bed to much. Easiest fixes will be a combo of running dark for 2-3 days, something like mb7 or other heterotrophic bacterial booster, & a water change right before coming back from the dark cycle. running a dark cycle now & then is actually a pretty healthy thing for the tank to go through. allows for the heterotrophic bacteria to out compete some of the autotrophic ones like cyano. then yeah big skimmer 7 vodka can help to.


Def gonna do the 29 (why not!? Extra 4 gals!) Hilariously enough, you can tell I'm a girl by the fact that I really don't care about the plumbing *in the slightest*. I want to say Ryan told me to buy thisoverflow kit and assorted return lines, and it'll probably have a 10gal sump. Other than that, I haven't really planned anything. I'd love a skimmer, fo sho. Maybe I'll get lucky and coastie will buy one, then buy a bigger one, and I can buy his ;-)


Wouldn't running it dark seriously piss off everything else I have in the tank? I'm sure it's a combo of flow/lighting/and r/o water that's doing it. Or the fact that it seems like a cyano cycle is as inevitable as death and taxes.

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On a completely unrelated note, does anyone know why my second feather duster never seems to come out all the way? Like, never. Since I bought him. Like a month ago. I thought for sure he was just dead, but every once in a while I see him peek out just a little. I try to feed him when he does that, but I'm pretty sure he feels me *moving across the room* and hides. Wtf man. I'll post a pic when I get home that shows pretty much the max he ever really extends himself. I moved him right next to the other one, thinking that whatever made the first one happy certainly will make the second one happy, right? Nada. Not quite sure what to do about him, besides wait and watch.

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lol you would think that turning the lights off for a little while would be a lott bigger deal than it turns out to be. the only issue turns out to be feeding the fish. a couple days not a big deal but much more & you need to turn on the room lights to get them to come out for a while. with out freaking out. but then again everything in my tank likes to bounce of the lid for giggles.


the over flow is a decent setup & probably the best you can do with out making the guys do a bunch of diy for you. but if you can talk coastie into explaining a dual drain & building it for you. AJ just put one on his 40. so you can still find the pics.


skimmers are so good even if you don't have one yet build the sump around the idea of fitting one. normally a 12X12 chamber will work in a ten.

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Doing a 2-3 day black out will definitely cut down on the cyano or even eliminate it entirely. I can speak from personal experience on this.


Your corals and fish were ok? What about the moonlights? I'm quite partial to those at night (it means I almost never have to turn the light on in my room!)

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lol you would think that turning the lights off for a little while would be a lott bigger deal than it turns out to be. the only issue turns out to be feeding the fish. a couple days not a big deal but much more & you need to turn on the room lights to get them to come out for a while. with out freaking out. but then again everything in my tank likes to bounce of the lid for giggles.


the over flow is a decent setup & probably the best you can do with out making the guys do a bunch of diy for you. but if you can talk coastie into explaining a dual drain & building it for you. AJ just put one on his 40. so you can still find the pics.


skimmers are so good even if you don't have one yet build the sump around the idea of fitting one. normally a 12X12 chamber will work in a ten.



Yeah, my fish are pretty good about assuming I'm going to feed them as soon as I walk by, regardless of time of day or lighting. Shrimpy eats out of my hand ^_^


I would rather not them do a bunch of DYI because then they'll just rub it in my face forever -_- And I really don't care if I have the biggest or baddest system, I just want somewhere I can hide my heater, top off, and put a skimmer :-)

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The tank is already drilled for a 1-1/2" drain and 3/4" return. I used the 700 gph glass-holes kit, probably overkill but I have loved every second of it. It's pretty quiet, The nano kit wouldn't work because of the 1" bulkhead.

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The tank is already drilled for a 1-1/2" drain and 3/4" return. I used the 700 gph glass-holes kit. I have loved every second of it. The nano kit wouldn't work because of the 1" bulkhead.



Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well Ryan told me to buy the one I linked, but that was when we were gonna drill the 25. Forgot the 29 was already drilled actually. Wooo won't have to buy a holesaw!


Another unrelated note: CUTEST ####ING HOUSE EVER. I need to stop buying crap so I can buy this house. And play the lotto more.


Omg, Nano-reef just censored me! HILARIOUS.

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well Ryan told me to buy the one I linked, but that was when we were gonna drill the 25. Forgot the 29 was already drilled actually. Wooo won't have to buy a holesaw!


Was about to ##### about this until I saw that you included me saying it was for the 25. God it has been one of those days.

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reason I brought up the dual drain is noise. the Glass Holes are pretty good but herbie's are dead silent. I can understand not wanting to go that way & just having it be simple can be nice.

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omgomgomg thats less than a decent condo like 600 ft condo out here. wow.



And just so you know, Berea was voted the #1 place to be when the Mayan Apocalypse happens!! I'm pretty stoked. Got my powerball ticket tonight!!! Come on, baby! Momma needs a new house!


Was about to ##### about this until I saw that you included me saying it was for the 25. God it has been one of those days.


Lol, awww Ryan. You need a hug.

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That house is wayyyy better than the one I bought and only $10K more! Though mine is in South Carolina haha.


Have fun with THAT commute :-/


I think it's the most awesome house EVER. I'm seriously sitting on a powerball ticket right now in hopes I hit a mini-jackpot and could have a down payment. That's exactly the kind of house I want, exactly where I want it. I obviously need to work on that sugar daddy thing. I'm not quite sure how that works, but it sounds like a plan.



In other news:






For proper citing, this image comes from this person's tank thread, which I am currently reading. Apparently, it's an alveopora, whatever that means. I guess I have some researching to do! Really, I should be reading the 70 pages of "Faust" I'm supposed to have read by Tuesday, but I'm totally not in the mood.


Feather duster peeked out again this morning, but never fully extends. I don't know what his deal is.


Ryan and I are picking up some new rics tomorrow that we each bought. Pretty excited. Loves me some rics. Also put in a group order with reefcleaners for some new snails, hopefully they'll overwhelm the algae that will not GTFO. We're on 48-72 hr blackout right now to try to help that out. Was told to throw a sheet over everything to block out as much light as possible, so I'll do that when I get home.


Longest. Week. Ever. I'm off Monday, and I'm soooo friggin excited about it.

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