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Sarah's 10gal "Rimless"


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Well, I have arrived back home, mostly in one piece. Holidays were definitely rough, but I'm glad I got to spend them with family, as my family is pretty much the best ever. Weeks were full of death, birth, even ghosts and psychics (no joke, my family is crazy-awesome.) Glad to be home though.


Didn't have a whole lot of time to look at the tank this morning, as I got back from the trip at 6am and needed to be at work my 8:30 (I definitely need to leave the trip planning to someone else... I suck at it.) All I can say is...




Oh noes. Deeeeeeeeeeefinitely needs some deep cleaning and scrubbing (although, thanks to Ryan, no water changes!) Cyano everywhere, but few fatalities. Porcelain crab is definitely dead, as Ryan found bits of him. Purple feather duster seems to have spent the whole time laying on the sand behind the rocks, but, after I put him back last night, seems to be alive and starting to come back out. That one is really shy for some reason. Both the fish are alive and kickin. Everything else seems to have hung on just fine too.


Now just some clean up, and then I'll probably start working on the new tank! I think I'm moving my bed down to the basement (it's super-creepy down there, but I miss the cats too much, and I want more room!) so I'll set it up on the huge dresser I have down there. Then, I don't have to buy a stand, and can spend my money on plumbing parts! Hurray!


I like the rockwork. I can see branching SPS all over the place. B)


We're gonna need a bigger light...



porcelain crabs are fantastic additions. are there plains for more along the same lines & if so do you have a strategy for cultivating the needed phyto & zoo plankton in the tank or will be supplementing them to meet the tanks needs.


Poor crab didn't make it, but I do feed the feather dusters. I'll definitely get another crab (I didn't even get to enjoy this one!), but probably not until I move tanks. No sense in stressing the poor thing twice.


Pics when I get home, pinky swear. If I don't pass out in a ditch somewhere. I'm totally not made for less than 2 hours of sleep. Hell, I'm hardly made for less than 12.

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Well the 25 is still sitting at Ryans... Though as far as the light is concerned you'd have to use the PC one until I get back since Ryan is using my new one and I am still using the old one.




Andddd as far as SPS you should be fine upon moving to the 25 since you'll be getting the MH light!

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Well the 25 is still sitting at Ryans... Though as far as the light is concerned you'd have to use the PC one until I get back since Ryan is using my new one and I am still using the old one.




Andddd as far as SPS you should be fine upon moving to the 25 since you'll be getting the MH light!


Well, Ryan just needs to get his own darn light!!


I'll probably order the overflow on my next paycheck, which is apparently TODAY! HURRAY! Then we can drill, and I'll start setting things up downstairs.


I'll definitely wait a while on the SPS until all this algae crap is gone. No sense in smothering them! But first, I'll need to do things like, order more rock, and move everything!

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New pictures.


Sadly, these make it actually look better :(


FTS, with new and improved CYANO :angry:




Rics are spreading at least!




G. Milosevic, lookin pretty darn cute!








And, the mystery shot.




My xenia totally moved to a different rock. For real. I didn't do this, and Lindsay certainly wouldn't know what to do to move a coral. Here's an old shot for comparison.





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Your xenia just wanted a little more light most likely. They'll do that. It probably took a few days but since you've been gone you just saw magic!

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I prefer to think it's sorcery.



Also, bought some more stuff tonight, even though I PROMISED myself I wouldn't. *sigh*


So, mamma got a new porcelain crab (hurray!), a chunk of green palys/buttons/wtf you want to call them, and a skunk cleaner, who has been acclimating for EONS because I'm terrified to kill a TWENTY DOLLAR SHRIMP. :blink:


Wish me luck.


Camera just died, but I'll put it on to charge tonight!

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Also, I think I have a new best friend.




Meet Flower, the skunk shrimp. Possibly my favorite thing on the planet at the moment.


He's just the cutest little thing, so photogenic and pleased to see me whenever I walk in!








Really, can't get enough of him. Definitely the best $20 I've spent.


In other news! Here are some more pictures!




