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Enigma70x7's REEF


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I got my shipment from LiveAquaria in today.. These guys were DOA :(



LiveAquaria customer service rocks though and I was fully credited for the loss without any hassle.

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beautiful tank and photos! wish i had those photo SKILLS!

Thanks! I just checked out your tank and that setup you have is pretty amazing!


what kind of camera is this? (im sure you get a lot of people asking, sorry :lol:)

Nothing to be sorry about. Its a Canon T2i with a Canon 60mm macro.

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I just wanted to say you have a great tank and AWESOME photos! I have a 40D and the 100mm 2.8L and figured I would be able to get some insane macro shots like yours... I never thought that my crappy curved-acrylic Biocube would ruin all my aquarium photography plans. I wish I had read up on it before buying the Biocube! You definitely made the right choice with a high-clarity glass aquarium. Someday when I upgrade, I'll keep the Mr. Aqua brand in mind.

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Tail Spot Blenny looks awesome.. great photography, man. Keep up the nice work.



I just wanted to say you have a great tank and AWESOME photos! I have a 40D and the 100mm 2.8L and figured I would be able to get some insane macro shots like yours... I never thought that my crappy curved-acrylic Biocube would ruin all my aquarium photography plans. I wish I had read up on it before buying the Biocube! You definitely made the right choice with a high-clarity glass aquarium. Someday when I upgrade, I'll keep the Mr. Aqua brand in mind.

That sucks! Take the plunge and upgrade! They are pretty cheap and on sale at marinedepot rite now. You could sell the Biocube after you make the switch.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the lack of updates, things have been pretty hectic the last few months. I just snapped a few new shots though and there's also a video of the flower nem spawning. Thanks for looking. :happy:













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Where have you been!?
I've been lurking around, just dealing with life. The reefing scene had to take the back seat for a lil while is all.



Great shots enigma.glad your back and the tank is still awesome


Trapezia sp. Dramatised


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That is a ####ing amazing picture! Daaaayuuhhmmmm!


Thanks, its so hard to get a decent photo of that crab.

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