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The_gats 40B, 2 years of reefing


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Nice sps. I really like the mili!


I was using reef crest almost exclusively and it did a great job. Every once and a while I would change the % of flow.


This is turning out really nice!

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Nice sps. I really like the mili!


I was using reef crest almost exclusively and it did a great job. Every once and a while I would change the % of flow.


This is turning out really nice!


Thanks a lot man. The milli is great. I can't seem to take my MP10 off of Short Pulse wave because I love the way the millis polyps sway back and forth in the flow.


Several tips of my tricolor have lost their color and are now white and I have no idea why. Should I just cut them off or is there something else I should do? The rest of it looks fine its just a few of the tips.

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Thanks a lot man. The milli is great. I can't seem to take my MP10 off of Short Pulse wave because I love the way the millis polyps sway back and forth in the flow.


Several tips of my tricolor have lost their color and are now white and I have no idea why. Should I just cut them off or is there something else I should do? The rest of it looks fine its just a few of the tips.


Is it really bad or just the very tips, the reason I ask is a lot of SPS have white growth tips.

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Have you changed lights or bulbs recently?


I am with T - if it's just the tips and not more than say 1/8 inch it is probably growth.


If you can see visible tissue loss, then I would prune off the bad parts to save the rest.

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Is it really bad or just the very tips, the reason I ask is a lot of SPS have white growth tips.



Have you changed lights or bulbs recently?


I am with T - if it's just the tips and not more than say 1/8 inch it is probably growth.


If you can see visible tissue loss, then I would prune off the bad parts to save the rest.


I pruned the bad parts off. I definitely dont think it was growth tips, but Ill be keeping an eye on it. I have two branches of the tricolor and it seemed only one of the branches had the white tips on it so if it gets worse I will cut it in half.


In other news I picked up a reactor today for carbon and phoslock. So we shall see how that goes.

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After I posted last night, there was a bit snail orgy going on in my tank. There were 5-6 snails on top of a rock in a circle spewing a white milky substance into the water. The wife thought it was gross.

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spewing a white milky substance into the water. The wife thought it was gross.


Thats what happens after you marry them :angry:

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Nice...the best sand cleaner cleaner on the planet IMO

If it stays this active all the time I dont think ill ever see algae anywhere in the tank again. It has been non stop since I put it in.

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Sweet conch...I need to get one but can't ever find one locally.


It definitely does a great job. My LFS had 4 the other day so I figured why not.


I have been really bad lately on tank maintenance and the appearance of the tank has suffered some. I am now determined to turn a new leaf and get back on this thing. The thing I hate most is mixing water and I have no idea why because its not that hard. So today I went and bought a 30gal container so I can mix a lot at a time instead of making individual 5 gal buckets. The display isnt horrible minus the sand and glass growing algae quickly, but the fuge is full of a nice bright magenta colored cyano, so i really need to get this cleaned up. I am starting to see a decrease in the algae on the glass, so hopefully the problem is being fixed.


As far as livestock everything is doing great. My frogspawn is opening up a lot more now and gets inflates more each day. A lot of my SPS frags are starting to grow over the superglue. I also found 3 baby rics in my fuge, which I am very happy about because I butchered all but 2 of my rics during the transfer so maybe I will get a second chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Hey gats - how's the sps doing after the pruning?

It has been a long time since I have been on here. For the most part everything is doing well. I have pretty much lost my tri color, cali tort, and birds of paradise frags. Everything else seems to be doing fine so I dont really know what happened to them. I will probably be ordering a skimmer soon since it has been a while since I have bought anything for the tank.

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It has been a long time since I have been on here. For the most part everything is doing well. I have pretty much lost my tri color, cali tort, and birds of paradise frags. Everything else seems to be doing fine so I dont really know what happened to them. I will probably be ordering a skimmer soon since it has been a while since I have bought anything for the tank.


Sorry to hear man. I think a skimmer is always a good idea, after seeing what ends up in that cup I couldn't imagine it in the water column!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Well it has been a very long time since I have updated this thing. There have been several changes made to this tank so I will run through those changes.


I lost most of my SPS to what I believe to be a temperature problem. All I have left are two frags pieces of red planet and a purple cap.


I purchased a Bubble Magus Nac 3.5+ skimmer at the beginning of the summer and it is pretty amazing the amount of crap that thing pulls out.


The third and biggest change came when my parents decided they wanted to move to Ramstein Air Base, Germany for the next 2 years and asked if we would like to live in there house while they are gone. The only stipulation is that we have to pay our utilities while were here. Obviously this is a great opportunity to save money, but it meant i had to move the tank. Now that it is over, I would say it went well. I did lose a bangaii and one of my pistols. I also discovered what I believe to be the reason I wasn't getting the PE and growth I was expecting. I bought a cheap $5 thermometer and a $50 heater w/ thermostat built in. Well there was about a 6 degree difference with the cheap on being on the lower end. So I did what anyone else would do and trusted the more expensive product.


After we had moved everything out of our apartment minus the tank I had set the air to go no higher than 82. A few days later I went to check on the tank and to my surprise everything looked great. Coralline spots all over the glass, frogspawn opened and SPS polyps extended nicely. The pricier thermometer read 88 and the cheaper read 81.5. Now that I know this I know which of the two to trust. So below is an iPhone 3g picture since my iPhone 4 was stolen and I haven't ordered the 4s yet.


Current FTS


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tank is looking great gats!


Thanks man. Hopefully things will continue to do well.


One other non-tank related, but is saltwater related thing I forgot to add, I just finished my PADI Open water cert and will be going on a eastern caribbean cruise in the coming weeks and will get to test out my newly learned skills.

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Glad to see the tank doing so well Gats. It's been a long time and I was wondering how things were going if you were in fact still in the hobby.


Good luck on your trip, you will have a great time. I hear its a great time to be down there make sure you get some good pics.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Below are a few pics of the BTA I picked up today. It's orange with and green base (can't see yet). Hopefully once it settles in I can get a better picture.




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