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Maxea and Ultra Maxima Group Buy!


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I would def do it a day before just to make doubly sure your parameters don't get all skewed randomly...ya never know.




+1 day before is a better choice

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some of the orders seem to be tied up in memphis at the fedex hub, so check your tracking numbers if you haven't recieved your clams yet.

I packed them in more water than usual so as long as they stay warm they should be fine......fedex and UPS do it all the time and never seem to have a good reason why.


If you didnt get tracking email me for it @ sales@reefkoi.com


Keeping fingers crossed........



Yea I still havent gotten mine and my tracking number has been stuck at "In transit" from Memphis all day. Does this mean they are going to be coming tomorrow? I skipped school and work today for these things <_<

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well they should be right at the 2 inch mark from the tips of the shell so anything 2 inch or above are fine....just make sure they're stress free for at least the first 24-48 hours and they'll do just fine


Yeah the smallest one is about 2 inches. Couple of them are pretty big. Probably around 2.5". They look bigger in the tank. I like it though cuz like I said before, I like having a lot of little ones than a really big one. Anyway, I'm really happy with them. They look sooooOOOO MUCH better in person and in my tank than the photos. Thank you Rockfish and reefkoi for doing this for us. I'll take photos later. Gotta do some work now.



Yea I still havent gotten mine and my tracking number has been stuck at "In transit" from Memphis all day. Does this mean they are going to be coming tomorrow? I skipped school and work today for these things <_<


Man that sucks. Hope they'll be okay and you get them soon. You should check the status again tonight before skipping again tomorrow.

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Well both are in my tank and seem to be doing good, the maxea looks great and seems to like his new home, the Poly looks to be gaping a bit probably due to stress, but I don't want to bug him and will let him relax, he's still very responsive though, any fish that swims over and he closes then reopens, I'll take some pictures later.

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glad to see they all are coming in good, Justin, it should be delivered tomorrow, if I was you I'd call fedex right now, tell them to hold the package instead of delivering to your house then get the address from them where it will be held, drive there at 9 am then bring them home put em in the tank and you wont have to wait around for them and they will be in new water faster.........thats what I'd do anyway if you can

Sorry again to those that are waiting, its out of my hands once I drop them off, UPS and Fedex like to do this atleast a few times a month and typically never have a valid reason :rant:

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glad to see they all are coming in good, Justin, it should be delivered tomorrow, if I was you I'd call fedex right now, tell them to hold the package instead of delivering to your house then get the address from them where it will be held, drive there at 9 am then bring them home put em in the tank and you wont have to wait around for them and they will be in new water faster.........thats what I'd do anyway if you can

Sorry again to those that are waiting, its out of my hands once I drop them off, UPS and Fedex like to do this atleast a few times a month and typically never have a valid reason :rant:




yup....i've had that happen once or twice via FedEx.......but they should be more than fine until tomorrow morning. I mean think about where they're imported from......and i'm 100000000% positive Chris used at least 2 48hour heat packs cause that's what came in mine and they are both still quite warm right now as i'm typing this!!


Yeah the smallest one is about 2 inches. Couple of them are pretty big. Probably around 2.5". They look bigger in the tank. I like it though cuz like I said before, I like having a lot of little ones than a really big one. Anyway, I'm really happy with them. They look sooooOOOO MUCH better in person and in my tank than the photos. Thank you Rockfish and reefkoi for doing this for us. I'll take photos later. Gotta do some work now




not a problem at all!! very happy to do it and i'm hoping for another one in the near future!!


And again kudos goes to Chris!! He's been 100% wonderful throughout this whole process and his livestock is fantastic!!

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glad to see they all are coming in good, Justin, it should be delivered tomorrow, if I was you I'd call fedex right now, tell them to hold the package instead of delivering to your house then get the address from them where it will be held, drive there at 9 am then bring them home put em in the tank and you wont have to wait around for them and they will be in new water faster.........thats what I'd do anyway if you can

Sorry again to those that are waiting, its out of my hands once I drop them off, UPS and Fedex like to do this atleast a few times a month and typically never have a valid reason :rant:


Okay I called Fedex and told them to hold it for me. I'll be there right when they open to get it!



yup....i've had that happen once or twice via FedEx.......but they should be more than fine until tomorrow morning. I mean think about where they're imported from......and i'm 100000000% positive Chris used at least 2 48hour heat packs cause that's what came in mine and they are both still quite warm right now as i'm typing this!!



Yea that makes me feel better, I'm sure they will be fine but its still worrisome. We'll see how it goes tomorrow!

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Boy Fedex gets an A+ in my book for this. I told them to hold it at the facility for pickup which they did, except its not the one they told me it was going to be at. Instead, its an hour drive one way to get to the facility its actually at. How wonderful! I'm leaving now, I should be back around around 11! Hoooooorrrrraaaaaayyyyyy!










