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Coral Vue Hydros

bonese's 40b | revival


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Hey, I have been dosing vodka for a total of about a week now and I still have algae!!!!!! t2309.gif




Settle down my friend. Things like this take time.

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I've seen plenty of properly ULN tanks get a reading, D. Just 'cos it's reading doesn't mean it's causing any harm.

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I know plenty of ZEO guys who aim for 0.03, apparently it tends to have the best effect on colouration or somin'. I dunno, I've always struggled to read more than 0 :(

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Deleted User 6

thing about it is it's extremely hard to accurately measure. my hanna meter has a +/- 0.04 tolerance. not that helpful when you want 0, lol.

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Phosphate (PO4)

Natural Seawater Value: 0.030 mg/L

Acceptable Range: 0.000 to 0.250 mg/L




IMO ULNS means ultra low and not necessarily zero. So in the case of phosphate anything below 0.030 would be ultra low me thinks.

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I thi k my previous teacher was a bit a twit. I'm only telling you mates what I was told in the beginning of my little life as a reef man.




I also thought that hands in the tank was like taking a deal with Satan. I'm more nervous than impatient I hate not being confident and I don't know how I will gain that confidence. What the #### ever.


Can anything accurately measure that low? I blew my professors mind with the vodka dosing by the way ;)

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thing about it is it's extremely hard to accurately measure. my hanna meter has a +/- 0.04 tolerance. not that helpful when you want 0, lol.


The accuracy should in reality be around 0.02ppm, 0.04 is arrived at by using safety factors (typically 95/1.96) and a few other offsets. Besides, that's when you step up into flame spectrography... accuracy to a much higher degree :)


Getting caught up in nomenclature is silly. ULN is a dumb name. It's just a tightly-cycled nutrient system, or an oligotrophic one - pick your poison.

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The worry about measuring things to me is over rated. There I said it and I am not taking it back.


As time passes you get to know your tank, when things are good and when things look out of sorts. When I started dosing vodka and Prodibio and amino's what I wanted was color, polyp extension in my SPS and th eradication of nuisance algae. I did not measure nitrates and phosphate ever while starting or continuing dosing, however I did keep my dosing volumes lower than any recommendations in the multitude of threads out there on the subject. I also increased the volume of dosing much more slowly than recommended by those same threads. I watched for what I wanted to achieve, and when I got there I stopped increasing the amount. I am not dosing the recommended volume even now. Do I care? Nope I am where I wanted to be. Do I think I have achieved an ULNS? IDK but I do know I cannot grow macro algae in my tank, the color and PE of my SPS make me happy.

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I agree, Henry :) a tank will tell you more about how it is doing than a test kit and some numbers will. I've never really paid attention to my tests because I've always seen what they can do. Most people don't have clear definition of what they're trying to achieve and what they're watching, and so will fool themselves into thinking they're seeing signs that don't exist (or aren't seeing ones that do).


No matter what you call it, simple fact of the matter is it's roundly misunderstood.

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Yup the only tests I do any more are calc, alk, and mag. Even with those I only do them every two months or so to make sure I am dosing enough and not too much B-Ionic 2 part. Am not dosing mag at all. I wonder about the people that have the reef keepers and such with the probes measuring all these different things and whether or not they pay attention to them to the point that they are constantly making adjustments in the calc reactors and things, or if after they are bought just become something that is not really paid much attention to.


Ever wonder how much you are gonna use the Hanna meter DH? And for that matter what you are going to do with the readings you get?

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With increased resolution comes increased panic... nothing good happens fast, and panic is the enemy of restraint... :)

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Deleted User 6

i got it because i thought my ro/di and/or NSW contained PO4. It wasn't much more than any other PO4 test around me so I just got it. I doubt I'll use it a whole lot though. The thing about the hanna kit is that it never expires though, so now i have it if I ever do need it for some reason down the road.

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There is no good starting point if you don't need it. Are you testing for it? Are you doing water changes? What are the values of your new water you are adding at water change? Have you decided what your tank uses on a...oh I don't know.....weekly basis?



Spits coffee on keyboard at nOrk!

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