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Experimental Macroalgae Troubleshooting Thread


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I need a fish that eats pods as they are runnning rampid in my tank, my filefish used to handle the job well...I will see if they have a fishy today...I took it out and put it in my 125g sump before I have none left.

How is yours doing John?

seahorses and pipefish FTW!

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Bah! no wrasse....I will try again today :)

I do want seahorses...I have a local breeder that is rearing then right now (erectus) so i will wait till they are ready :P


I really want a yellow coris or a nice fairy wrasse...even a leopard wrasse...


Ok got my shipment yesterday, everything looked great except the westii and dragons tongue (large sheet with flame like ends) these had released the pigments into the water so it looked like kool-aid in a baggie. I rinsed them in fresh tank water and put them in the tank...I will keep ya updated, but I think they may be toast as they are flourecent pink at the moment.


Thank you John! you always hook it up ;)



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I had a African Leopard wrasse in my 125...by far one of my favorite fish!


Thanks am...I will check with my LFS and see if they can get them :P still want my red head gobies...I saw a mated pair on DD..I almost pulled the trigger lol

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Bah! no wrasse....I will try again today :)

I do want seahorses...I have a local breeder that is rearing then right now (erectus) so i will wait till they are ready :P


I really want a yellow coris or a nice fairy wrasse...even a leopard wrasse...


Ok got my shipment yesterday, everything looked great except the westii and dragons tongue (large sheet with flame like ends) these had released the pigments into the water so it looked like kool-aid in a baggie. I rinsed them in fresh tank water and put them in the tank...I will keep ya updated, but I think they may be toast as they are flourecent pink at the moment.


Thank you John! you always hook it up ;)




I have a Green Coris that's a real character that I'll probably have to re-home since I no longer have a sandbed.

Too bad you're not local.

What Macros did you get and how are they looking today?

I'm sposta get a Macro shipment from John tomorrow. :happydance:

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Me too Weets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



We'll have to both post pics and compare notes.

This will probably sound a little funny, but after my success with Fiji Mud in the Pico I wanted to try planting some of the Macros in mud.

I'm going Bare Bottom now though, so I'm gonna get some really small plastic food storage containers and try planting a few things in them in some Mud.

I have some brand new containers of Fiji Mud sitting on my fishy shelf waiting for tomorrows delivery. :)

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I got laurencia, westii, dragons tongue, sargassum (this stuff is cool!) one of my faves :P and galaxy.

everything looked great except westii, dragons tongue and laurencia...I have them in shady spots so lets see how they do :)

The hermits seem to love to hang out in the Sargassum...it's funny, I thought they were eating it :happy:

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westii seems to be a bad shipper like markusha said. soup everywhere it went so far, 2 of 6 or 8 so we will see. Hardy in a tank though. I shipped it in water this time though, along with the halymenia and the laurencia, including shyla's kallymenia too, so I am going to try it damp again. It lasted 3 days on my desk damp, but the desk and shipping aren't the same. The halymenia made it fine damp shipping everywhere last week and this week, I only changed it up for yours. It isn't a particularly hardy shipper though, I don't think it like ph fluctuations in wet shipping.

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When i collected the westii from the beach, i had lost all but the slightest amount of saltwater (the cup i had used to carry it back to the car had fallen over bc of wind and i didnt want to walk back to the beach. I mixed a tiny bit of SW that was left over in the cup and a little freshwater i had in a water bottle. I would assume it was low salinity and the algea was just barely submerged. It stayed in that waterbottle the whole day and sat in parked cars etc. and it didnt show any signs of damage. Strange.

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by the way weetie i have another globular algae that is pretty cool i never got a name on that you are getting. i sent 2, i think one in water one without. Looks like a thin sciania with little bubbles at the end like botryocladia. Sciania carribea maybe, no that isn't it... or maybe it is...I meant to look it up at some point but I have been busy, then I forgot it existed for awhile, and then I stumbled onto it. Take a pic if it ships well and we can go from there on id.

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by the way weetie i have another globular algae that is pretty cool i never got a name on that you are getting. i sent 2, i think one in water one without. Looks like a thin sciania with little bubbles at the end like botryocladia. Sciania carribea maybe, no that isn't it... or maybe it is...I meant to look it up at some point but I have been busy, then I forgot it existed for awhile, and then I stumbled onto it. Take a pic if it ships well and we can go from there on id.


Awesome, thanks!! :D

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Macros are here!!!

Look good so far, although they're still floating.

No "Kool-Aid Soup" in the bags, so that's good.

What kind of light do these guys like?

I want to make sure some of the more unique ones make it if possible, and if some of them like that super low light I don't want to unknowingly put them under too much light at the outset.

The spot I'm planning on putting them just for today has light but is a lower light spot.

Do you know ID's on them?

What is that cool funky green one??!!

My 7yo thinks it's cool that I got Sargassum, we just had this neat discussion about all the Ocean critters that like to live in Sargassum.

I love when I can share stuff like that with them. :happy:

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will jump on that, while you talk Chris into letting me get some more space... I feel like I am always cleaning it out. :) Yep I got ids for all of them, but I am not sure what all you got :) Except that red one, I will have to track that id down later on.

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All are in.

Most look good.

The red one that was shipped both in and out of water looks as if the one shipped out of water fared better.

The Laurencia may not be doing great, many of the stalks look as if they are turning translucent.

The Galaxy had several small bits falling off of it, placed it in lower flow to see if it will hold together.

I'll be spending most of the rest of the day doing bday stuff with hubby, but here are some quick pics:



LOVE this one! Color is much lighter on it in aquarium.








Shipped in water



Shipped out of water

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ooooh! that first one is awesome!

well westii and laurencia are def goners :(


Did your Laurencia look like mine in the pic when you got it?

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1st is our "grape caulerpa" Believe it or not, it is the same species as your cactus caulerpa, just the lycopodium var. of caulerpa latinisnofunicus


2nd is a new one to me too. I have bunches of them. They are easy to keep in the tank, good to see it is also a good shipper. Working on the id, I have just been busy around here. Take pics under water of that last red, it looks better that way. ^^ no justice. lol...Those all look like they will make it. What about the laurencia that was growing on the sargassum? Or did someone else get that?


no to very low light to get the laurencia as dark as we have it, but it can take brighter light. All other were kept in the corner, only getting the sides of metal halide lights. The caulerpa you can put wherever, it likes bright light. It doesn't like low salinity though or high temps. (Whereas the cactus variation is just fine with those)

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