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MedRed's 60 Gal Solana XL: The End of an Era


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Very nice setup you got there medred, looking forward to the insane future progress of this tank. Good luck on those sps from overdose. :D

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BSJ is just fine with no signs of physical damage. I unfortunately overdosed on two part and caused an alk swing. All of my SPS are browned out :-(. I wonder how long they will take to color back up?



Were you manually dosing or auto?

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Any STN?


It will take a few weeks, unfortunately.


I'd honestly start conservatively with the dosing and move up. I actually had some problems when I first starting daily dosing as well.


I'm glad everything else is fine though!!

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Very nice setup you got there medred, looking forward to the insane future progress of this tank. Good luck on those sps from overdose. :D


Thanks 1$R!


Were you manually dosing or auto?


manually. I was a little overzealous it seems.


Any STN?


It will take a few weeks, unfortunately.


I'd honestly start conservatively with the dosing and move up. I actually had some problems when I first starting daily dosing as well.


I'm glad everything else is fine though!!


I have no tissue loss at all so far, just browning. I'm going to not dose for a little while and just change 20 gallons of water a week for the next month. My Bubble Magus dose just came in on Friday, so I'll set it up after that.

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That sucks med. but just give it time they'l come back. It will take at least a few weeks but the most important thing is just to keep everything stable in the meantime.

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Sorry to hear about the brown out... A lot of mine did that when I moved my tank but some are starting to get their color back now. Your tank still looks amazing though!

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Thanks for the reassurance Schrieba and Hype. I'll just wait it out. Once my color comes back, I'm hooking up the bubble magus doser!

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  • 3 weeks later...

No pics updates, learning how to use my camera. I'm thinking about switching out my tanaka if i can catch it for something a little more colorful.


I've been noticing my gonoiporas haven't been opening up all the way. The last time this happened, it was due to the temperature being too low. I checked the temp and found out my tank was just over 75 degrees! apparently the location of the tank and the frequency of the air conditioner cycling on was driving down the temp in the tank. I've had to set the thermostat to 78 degrees while i'm gone for the day. Maybe Metal Halides wouldn't have been a bad choice for this tank!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this has been asked, but does that SWC cone 160 fit in the stock sump? Thanks. BTW, beautiful tank. It's my dream tank and something I hope on getting one day. There is a lot to learn first though.

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Thanks CJhiasson. It does, but I removed the filter sock partition and added a minimalistic filter sock holder from BRS for more room.

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ha ha. My female clown finally starting hosting something! She's taken to the one of Alvepora. I was hoping they'd host the torch. The Alvepora don't extend as far it used to now that she's hugging up to it, and it also closes up for the night. The torch closes briefly every night, but opens back up. That'd be a much better choice. I'd love to take pics, but my tank is soooooooo ugly right now. The SPS are JUST starting to show some color, but they are still mostly brown. I have a bryopsis issue that I inherited from the LFS. Before I go the Kent magnesium route, I wanted to try out some lettuce sea slugs. I just added 4 yesterday, and they are already going to work on the bryopsis.

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Uhm, does dipping coral kill bryopsis and nuisance algae?


apparently not. I didn't even notice it, and I even remove the frag plugs. All of the places where it started were the bases of SPS pieces. I went back to the LFS and noticed that the SPS tank had a huge outbreak of bryopsis. It's such a pain. I know from my last tank that the Kent mg treatment works. I want to try the lettuce nudibranchs to see if they can control it without fooling around with mg dosing. They don't move very fast, but they do enjoy munching on the bryopsis. I'm expecting the tank to be clear by next weekend.



I'm super pleased with the tuxedo urchins. They completely annihilated my red turf algae. If I can find a natural solution that adds diversity to the tank, I'm all for it!

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apparently not. I didn't even notice it, and I even remove the frag plugs. All of the places where it started were the bases of SPS pieces. I went back to the LFS and noticed that the SPS tank had a huge outbreak of bryopsis. It's such a pain. I know from my last tank that the Kent mg treatment works. I want to try the lettuce nudibranchs to see if they can control it without fooling around with mg dosing. They don't move very fast, but they do enjoy munching on the bryopsis. I'm expecting the tank to be clear by next weekend.



I'm super pleased with the tuxedo urchins. They completely annihilated my red turf algae. If I can find a natural solution that adds diversity to the tank, I'm all for it!

Ya, tuxs took care of my ref turf with ease. I did not like dosing with Mg though as it apparently killed all my stomatellas. I am curious to see if you get any lettuce nudis and how they do.

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Wow med the tank is looking amazing. I haven't checked in for a while. This is exactly what I wanted to see. The grow out is awesome. Like others have said I can't wait to see it in another 6 months. This is great inspiration for me to get my larger tank up and running. Good luck with the algae.

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Ya, tuxs took care of my ref turf with ease. I did not like dosing with Mg though as it apparently killed all my stomatellas. I am curious to see if you get any lettuce nudis and how they do.

I picked up 4 lettuce nudis from Live Aquaria. They shipped from CA so they arrived quickly. They I can see the areas where they have munched down on the bryopsis. we'll see if they can keep up.


Wow med the tank is looking amazing. I haven't checked in for a while. This is exactly what I wanted to see. The grow out is awesome. Like others have said I can't wait to see it in another 6 months. This is great inspiration for me to get my larger tank up and running. Good luck with the algae.


Thank you!

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Fantastic tank! I just browsed through your thread, it's coming along so nicely!! I just started my first nano, and SW for that matter, so I enjoy seeing all the different builds. Great work!

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Fantastic tank! I just browsed through your thread, it's coming along so nicely!! I just started my first nano, and SW for that matter, so I enjoy seeing all the different builds. Great work!


Thank you Paigee! Good luck with your build!

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tank is looking good, would love to see some pics of the new nudi's, do they only eat algae or could some corals be at risk if they cant find other food?

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tank is looking good, would love to see some pics of the new nudi's, do they only eat algae or could some corals be at risk if they cant find other food?


Thanks! I'm going to be out of town for a few days. I'll take some when I get back. They aren't really nudibranchs... they are just sea slugs. They also only eat algae. Some accounts say they only eat bryopsis.

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Looking good med, good luck with the coloring up! I"ve found that my sps colors up quickly with the brightwell coral amino's. Seriously in days instead of weeks.

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