New crab, also named Qwab (hopefully someone else out there has a Natalie Dee problem too.)




Harold being Harold.




Gobiodon M. out and about.




And in his favorite spot.





New green palys/buttons/etc





More happy things




This is a pretty good shot of the crevasse that the xenia crossed. Brave little thing.




And a fts with almost everything in it!!! Just missing Qwab!




Bought some chemipure elite while we were at Greentree, and pointed the Koralia towards the front, so hopefully the algae will start kickin it... I guess we'll see!!

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Looks good.


Thanks! Minus the algae, I'm pretty durn pleased. Excited to move into more space! I love this rock work though, so I'm thinking about gluing it all together into one big piece. It would give me a lot more room to clean around, for sure.

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Looking great! Hopefully I get to avoid the cyano issue you had when I get back! Also I was just about to say that maybe your issue with the cyano is from the light. TBH I am not sure how long those bulbs have been in that fixture for certain. I was told 2 months when I bought it which would put them right at 4 months total butttttt that was just what I was told by the original owner. Moot point as the light is soon to be swapped out ;)

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Cyano has come in 3 of the last 4 tanks I've set up. I honestly believe that it hasnt showed it's ugly face in the 75 yet because it's only been set up for 3 weeks.


Regardless, get a skimmer and dose a ##### with Vodka.

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Cyano has come in 3 of the last 4 tanks I've set up. I honestly believe that it hasnt showed it's ugly face in the 75 yet because it's only been set up for 3 weeks.


Regardless, get a skimmer and dose a ##### with Vodka.



Sooooon, sooooooon.



Like, after I finally order a damn overflow and ya'll come over and we drill this ####. I should probably clean the basement first :-/ Ahhh! You boys can help me move my bed down there too! Hurray!


Aaron, I'm pretty damn excited about a new light too, not gonna lie. Your tank looked great, DO'NT BE SURPRISED IF YOUR RIC GOES MISSING THOUGH, IT WAS LOOKING TERRIBLE. Oh, and the brain too.

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What light are you getting?


You know, I didn't even think to ask specifically what it is... It's whatever Aaron has now. I have become a dumping ground for the things he outgrows :-)


I have an 8am class, and I went to bed at almost 4. This cannot be good.

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Just a heads up with your cleaner shrimp: try leaving a powerhead on during water changes. I lost two after water changes and I am really careful about matching salinity, pH, and temp. I think it was due to a 'pocket' of fresh water forming and it shocked them. If you use a pump to keep things flowing you shouldn't have any issues whatsoever. I really like the scape in this tank and agree that you should migrate it over to a larger tank, if that's the move you're referring to.

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What light are you getting?


It's the 17" Odyssea MH/T5 pendant. In fact Matt you may be able to check it out to see if you'd be interested in one for your new setup.

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Just a heads up with your cleaner shrimp: try leaving a powerhead on during water changes. I lost two after water changes and I am really careful about matching salinity, pH, and temp. I think it was due to a 'pocket' of fresh water forming and it shocked them. If you use a pump to keep things flowing you shouldn't have any issues whatsoever. I really like the scape in this tank and agree that you should migrate it over to a larger tank, if that's the move you're referring to.


Oooo, good to know. It's definitely time for a top-off too, any suggestions for that? I'm pretty sure I would cry like a sissy if I killed him. He's definitely my favorite thing in there right now. Glad you like the scape! I like the shape, and I know my damsel would be so sad if I ruined the cave he has going in the rock on the right side.


It's the 17" Odyssea MH/T5 pendant. In fact Matt you may be able to check it out to see if you'd be interested in one for your new setup.


Good to know.

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Yeah, I scrubbed the crap out of it yesterday, but didn't take any pictures. It came off surprisingly easily, so hopefully it's starting to die off. I'm also ordering a crap ton of snails soon, so that should help.

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It's definitely time for a top-off too, any suggestions for that?




If that's absolutely not an option, try and top off more than once a day. You're not really going to hurt him with just top offs because you're not adding more than a few cups at a time (I hope).

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