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The Miracle MAX

el fabuloso

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oH. Okay, that makes better sense. ;)


Yeah, her belly's a bit sunken in, I'm about to throw some food in there in a little bit. But at least she's out and about!


Edit: Ugh. I can't stand The Princess Bride.

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oH. Okay, that makes better sense. ;)

Glad we cleared that up.


Yeah, her belly's a bit sunken in, I'm about to throw some food in there in a little bit. But at least she's out and about!

Hopefully she eats. Good sign that she is out already tho. :happy:


Edit: Ugh. I can't stand The Princess Bride.

:o :o

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Bad memories. <_<


Hopefully she eats. Good sign that she is out already tho. :happy:

Threw some dry food in there but the blenny and the chromis were the only ones that ate.

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I'm your brother from another mother. ;)


Soon-to-Be TOTM B)

I don't know about that, but thanks! :)


The fish are doing well and are eating. They've all gotten used to the new tank and with each other and there doesn't seem to be any sign of aggression. My favorite by far is the bicolor blenny. Watching him swim around and do stuff never fails to put a smile on my face. :lol:

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Edit: Ugh. I can't stand The Princess Bride.


:o ... and just in case :o


You have done a great job getting this tank in shape!

Edited by latteslave
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There are a lot of movies people love that I don't personally get. Like Grease, Rocky Horror Picture Show or Empire Records. <_<


And you finally fixed your sig link issue. I leave satisfied.

You have no idea how many PM's I got over that. :lol:

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hi. pics pls when you get the chance. did you add sexies to this tank?

I doubt I'll ever put sexies in this tank. I just don't think they'll do well with a hawkfish on the loose. As for pictures, I have plenty. :)


So I decided that the tank needed something yellow. There was a cute little yellow coris wrasse at the LFS but I decided it would probably end up being too big for my tank at some point so I decided against it. Instead I came home with these:




Black and gold chromis. Or damsels. They're all the same. But they do give the tank a nice splash of color and movement. I'm only housing them here temporarily and will eventually end up in the 125g along with the blue-green chromis.


The rest of the fish are doing great! Except for my purple firefish that's MIA. Didn't see her at all yesterday and didn't even come out for food. She would hide every now and then even though no one was bullying her and she was eating just fine so I don't know what happened. :unsure:


The tomato clown, getting darker much to my dismay. <_<




The banggai cardinal is pretty chill. Stays in his cave for the most part but also isn't afraid to swim out in the open when he feels like it.








Same with the hawkfish. He's adjusted really well to the tank and doesn't seem to be interested in eating his tankmates.








Makes me wonder though if he ate the firefish. Although if that were the case, I think I would've seen pieces of her floating around. :unsure:


And then there's the blenny who by far has the best personality in the tank!






As for the corals, they're all looking fabulous! I did wonder if the big sudden bioload would have an adverse affect on them but the opposite seems to be true.


Orange yumas and blue cloves:




Notice the blue cloves slowly spreading out onto the piece of rubble next to it. I'm on my way to having a blue clove plantation. :happydance:


Green favia and blastos:















The monti-mille showing signs of growth:








And yet another miracle:




Just when I thought these nice green palys had completely disappeared from this tank, turns out they're coming back from the dead! :)


Not a coral but I have some nice plating coralline growing in the back of the tank:




The lone hermit:




This guy is a trooper and has gone through a lot! Found him as a hitchhiker when I first set up the pico years ago and eventually got moved over to my friend's M9, survived the two waves of crashes in that tank, then into the MAX to endure months of abuse and neglect.


And last but not least, some FTS:









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This tank is making quite a comeback Fab, very impressive.

I like the new fish.

Always wanted to try a Flame Hawk myself, just never got around to it.

Looks like you have quite a variety of Macroalgae growing on the LR as well.

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Hey nice tank...el fabuloso,


Just curious on your thoughts on the redsea max? I have taken a look at it and seems like you are restricted per what you can do in the chambers? I just started my own jbj pico myself & I was totally inspired by yours. Mind you this is my first tank & everything is looking good & had no idea the capabilities that could be done till I joined this forum. Just spotted my first coraline on the tank, so i must be doing something right. Looking in getting either biocube or nano next. Just curious on what the limitations you have faced with the redsea.


Here is my post..ill be updating it later with my latest additions..







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protip: if your reply doesn't directly relate to every single photo in a post, it's generally better to just reply and not quote anything - saves us all some scrolling. ;)

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What 125???



Beautiful pics!

Thanks, Richie!


That hawkfish is really cool!

He's really neat. :happy:


Does the clown bother the bangai at all? Was thinking of adding one to my 20L, but the clown I have seems like it might be too aggressive.

My clown is actually pretty well behaved. I haven't seen him show any aggression towards the other fish although that could very well change.


I almost feel bad for being impressed with the coralline more than anything else. :unsure:

Completely understandable. ;)


Just curious on your thoughts on the redsea max? I have taken a look at it and seems like you are restricted per what you can do in the chambers? I just started my own jbj pico myself & I was totally inspired by yours. Mind you this is my first tank & everything is looking good & had no idea the capabilities that could be done till I joined this forum. Just spotted my first coraline on the tank, so i must be doing something right. Looking in getting either biocube or nano next. Just curious on what the limitations you have faced with the redsea.

I can't say that I've encountered any limitations with this tank. I have everything stock and I'm able to keep SPS just fine so I'm not sure what else I'd be limited to at this point. I suppose I could get a better protein skimmer although the stock one doesn't really bother me all that much. As for the chambers, you can get a media basket from InTank which helps put things in order back there and I'll probably end up getting one down the line.


those damsels are gorgeous!
this tank is looking awesome! those damsels are sweeeeet.

They are cute though, aren't they? But the hawkfish took a big chunk out of one of them!






I'm pretty sure the hawkfish was behind it. And the poor guy is still swimming around like nothing happened.


On another note, I found the banggai cardinal dead the other day. No one was bullying him though he really wasn't eating that much. Also the firefish is still MIA and it's probably safe to assume that she's also dead. :(

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