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Cultivated Reef

20xL mixed rimless - SELLING?


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Woot! Woot! New Tank. Nice birthday gift.


What ever fish you go with just make sure that there is non stop movement.


good luck


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Haha you guys are crazy



Woot! Woot! New Tank. Nice birthday gift.


What ever fish you go with just make sure that there is non stop movement.


good luck


Without a doubt it will be active...I'm working from the house this summer and it's going in the office! So pumped!


I got everything last night and it was one hell of a deal. Apparently a guy worked at Coralife up in PA and moved down here with all this stuff. He had a 125 Super Skimmer and a brand new spare (still in the box)....18W UV Sterilizer + one BNIB.....2x65W PC 50/50 strip light BNIB....used 1/4HP chiller, MJ1200, nice 700gph external return pump, plus the oceanic reef ready overflow and oceanic stand. I had to drive almost two hours each way to get it but I only paid $300 for everything...hoping I can sell some of the extra hardware and the chiller and cover the cost of the tank and supplies I can actually use. It barely fit in my jeep and I had to drive like 5" from the wheel on the drive home. Back hurts this morning....BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT NEW TANK!


Cleaning it all up tonight and hopefully putting some stuff up for sale. This tank won't be setup until the middle of May after my buddy moves to Richmond for work. I should be up there at some point tundra maybe I can bring up a frag or something.





Nice b-day gift... I like the livestock choices.


Thanks latte! I think it will be an exciting tank to watch with some diversity. I'm considering a M-F couple of dwarf zebra lions as well...but I'll have to see if I can find some eating first.



ALSO: Wish I had my tank setup these would be on the way

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Where did you find the tank for sale? I have looked for a used setup myself and it looks like you knocked it out the park for $300, especially with a chiller that could cool that thing. what kind of lighting are you going with. I think I remember FOWLR being in the plans but are you going to maybe go reef if you don't get the puffers?


That sounds cool if you make it up man. Iv'e got a Pocillopora and a Acro. Verde frag I could put up!

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Where did you find the tank for sale? I have looked for a used setup myself and it looks like you knocked it out the park for $300, especially with a chiller that could cool that thing. what kind of lighting are you going with. I think I remember FOWLR being in the plans but are you going to maybe go reef if you don't get the puffers?


That sounds cool if you make it up man. Iv'e got a Pocillopora and a Acro. Verde frag I could put up!


Craigstlist. It was a TERRIBLE listing. Guy had a dark picture and almost no information so I emailed him and got some good pictures. Saw the oceanic sticker and the chiller and realized it was a steal of a deal.


The skimmer being used was actually a 220g rated super skimmer...so even better. It's not exactly a great skimmer but it will definitely work. The chiller is so sweet but I don't have a need for it so I'm selling it off. It came with a brand new coralife fixture. Two 65w 50/50 bulbs. Came with a 750gph 20' max head pump too. I literally only need a few more things to make this thing happen. I'm hoping to sell or trade the stuff I don't need.


The tank also has the nice nice oceanic glass tops....so many little surprises when I went to pick it up.




After an hours of cleaning:



Big skimmer and return:



Brand new light:



Brand spanking new UV sterilizer...there's one just like it already installed in the stand with a pump to run it and everything...this was the guy's "spare":



The reef is doing well...though I've got some serious algae going on that I think is from overfeeding the other day. I also have missed vodka drops the last few days. Essentially losing more and more corals from overgrowth and battles...I'm tempted to just let this system mature as it is until the only things surviving in the end are the most aggressive. The fish are all doing fantastic...which has become my main enjoyment of the tank aside from the inverts. The clam is doing great still as well...I'd lose it if anything happened to that.

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Looks great man! Congrats on the new tank. I definitely want one of those ORA naked clowns now... Just gotta figure out where to get one.

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looks like a very nice find - hope it works out for you!


Thanks Tim...hopefully things start coming together!



Looks great man! Congrats on the new tank. I definitely want one of those ORA naked clowns now... Just gotta figure out where to get one.



