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Bongo Shrimp's 25g Tide Pool

Bongo Shrimp

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Well, you KNOW if it was anybody else both of you lovey doveys would be up sheetz creek. Just sayin. You guys owe me a silent approval when I put a baby tang in my 34G temporarily.


Never. The butterfly will happily be able to live out its life in bongo's tank so there's a huge difference.

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Well, you KNOW if it was anybody else both of you lovey doveys would be up sheetz creek. Just sayin. You guys owe me a silent approval when I put a baby tang in my 34G temporarily.



BUSTED by the tang police! Dont fret babe, I'll post bail.

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Video of larvatus eating pellets. Notice how fat he is.


He's looking really really good. And fat! You might have to put him on a diet soon :D

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He's looking really really good. And fat! You might have to put him on a diet soon :D


Thanks babe and yeah I think he needs to go on a diet of more pellets.

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That's pretty great that he's picking at pellets. I hate to be a Danny Downer, but he definitely doesn't look fat. The musculature behind his head around the lateral line is severely pinched in and the area behind his belly looks pinched in too. He may have a swollen belly, but loss of muscle in these areas demonstrates that he has gone undernourished for a long time. It is really hard to get fish back to a healthy state from this point. I hope he keeps up the feeding so he can recover completely! One of my all time favorite fish.

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Interesting bit of trivia about this species:




It is known only from the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman. Last year a juvenile was caught in the Mediterranean for the first time, near Israel where there are of course no coral reefs and certainly no Acropora. So it looks like at least one individual was capable of sustaining itself in the wild without its "obligate" food source.

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Well sadly we won't have a chance to observe this individual further because after getting over ich last week he and my two clowns contracted brooklynella. I caught the butterfly yesterday morning to treat him when I got home for the day. He was ill but certainly vey alive when I caught him but dead by 12pm. I lost one clown and the other is on her way out even with treatment.

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  • 2 months later...
Bongo Shrimp

nice, love the new look




Love that pederson shrimp!! That's one natural looking tank :)




Looking great as always :) This tank needs more fish though!



Thanks everyone!


A few more pics.





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Bongo Shrimp

Looks great! What happened to the cuttles? I didn't look back...

I don't really know what happened to them. The water was perfect and they were all eating live mysis (which were expensive...) and they slowly died off. I mean the only thing I can come up with is that they were just an unhealthy bunch from the clutch of eggs. I'll do them again one day when I can set up yet another tank :D.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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