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Yoshii's 10g Macro & Gorgonian Tank - 5 Years Young (Retired)


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Ahh why not B)


In all seriousness I think you could do it. Everyone is getting along and there are no cramping or aggression issues correct? If everyone is one happy family than go for it. +1 to what Bitts. I'm currently writing about the benefits macros have on a bioload.

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Sometimes my blenny and clown will lock jaws, but it's only for a second and there is no damage done.


But befor I get any more fish I need:


-a reactor


-and money to buy them :P

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nice macros. we should do a trade sometime. i live in the northbay lol ill give u some frags for macros. im tryin to get a diversity in my refugium. have u been to green marine in berkely?

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nice macros. we should do a trade sometime. i live in the northbay lol ill give u some frags for macros. im tryin to get a diversity in my refugium. have u been to green marine in berkely?

Thanks :) That would be cool, although I can't drive xD

Ahh, no, I haven't, I heard they have all aquacultured livestock? Although I might be thinking of another store



Anyways, sorry guys, this week was finals week, so of course I was pretty busy and wasn't able to get pics of the new sponge. But I did notice the pods. They're EVERYWHERE! Doesn't matter if the lights are on or not, they're still crawling around, and it turns out, eating my macros! :angry:

Earlier this week I noticed a little white dead patch on my mermaid's fan. I thought it was weird when there were about 5 pods crawling around the area, so I kept watch to see what would happen.

Today I checked on the spot again and it had gotten bigger, so I watched for a while and sure enough, the pods were eating it :rant: Then, I checked to see if anything else was being eaten, and the only other macro that they've also been munching on(at least that I can see) is the unidentified green "Hawaiian macro"



Here you can see where they've eaten




Here's some munching on NLS pellets


Other than that, I noticed more cool little critters on the [dirty] glass :)


Pods & flatworms




Idk what these are


Idk what this is either


I found these neat worms on the glass too, it's cool cause you can see them eat algae with those like black "jaws" I almost took a vid to show you guys, but I always have issues with uploading vids to pb




See the jaws? It's pretty cool to watch them for a while :)




Oh, also, I still haven't put more sand in cause it's still drying. Taking forever! <_<

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Yup, it's 100% aquacultured fish and corals. Theyre closing soon so i guess theres really good deals goin on. hahah

Cool :)

Aww they are? That's sad, many LFS are closing :( I would love to go but I don't think my parents would drive me all the way there just for a fish store xD












I wonder what that is :ninja:

Edited by yoshii
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A Mandarin?

Nope, it's a tang :P


Haha yeah, I'm going to try to train him onto frozen, meanwhile, he can munch on the pods in the tank and I also dumped in some Tigger Pods for him


If I try hard to train him, and he just won't eat, then I'll take him back to my LFS

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I'm uploading some pics now, but he's in one of those floating "breeder" um things and it's blurry so I can't get good pics :/


Also, he's eating frozen! Kinda. He'll eat frozen hikari mysis(it's smaller than PE mysis) but then he'll spit it back out. He's been doing this for a while now xD Maybe he's picky :lol:

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Thanks, I love green & blue mandarins :wub: I think he's a green mandarin


Oh, I have a makeshift cover over the tank right now, until I can get some window clips & some clear screen to make a more legit cover :P

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