Thanks Coastie. Those naked clowns are pretty sweet...but my girlfriend is insisting on the black occellaris for this tank so I'll probably get those for her.


I sold the chiller and the sterilizer...once I get another $80 for the skimmer I'll be completely even (including gas and everything) for getting this entire setup. Yes, you read that correctly :D


Everything you see above is now mine for the entirely cool price of free dollars....so MP40? :)


I'm planning on some big water changes this week for the reef. I'm having some algae growth and I think there could potentially be something up since that birdsnest died on me. I'm considering doing my usual method 4 gallons in a bucket...add a gallon then drain a gallon...4x. It keeps the animals and inverts from experiences too much shock and I'm terrified of losing anything else.


I want to do this 4 days in a row...I feel like that would be about the same as doing one 50% change without the shock of it all.


But for real...how awesome would the MP40 be?

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It'd be awesome, and why not get a black occ and then an orange clownfish, such as the naked? That's exactly what I am doing.


Though I will probably put the naked clown on his/her own in the 15 and either get a regular occ or a snowflake/picasso for the black clown.

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Damn...that's a fantastically simple idea that I certainly never would have thought of.


A snowflake and a black occ would be so awesome! Done...for sure. I think I can order both through the LFS.

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Damn...that's a fantastically simple idea that I certainly never would have thought of.


A snowflake and a black occ would be so awesome! Done...for sure. I think I can order both through the LFS.

Onyx clown babies!

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MP40 for sure!!!



What a steal! That's awesome, I would def go for the mp40.


Well the MP40 is like $500...that's so much damn money I was honestly hoping to spend less than that to have the entire system setup and then just a few more hundred for livestock and everything.


I mean I'm not in this for any money yet but with rock, sand, heater, biopellet reactor, some plumbing, salt, CUC, macro jungle and then fish this project could be delayed even more.


I'm going to continue waiting it out.


I've even considered buying a big full complete setup on craigslist with LR and everything and parting that out seeing as how well I did getting my system and all...I just doubt I'd be able to find such a great deal.



Onyx clown babies!


We'll see!




Updates for this tank aren't exciting. Big birdsnest hasn't completely died but it looks terrible. Leaving it until it's either dead or recovering. GSP is going bananas. In the past week I've seen a notable increase in coraline algae growth on the glass. Parameters are pretty good and I've got my alk at 9 again since I'm not vodka dosing right now.


All the fish are great. Shrimp is awesome too. The sixline is now eating everything and like everyone else in the tank has a nice plump belly. I absolutely love the fish...the coral is almost just a backdrop to me at this point but I am definitely still interested in seeing a ton of growth. The torch is still growing huge and I am too lazy to frag it...though I have a guy lined up to take two of the now four heads on it.


I finalized my sump plans for the new tank and a local is giving me a new 29g for free tomorrow. Sweeeet.

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Got the 29g sump....good condition - brand new I guess.


I am leaving for Savannah for the weekend tomorrow morning so hopefully the tank does fine while I'm away. My roommate is going to feed the fish 10-15 pellets twice a day and a squirt of arcti pods but otherwise it's just going to coast along. I'll fill up the ATO reservoir tonight and hope for the best!




**Also, going to give this water change method a shot in the next few weeks. The post linked is what I'm talking about...not the whole thread.


I just may need to tweak my controller a bit so it can top off the system more than once every twenty minutes when I'm doing that style of change...maybe just set an internal timer for a few hours when I'm doing it too so I don't have to worry about changing anything "back" when it's over.



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Thanks guys I had not planned on anything changing with this tank other than relocating the wrasse and the anthias but I have some potentially bad news.



There are tornado warnings (meaning there are actually tornadoes) all over the Raleigh area.


The power in my house has been out for at least an hour and there is no where to buy battery powered air pumps. I've exhausted my resources and my roommate can only stir the water in the tank so much and so often. The temperature should be fine for a few more hours but oxygen depletion is a serious threat. The power in my place has gone out once in the 4 years I've lived there for 20 minutes tops.


I left yesterday...of course this happens.


I'll update when I know anything else.


Expect the worse and hope for the best

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