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Bongo Shrimp's 29g Lagoon

Bongo Shrimp

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Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and thought I should start out by posting a thread about each of my two tanks.


This is my 29g Biocube Lagoon:



29g Oceanic BioCube (About 1 months old as a saltwater tank)

Oceanic BioCube Protein Skimmer

Stock lighting (Power Compact)

150wtt Visi-Therm Heater

Modded filtration with liverock instead of bioballs

A filter sponge covers the outflow to significantly reduce flow

Approx. 3-5 lbs of livesand

Approx. >10 lbs of liverock



x1 Yellow Brazilian Reidi Seahorse (Female)

x1 ORA Orange Reidi Seahorse (Male)

x2 Banded Pipefish (Pair)

x1 Yashia Goby

x1 Rainsfords Goby



Orange Finger Sponge

Orange Fan Sponge

Blue Sponge (Haliclona spp.)

Unknown Blue Sponge (possibly a type of macro algae)

Unknown Purple Monti Like Sponge

x2 Bongo Shrimp (Phyllognathia ceratophthalma) MY FAVORITES

x4 Peppermint Shrimp

Lots of Macro














Pipefish: (bad pic)



Bongo Shrimp:


















What do you think?

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Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and thought I should start out by posting a thread about each of my two tanks.


This is my 29g Biocube Lagoon:



29g Oceanic BioCube (About 1 months old as a saltwater tank)

Oceanic BioCube Protein Skimmer

Stock lighting (Power Compact)

150wtt Visi-Therm Heater

Modded filtration with liverock instead of bioballs

A filter sponge covers the outflow to significantly reduce flow

Approx. 3-5 lbs of livesand

Approx. >10 lbs of liverock



x1 Yellow Brazilian Reidi Seahorse (Female)

x1 ORA Orange Reidi Seahorse (Male)

x2 Banded Pipefish (Pair)

x1 Yashia Goby

x1 Rainsfords Goby



Orange Finger Sponge

Orange Fan Sponge

Blue Sponge (Haliclona spp.)

Unknown Blue Sponge (possibly a type of macro algae)

Unknown Purple Monti Like Sponge

x2 Bongo Shrimp (Phyllognathia ceratophthalma) MY FAVORITES

x4 Peppermint Shrimp

Lots of Macro














Pipefish: (bad pic)



Bongo Shrimp:


















What do you think?


wow, that is quite cool. im really facinated as to how you can keep your sponge alive given the fact they need high flow, just the opposite of what the horses like. how do you do it?


wow, that is quite cool. im really facinated as to how you can keep your sponge alive given the fact they need high flow, just the opposite of what the horses like. how do you do it?

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wow, that is quite cool. im really facinated as to how you can keep your sponge alive given the fact they need high flow, just the opposite of what the horses like. how do you do it?



Thanks! Actually the tank is low flow and the sponges seem okay with that. Basically the biggest thing with the sponges, for me at least, is having to use a turkey baster to blow off the algae on them. I do this two to three times a day. I actually fell behind on that for a few days and now the finger sponge is on its way out. I'll get another one but it is that algae that gets all over the sponge and basically suffocates it. I also feed DTs for any one (any sponges) to eat as they filter the water.

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Thanks! Actually the tank is low flow and the sponges seem okay with that. Basically the biggest thing with the sponges, for me at least, is having to use a turkey baster to blow off the algae on them. I do this two to three times a day. I actually fell behind on that for a few days and now the finger sponge is on its way out. I'll get another one but it is that algae that gets all over the sponge and basically suffocates it. I also feed DTs for any one (any sponges) to eat as they filter the water.

sweet you joined man :) did you check out cdelicaths tanks yet?


where do you get those bongo shrimp ? could i buy some off you ?

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:welcome: glad to see u made it over this way. just know this site can be a little rougher then other sites :D



nice tank by the way bongo lol im realy diggin those shrimp im gonna have to find some for my pico :)

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Well you can buy one of the shrimp off me for $500 since that would be the lowest price for me to part with one. Or you can go to liveaquaria.com. Just know they only eat STARFISH.

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Well you can buy one of the shrimp off me for $500 since that would be the lowest price for me to part with one. Or you can go to liveaquaria.com. Just know they only eat STARFISH.



ok lol



we have stars cheap at my lfs


what is the feeding schuduel on them ?



:( live aquaria dosnt have any they only have harluquein which are cool to but the bongos are really cool

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cheryl jordan
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and thought I should start out by posting a thread about each of my two tanks.


This is my 29g Biocube Lagoon:



29g Oceanic BioCube (About 1 months old as a saltwater tank)

Oceanic BioCube Protein Skimmer

Stock lighting (Power Compact)

150wtt Visi-Therm Heater

Modded filtration with liverock instead of bioballs

A filter sponge covers the outflow to significantly reduce flow

Approx. 3-5 lbs of livesand

Approx. >10 lbs of liverock



x1 Yellow Brazilian Reidi Seahorse (Female)

x1 ORA Orange Reidi Seahorse (Male)

x2 Banded Pipefish (Pair)

x1 Yashia Goby

x1 Rainsfords Goby



Orange Finger Sponge

Orange Fan Sponge

Blue Sponge (Haliclona spp.)

Unknown Blue Sponge (possibly a type of macro algae)

Unknown Purple Monti Like Sponge

x2 Bongo Shrimp (Phyllognathia ceratophthalma) MY FAVORITES

x4 Peppermint Shrimp

Lots of Macro














Pipefish: (bad pic)



Bongo Shrimp:


















What do you think?

Awsome tanks, it's really nice to see something different. Do not get me wrong, alot of people on this site of very nice tanks, but it is nice to see something out of the norm. What is the saying " there is more than one way to skin a cat". Look forward to future post.

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Hmm, I thought they still had some. Check back in a few days to see if they get any more. I feed them asterinas and brittles every other day or so but they could go longer. One only eats brittles, the other eats both.

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Hmm, I thought they still had some. Check back in a few days to see if they get any more. I feed them asterinas and brittles every other day or so but they could go longer. One only eats brittles, the other eats both.



will they eat cut off legs of choclate chip star?

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im not going to be able to get them if they only eat brittle stars that a ton of money for food




heck that would cost more to feed than my piranhas

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im not going to be able to get them if they only eat brittle stars that a ton of money for food




heck that would cost more to feed than my piranhas



Yeah that's the only problem, wish they would eat something else.

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Yeah that's the only problem, wish they would eat something else.



yea lol im probaly just gonna get a pair of harliquens for my deli pico tank ( thats one thing that i havent found alot on are they coral safe ?)

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Thanks everyone!



yea lol im probaly just gonna get a pair of harliquens for my deli pico tank ( thats one thing that i havent found alot on are they coral safe ?)


The harys are coral safe, just not starfish safe. If you're going to do harlys look up hawaiian harlequin shrimp. They are the coolest.



Also, everyone be sure to check out my reef tank as well:


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