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MJ's 29g Barrel 'O Monkeys

Militant Jurist

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I came to see pichers of the vet,....................






















Im very disappointed

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Militant Jurist
I came to see pichers of the vet,....................





Im very disappointed


Well, she's very shy, so posting them on the web would probably be a bad idea....

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Well, she's very shy, so posting them on the web would probably be a bad idea....

PM is key. ;)


:P I said it before dt did. :lol:

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Militant Jurist
Cool snorkeling pictures! Looks like fun.


It was a lot of fun! Getting attacked by a little fish was interesting, but the crazy part was when two large schools started schooling around us. It made us wonder what else was in the water that made us such a safe choice to school around.


Oh, and I realized I forgot to ask about another ID. Any idea on this one?



Some kind of nem?

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Militant Jurist
Giant man (and vet) eating spaghetti worm???? :o


:lol: I knew that it could be dangerous, so I made sure to steer us both clear of it. I'd heard about giant centipedes that bit one of the prof's toe, and turned it necrotic. They almost had to amputate. After hearing about what would otherwise be left to the realm of B- and C-rated scifi flicks, I didn't want to test what the thing in that picture might be.




You two make a cute couple.


That's all Imma gonna say. :happy:


Thanks Richie. :happy: Although we've only been dating now for about two months or so, we have a long history together. We first dated in HS, and aside from issues of bad timing, we've always gotten along really well. To the point of driving some people crazy. :P


and the car makes three!!!


:lol: It was a lot of fun driving that chariot. I got a lot of crazy looks from the locals. Amazingly, it wasn't that hard to get used to driving on the left side of the road. Thankfully, the car had a normal driver's side, so that made it a bit easier to get around.

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Mj round here frog would go 15 - 20ish a head. Unless its something nice or rare then it goes up.

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Militant Jurist
Mj round here frog would go 15 - 20ish a head. Unless its something nice or rare then it goes up.


Thanks! Everyone seems to think that mine's kinda rare, but at the same time, common frog sells for about $10 per head locally, so $15 sounds good to me!


Plus, I only paid $15 for the frog colony in the first place from a fire sale. ;)

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Militant Jurist
Sounds like if you paid 15 then you know its worth 15 a head. :)



Well, I meant $15 for the whole colony (8 to 10 heads at the time). The guy had to have his tank torn down in about 48 hours with everything sold, so it was fire-sale pricing. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
Militant Jurist

Despite the summer slow-down of shenanigans, I've decided to post a semi-serious, albeit off-topic, post. At least there's a mention of coral in here.


I came across what could be the best article I've read describing the problems with the global warming "science." It goes the full range from evidence found in coral for naturally changing sea levels, including dramatic changes to mankind's inability to seriously alter the planet in the long term. It manages to avoid the hysterical elements of both sides of the debate while presenting the rational evidence that leads to the conclusion of 'so what?' I particularly enjoyed the observation that the ocean has the power to absorb a LOT of CO2 in the form of bicarbonate ions.


Here's the best part, from the conclusion, although the entire article is worth reading for those who are at all interested in the climate debate.


The geologic record as we know it thus suggests that climate is a profoundly grander thing than energy. Energy procurement is a matter of engineering and keeping the lights on under circumstances that are likely to get more difficult as time progresses. Climate change, by contrast, is a matter of geologic time, something that the earth routinely does on its own without asking anyone’s permission or explaining itself. The earth doesn’t include the potentially catastrophic effects on civilization in its planning. Far from being responsible for damaging the earth’s climate, civilization might not be able to forestall any of these terrible changes once the earth has decided to make them. Were the earth determined to freeze Canada again, for example, it’s difficult to imagine doing anything except selling your real estate in Canada. If it decides to melt Greenland, it might be best to unload your property in Bangladesh. The geologic record suggests that climate ought not to concern us too much when we’re gazing into the energy future, not because it’s unimportant, but because it’s beyond our power to control.


Source: The American Scholar: What the Earth Knows

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Militant Jurist
brb going to spray aerosol into the sky


Not to be harsh, but you'll have to do better than that. After all, you can't let Obama out-pollute you. He's been busy today:


9:30AM: THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base, South Lawn


(COMMENT: This via a large military chopper to Andrews just south of the D.C. beltway. About 15 minutes burning 1320 gallons of fuel, or about 6,270 pounds of carbon.)


9:45AM: THE PRESIDENT departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Detroit, Michigan


(COMMENT: This via Air Force One, a Boeing 747. Fuel consumoption: A gallon of jet fuel per second. For an 80 minute flight to Detroit, that is 110.400 pounds of carbon burned. Or 220,800 for the round trip)


11:05AM: THE PRESIDENT arrives in Detroit, Michigan, Detroit Metro Wayne County Airport


(COMMENT: Where he climbs aboard “Cadillac One,” the biggest prez limo ever. Armored. Maybe 10 mpg. Towing more SUVs behins in multi-car motorcade.)

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Militant Jurist


I think the next step is to use orbital re-entry to go across town for an iced-coffee.



Oh, and is anyone else amused by the fact that Obama has been hailing the Chevy Volt as an amazing "green" car, despite the fact that it gets plugged into Detroit's coal-fired electric grid?



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Hey not all coal is bad. It depends on the percentage of carbon or sulfer in it.




*I am from KY so I may have brainwashed when it comes to coal.

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