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bonese's 40b | revival


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Deleted User 6

Looking sweet man. Seriously.


So why draining out the back vs. the bottom? Also re: salt, I just switched to the ESV 4-part after using DDH20 for a while. The DD takes about 24 hours to mix, vs. 10-15 min. with the ESV. Plus, DD always left a brown residue on the pump/bucket, and ESV doesn't. Other than that, both are good as far as reef levels are concerned.


ignore that drain placement ?, i'm drilling the back.

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I can buy you a can of krylon or you can use the glossy black as I have a full can of that.


I don't think we have ESV salt out here by me or else I would have totally gone that route when I was researching salt but my LFS carries IO all the time so I went with the go to rather than the reach.


My new hunt is for the overflow. I'm looking into wetdryfilters to make me a 3 sided internal overflow. I will definatly be getting pictures of my current plumbing process and if you have questions just ask.

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Deleted User 6

I get my ESV shipped - bought it from Marine Depot last time, I think.


I'll look online for some Krylon - I was just kidding about that. IO isn't bad as long as you realize that you're going to need to use additives to get the levels right. Lots of dosing with that stuff. So add that cost into the price of the salt (using something like Bulk Reef Supply alk/calc/mag).

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In Other news my mp10 first gen had been getting a strange error code of red and orange or flashing red and then straight green. I talked to Jeff over at ecotech and they have the greatest customer service. I took matters into my owns hands prior to talking to him buying a new wetside thinking that was the problem. Turns out that wasn't the problem and I just bought an extra wetside but I figured I could use it down the road. I then emailed Jeff, we got to talking on the phone and he urged me to buy a new ES controller. I did just that and got it very fast and the error was still existent. I then contacted Jeff again and he said they are very sorry for the inconvience and that they will send me a brand new mp10 ESw and to send back my old mp10 for them to test and diagnose. When fixed they'll send that one back and I get to keep the new one. The new one runs perfectly and is fantastic.


Talk about a company that cares not only about there product but there customers. There is a new reason besides a great product to go to the vortech. I will never buy anything but due to this experience.


D - You sure about the paint? I want to try that salt out. I dose b ionic right now but could use rhe better figures consistently.

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Does anyone know where to find 1" Locline? I might have shot myself in the foot as I don't have anything for my return pump to pump into.



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Does anyone know where to find 1" Locline? I might have shot myself in the foot as I don't have anything for my return pump to pump into.




Why did you make it so big? You could try these guys:



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Why did you make it so big? You could try these guys:




I wanted to be running 600 GPH through the sump. Basically I wanted as much flow I could get without destroying the system.


Thanks for the link I will have to try. I did find the 1" fixed bulkhead but would really be pleased if I could find a source for the locline, as I'm understanding that it is bendable?



Hey bone daddy, just saw your thread & thought I'd say, hello.


Bitts! How's it going? Thanks to you this system is basically up and running. Do you have any ideas?


interested on seeing how that bulb combo works for you


Will be taking pictures of the bulb colors not over the tank tonight. I'm plumbing the return line tonight. So stay posted. You get the Temples?

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From the pic of your tank. Looked as if it will be/is set up for a single drain. Not a multiple, aka herbie or improved herbie. Would never recomend the single drain aproach. but its drilled & painted, so single it will be. If its that lower bulkhead for the drain should work well. Just needs an overflow. You've already done some silicone work. Why not do the overflow out of glass with black silicone.


Then for locline there are a lot of places to look online. Marine depot sould not only have that but in there cataloge its showing a 1" x 1/2" bushing in black. Part #au2331. That would get you down to the smaller size with the least amount of work.



Also check out dhauts 40 thread in the equpment forum. We've been talking about some of this. May help.


If there's anything spacific post your ? & I'll see what I can come up with.

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Looking good so far. Before we had to downsize to an apartment, I had a 40b running. I had one hole drilled to dump into my sump, and another for the return which was split into two with lock-line.


My overflow went into a pvc "T" with a cap on the top side of the T. The cap had a hole drilled into it and by inserting some airline tubing I was able to reduce the gurgle noise down to hardly anything.


I would also like to see how that bulb combo works, because even though I don't have an ATI (budget) I do have the 36" Nova Extreme Pro.


Keep up the updates, it looks like it will be coming along nicely.

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JP its going to be a herbie. I put the primary drain (the lower hole) and the backup drain (higher hole) behind a internal overflow wall. The hole on the right will be the return (locline). This wont work you think? I hope I'm not missing something here.


I am definitely looking to get the PVC socket reducer from 1" - 3/4" but am worried that it wont be black. Can I use krylon to pain the PVC or just stick to the regular color.

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Looked at the pic again & I must have been smoking something. The holes are totally setup for a herbie. Looks good. Is the overflow in place or does it still need to be installed.


Marine depot should have the reducing bushing in black. There are places online which sell sch 40 pvc in black. So you shouldent need to paint the peace, but if you had to it could be done. There was a thread in here somewhere about the black pvc let me see where it went.

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Here's that thread. Hopefully they'll have what you need. Using the return with some locline should be fine. On my 29 I used pvc to get the water above the tanks water line. This way the tank doesn't back siphon when the pump is turned off. I bring this up because normaly it will drain to the first break in the plumbing. Which could put several gallons into the sump/fuge. Depends on where the locine goes. How many return point do you think you will have. Just one or will it be teed off to several.



Looking good.

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Yeah the overflow is being constructed by Christian over at wetdryfilters dot com but I haven't given him the 100% dimensions as I want it to be perfect. What would you think the dimensions of the overflow should be? I would like a 3 sided 90 degree bent overflow but a 2 sided corner might work as I don;t like siliconing in tight spots.


Yeah Worst case scenario on the PVC will be just to cut it so you can barely see it, or paint. I will be checking a few local spots to see if they carry the black reducer.


Return was one Locline but I'm not sure of the benefits of splitting it and having two.

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I'm closing my eyes when reading the email but my girlfriend told me $115 shipped. I figure it has to be in there so its a long term investment - just lie to yourself. It does help.


He does make custom overflows though so the price may be negotiable on the sizes. I know a 2 sided corner is less then the 3 sided by about 20 bucks maybe?

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Yeah I'm a weirdo with little details. If I mess something up just slightly I need a restart so about $100 of that money is for my sanity the $15 is to get it shipped.


When are you and the wife vineyarding? And how long should my new helfrichihjiah firefish be hiding for? It's alive and creeps out of a small cave but never when I'm around I did catch it out when I was gone for 5 hours but then it popped back in. I like the mystery of it but want to make sure its not hiding to die.

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Deleted User 6

my purple one hid for a month or so before starting to be out and about.


and i don't know on the vineyard - is there a LIRR stop near you?

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Helfrick should be out get spooked then come back out. Try cyclopeeze. Aka fishy crack. It should help. Be careful though if ever there was a fish that need a tank to its self its the helfrick.


As to overflow, 2 sided should work while being easier. Also better flow pattern in the tank. Less detrius. Will it be made from glass or acrylic. How do you plane to attach it. normally you have to order good silicone. If its glass what color.

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