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Here's a shot of a couple of my clams. I think #2 and #11




More photos in my 120g aquarium thread. Haha. Gotta plug my tank. =P




WOW!!! they look spectacular!! glad you like them!!


Boy Fedex gets an A+ in my book for this. I told them to hold it at the facility for pickup which they did, except its not the one they told me it was going to be at. Instead, its an hour drive one way to get to the facility its actually at. How wonderful! I'm leaving now, I should be back around around 11! Hoooooorrrrraaaaaayyyyyy!














sorry to hear that BUT, I'm sure the clams will be fine and your troubles will be well worth it!! hang in there!!

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They're okay! But still...damn you Fedex.





Right after putting them in the tank, the goby approves.



The packing was phenomenal and had a sweet sticker on the front. It came with a business card so I checked the website. Lots of good stuff on there!

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WOW!!! they look spectacular!! glad you like them!!


Yeah I really do. I think I may be hooked on them now. Already thinking of getting more or a dedicating a whole tank for them. I think I'm going to reconsider my plans for my 28g Nanocube. Darn you guys! Haha.


BTW, how long do they take to hold on to the rock? I'm getting tired of fending off my hermits and crabs from knocking them over.



They're okay! But still...damn you Fedex.


Glad they made it. Looks like you got some really nice ones.

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Yeah I really do. I think I may be hooked on them now. Already thinking of getting more or a dedicating a whole tank for them. I think I'm going to reconsider my plans for my 28g Nanocube. Darn you guys! Haha.


BTW, how long do they take to hold on to the rock? I'm getting tired of fending off my hermits and crabs from knocking them over.





Glad they made it. Looks like you got some really nice ones.




yours look quite healthy so i'd say 1-4 days usually to get a good hold of a rock!!

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Yeah my maxea already attach to the shell I placed him on and he's doing great at least I think, the poly is still iffy.....here's some pictures I just took, sorry for the actinic blast but my daylights haven't came on yet, I'll take some again later.




Poly Maxima

Siphon is still wide open, but mantle isn't receded.



Rob I don't know if you remember me telling about the section of mantle that was receded, well this morning it isn't receded, but looks a little jagged, PM? Hopefully not, what do you think


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yea i see it but i don't think it's PM......it looks to me like he might have been flopped over on one side when he shipped or possibly has something there that's irritating him. Give him another day or so to rest up and lets see what happens with that. the siphon is still open but that's not bad at all!! he'll be fine i'm almost sure of it!!


keep me posted!!

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Okay thanks again, I'll let you know how things continue to turn out.




sounds good.....big clams like that rarely have issues with shipping unless they're sick to begin with witch does not appear to be the case here!!

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BTW, how long do they take to hold on to the rock? I'm getting tired of fending off my hermits and crabs from knocking them over.


In the meantime, take some live rock rubble and place some along the sides to prop the clam.

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yeah an open siphon is fine, its when the siphon is open, the clam is wide but the mantle retracted you have problems........


Anyway, It seems fedex screwed up bigtime this order, One guy just got clams today at 4:30 and ofcourse it was the big 6 clam order...........fedex cant give me a straight answer as to what happened.


Oh well, next time it will be fine, its just bad luck sometimes, it still amazes me a package can leave colorado at 8 p.m (10pm eastern time) and arrive in new york at 9 am........pretty amazing really LOL


I'm taking care of the DOAs due to fedex's mishap anyway, I want happy customers and would rather take it in the shorts than have a customer take the loss.......I want all you guys back for round 2!!



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yeah an open siphon is fine, its when the siphon is open, the clam is wide but the mantle retracted you have problems........


Anyway, It seems fedex screwed up bigtime this order, One guy just got clams today at 4:30 and ofcourse it was the big 6 clam order...........fedex cant give me a straight answer as to what happened.


Oh well, next time it will be fine, its just bad luck sometimes, it still amazes me a package can leave colorado at 8 p.m (10pm eastern time) and arrive in new york at 9 am........pretty amazing really LOL


I'm taking care of the DOAs due to fedex's mishap anyway, I want happy customers and would rather take it in the shorts than have a customer take the loss.......I want all you guys back for round 2!!







dude that sucks!! how many DOA's???





how do i go about getting a clam?



go buy one!! LOL


no seriously, Chris has some great stuff at reefkoi.com but i want to get another group buy together maybe next month or the month after depending on what Chris wants to do


It may be sooner....who knows!!!

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*raises hand*




really???? that's so odd......freakin fedex man!! well Chris will take care of it i'm sure and we both want you to have a clam dude!!!

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