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Kitty's 34G Oceanic Cube


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In a long enough tank you could get away with it. I have 4 clowns in my tank right now. One adult pair and two young juveniles I had from babies and sometimes there is aggression but most of the time it'a all ok in there. The tank is 36 inches long, so on a 48 inch or longer tank, there is a better chance of less aggression.


I think if they were gonna STAY the size they are now (SMALL!) I dont think there would be a problem, but I still have to remind myself they are still youngsters LOL! But man if I could find some sweet picassos or onyx's then I might have to put these up for adoption LOL!

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So, I forget. Did you say you play alliance or horde? PvP or PvE?


I gave it up about a year ago before I started grad school. I kinda miss it. I had been playing since day 1! I remember when mara was new and nobody new wtf MC was about lol.

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So, I forget. Did you say you play alliance or horde? PvP or PvE?


I gave it up about a year ago before I started grad school. I kinda miss it. I had been playing since day 1! I remember when mara was new and nobody new wtf MC was about lol.


Ahhhhh How I DONT miss those days LOL!!! I play horde both PvP and PvE. I lean mainly towards PvE, because Im just not interested in PvP anymore. I tend to hang out on a quiet, PvE, low-progress, (shi++y) server for my leveling days. (usually 1-60/70) I do most of my raiding on a PvP server though. They have made the game insanely easy to gear and stuff. Back when I was a hard-core raider I despised the casual player coming in and basically doing a few heroics to get gear equivilent(?) to what I worked so hard to get, but now that I dont raid hard-core its kinda nice...ROFL




But as Violinist can vouch for me, the way to get back into the game is for me to send you a friend invite via email, you create a new account and then we'll have 90 days for straight up 300% xp, free summons, and you can grant me free levels to catch up to you. (Recruit a Friend) You can easily hit 60 in no time. After 60 the xp and everything turns off.


Also MMOGuide just stated today that they "predict" that the new xpac Beta (Cataclysm) will start in April/May and the release will be in Sept/Oct of this year...so...you might wanna start levelin LOL

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I did the refer a friend thing with my gf about a year ago. It was alright, but I just don't have the time anymore.


And don't worry about me not being ready for the xpac if I ever play again. I have a geared 80 undead warrior on a pvp server and about 5 chars from 70-76 and many lower levels in the 50-70s.


Ahhhhh How I DONT miss those days LOL!!! I play horde both PvP and PvE. I lean mainly towards PvE, because Im just not interested in PvP anymore. I tend to hang out on a quiet, PvE, low-progress, (shi++y) server for my leveling days. (usually 1-60/70) I do most of my raiding on a PvP server though. They have made the game insanely easy to gear and stuff. Back when I was a hard-core raider I despised the casual player coming in and basically doing a few heroics to get gear equivilent(?) to what I worked so hard to get, but now that I dont raid hard-core its kinda nice...ROFL




But as Violinist can vouch for me, the way to get back into the game is for me to send you a friend invite via email, you create a new account and then we'll have 90 days for straight up 300% xp, free summons, and you can grant me free levels to catch up to you. (Recruit a Friend) You can easily hit 60 in no time. After 60 the xp and everything turns off.


Also MMOGuide just stated today that they "predict" that the new xpac Beta (Cataclysm) will start in April/May and the release will be in Sept/Oct of this year...so...you might wanna start levelin LOL

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I did the refer a friend thing with my gf about a year ago. It was alright, but I just don't have the time anymore.


And don't worry about me not being ready for the xpac if I ever play again. I have a geared 80 undead warrior on a pvp server and about 5 chars from 70-76 and many lower levels in the 50-70s.


HOW geared? Dont ya know T7 is crap nowadays? ROFL! I say you should come back and beat the LK like the lil bish he is..... :lol:

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AWESOME NEWS! (Not really but IM excited!)


I just noticed some lovely coralline growth on my glass! They are a little smaller than a pencil eraser head, but they are 100% Pink/Purple coralline! Woot!

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I don't like this tank and setup IMO.















J/K lol! April fools!!!

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I don't like this tank and setup IMO.















J/K lol! April fools!!!




If you play World of Warcraft, or ever have, THIS will more than likely be your favorite April Fools Joke this year! I know it is mine!



Kittysnax: Mah epeen is teh stwrongust! >^..^<

Desoxyn: 0_o

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LOLL!! :P just gotta wait for something interesting to happenin :)


pretty much. nothing exciting happenin in the tank :/

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How is the 150w MH working out for you? I snagged a ~30g Oceanic cube/stand the other week and was thinking setting it up. Lighting options seem to be limited though. Was considering either 150w or 250w MH o_o


Nice tank by the way ^^)b

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How is the 150w MH working out for you? I snagged a ~30g Oceanic cube/stand the other week and was thinking setting it up. Lighting options seem to be limited though. Was considering either 150w or 250w MH o_o


Nice tank by the way ^^)b


I am really enjoying my 150w MH. Every coral I have gotten from the LFS seems to color up nicely. I know they say that 20k is more for color than growth, but my GSP is thriving and expanding and so is a baby shroom I found. My coralline is also starting to show up everywhere.


Anywho Im tired and bummed. I think ima go to bed :/

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I got a call back from a LFS in town. I think they might wanna interview me, so that would be cool. I guess Ill know more Monday


My SS Starfish ate a spirulina wafer....I feel REALLY bad cause I guess thats proof hes starving. :<


EVERY Snail in the tank is leaving eggs. Every day for the past 4 days I have clusters and lines of eggs all OVER the place....WTF Nothing seems to be interested in eating them so I have no idea what to do with them.


Id take pix but lights are out, maybe tomorrow

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Awwww thanks guys xP


I been stationary too long...1 year and a half!!! :o


I totally cant wait to snatch up this misbar black clown they have had there for a month or so......Or this weird Picasso.....But I dont think I could bring myself to get rid of my orange clown even though hes not as amusing as the black one. Its a tough call really, I might just wait it out and see if they'll ever be buddies. They dont fight, but they dont care for each other either. Both will shudder and shake at each other so Im thinkin I might have 2 boys....but shouldnt one switch after awhile to a girl?


My husband wants a damn Mandarin so bad and every time I keep saying NO! Im trying to steer him towards a Blue Spot goby or this one goby I saw hes kinda grey with orange spots and always sifting sand. I dont want to get anything else like my SS Star where it will eventually die of starvation. I feel really bad for the guy, He comes out at night and does his thing and is under the sand 90% of the day, its just if I take him to a store he'll sit there until hes dead or will go to someone with a tank no bigger than mine or bigger by a TAD and still die. So I figured Id overfeed every now and then to help him out.


I cant wait to see what kinda discount I get. I know I get one I just dont know how much....please be wholesale!!! please be wholesale!!! .....Id even settle for 20% ROFL


Bleh I am soooo tired now. Its 140am here I think it is time for bed ;3 Thanks again guys, Ill try and remember to get pics or a video tomorrow! ^_^

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So I brought home my first thing with my employee discount today...A Strawberry Pseudochromis. Hes hard to get pix of but here he is!





The Dumdums:



Growing GSP:



Updated FTS, with and without flash:




Coralline is growing everywhere:



Nasty slimy algae...I need to do a WC I think:



I also MIGHT trade in my SS STar, but I dont know just yet. I also get RO water for free so that rocks, Ill prolly do a WC on Thursday. Anywho Im tired just thought Id share!



Edit: Everything was closed from when I flipped the lights off to acclimate the pseudo.

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