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bonese's 40b | revival


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Deleted User 6
Woof. I'm done for a while.


Seriously though, Henry's right. General rule: If you aren't testing for it, don't dose. What are your current tank parameters? You shouldn't be needing to dose 2-part right now since your tank barely has any coral in it.

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Deleted User 6

Also bones, take some time to breathe, lol. tanks are supposed to promote tranquility and wonder, not stress. there's no need to stress. your creation is going to grow into what you hope if you take your time, move slowly, and just sit back, relax and enjoy the progress.

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to figure out the 2 part You should wait while you test daily for what maybe a week n a half, two weeks. take the readings & see what there doing. find the average daily drop in calc & alk. then dose that much. thats what I was thought. you can also put things like Halimeda


though they use calc, they can also tell you about the state of the tank. yes you can keep it in the uln system.

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^ Very clever way with the halimeda. That was a duh moment for me. Bonese, your tank is beautiful. What I do is just do my weekly 3g water changes and I think it does the trick with replening resources. If, and only if, calcium gets depleted at a higher rate than what the weekly WC's can account for, than you should dose. That's how I've always thought of it.

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DH thanks mate, I've had trouble my entire life with that haha. I'm trying to take it easier.


Bitts - I love where your heads at. I'm not going to dose ca and alk for a little bit or until I really start buying some frags and filling everything in. Right now I just want this ####ing algae to go away. I'm alright with it just because the tank is fairly "New".


Dot - Welcome aboard. Are you doing 3G changes on your 40b?


Fish update: The girls are out and about rarely. They seem to only be enjoying or going for th cyclopeeze flakes I'm putting in. The male on the other hand is nestled away under the main rock. He hasn't come out since the time I put him in the tank and literally yesterday for about a second when I fed with the lights off. In reality all I did see was a flash of pink and then a bunch of sand.


Do they hate me and my lights? I know theyre skiddish, but just HOW skiddish are they? Does this seem normal behavior for them to be in the tank for 4 days?

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Deleted User 6

Yeah, mine was skittish the whole time I had him. I didn't keep him alive long enough for him to get over it I think. He will eventually though.


I did 5g weekly changed on my 40b. But then I didn't do any changes for like 2-3 months, lol. I don't recommend that.

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oh yeah their one big nervous twitch, resulting in a lot of show. but the clowns will learn that theres very little go, balancing out the aggression level within the tank nicely.

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Yeah I saw him today for about 3 seconds he was faint in color but I'm thinking thats due to just being in hiding for 5 days now. He only got 1 mysis but he only went for one so well see how it goes with him. He makes me nervous. The 2 girls however are out sometimes and are eating regularly as well are very colorful.


I've been doing 15g WC to try to combat the algae with no prevail. What gives on this?


Lol DH - I shall take your advice and thank thee for it. How's the scotch and pipe club?

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algae may take months to resolve. relax. it will slowly release nutrients back into the water column, thus if it is occurring to quickly then it will make things worse. all that matters is that it now longer spreads. let the vodka take care of the rest over time. (3-4 months)

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Guys, I;m thinking of buying a sump that is a little larger. Would you suggest DIY or would you suggest to buy a custom? I feel nervous about the loss of power since this winter has been a ####ing ##### with that.


Any thoughts?


#### the new sump and just drill a hole to prevent back syphon? I'm still unsure about this but wouldn't I just drill a small hole in the locline to prevent back flow?

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Deleted User 6

The algae is a natural part of the tank. If you're still having a problem in 6 months, we'll start troubleshooting. Your bacteria populations are swinging wildly right now as they pendulum back and forth heading to equilibrium. Until your tank matures a bit more, you're going to have a hard time keeping nutrients at a stable low level. Give it time.

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Yeah I'm going to cut down on the light period. Hopefully that'll help.


So as of now I'm still dosing the same amount. Tomorrow I'm going to increase that to .9ml as the instructions suggest increase by .5ml. What should I be doing to pass the time on this besides freaking out and not being able to handle myself, haha.

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Forget about getting all flustered about the tank has proven to be harder than anticipated. However it is definitely increasing my love for this tank.


The male is out of hiding and now still hiding but at least I've seen him more today for the 2 minutes I looked in than the entire past week.


This tank is like a ####ing couples retreat or something.


Dosing .9ml today. 3 drops of mb7.

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Deleted User 6
Yeah I'm going to cut down on the light period. Hopefully that'll help.


lol. bones, listen to me. nothing's going to help but time and diligent good husbandry.

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Deleted User 6

The wife and I have considered a trip to Sag Harbor or Montauk or something before the kid arrives (maybe in May?). Where's your vineyard on the island?

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Sayville - Go to Montauk. South shore > North but thats my opinion. Have a picnic or something on the beach. Also if you just get on sunrise highway and continue east you will pass both Sayville as well as be on course for Montauk.

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part of the wrasses hiding is you. your about the size of a shark or tune or something. while you have not yet been imprinted on as the giver of food yet. sit your self down in front of the tank with a book to read for like half an hour or so see if this helps. its what I have to do with the helfrichs doesn't take that long any more but they still bolt if you make any sudden moves in the room.

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So JP. Your saying I need to sit down and have a meet and greet with my fish?


Well share their vodka so I don't have to use supply.

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yeah just hang out there being all nice in still. (boring, thus the book.) then see if they come out.

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