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Maxima, Crocea, Maxea GROUP BUY #2!


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Last time you said evening and you posted this thread at 4 in the afternoon! :(
Chris has a lot to do so i'm very sure that 5-6 o'clock will probably be the time it will start
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you guys on the east coast are a couple hours ahead of me.........so, in 1/2 hour from now my lights come on, the clams will open and I will sit in front of them holding the camera underwater steady for about an hour, then load all of the pic in the computer and delete all the blurry ones and then try and organize them my number so once they start selling I can keep track of em. I'd say by noon my time I should be starting to send Rob the pics, so yeah early afternoon they should be up. I have a show to do tomorrow so I am also trying to sort frags for that and get tanks packed up so its a busy day haha but getting these clams photoed and up here is my priority!!


for those that can't wait I put 10 on my website last night, 2 sold already and they arent part of the group buy per se, but could be shipped together for that same $40 for 1 $20 for 2 and free for 4 or more shipping rate :)



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I saw those on your site last night and a few of those were SICK!


By sick, I mean redonkulously hawt :)





wait till you see the rest of them!!!! you'll freak out!!!

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btw, i hate you rockfish... for getting chris to do these group buys! my wallet will be in mourning later today...




you hate me???


I'm just as broke!!!! :lol: :lol:

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I got one of the clams already! Waiting for the rest to be put up... good bye 2 months of paycheck!


hey Rock, have you ever seen an Orange clam? I mean actually orange. Of course a really bright green would be good too as I dont have a green.

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I guess this constitute as orange? Bottom right of pic



And maybe green?






Orange?? like bright orange?? No......that light brown would probably be as close as you're gonna get to an orange clam

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I'm still working on building these shipping crates, I have to go to my dads shop to cut some foam then I'll be back in an hour and start on the clams...........its going to be later tonight, sorry guys! I promise I'm not trying to hype this and prolong it haha I just have 24 hours of work to do in 8 today ;) Luckilly I dont have to ship anything today so the next 6 hours will be dedicated to clams!

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Whats the site and when is the next buy?




next buy starts tonight!!



watch for the thread!!!


woo! well my clam from the 2nd groupbuy is here! found a lil pistol shrimp or mantis shrimp hitchhiked with him





COOL!! Pics??

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