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Unofficial nano-reef 12" cube contest


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Oh, hm, so that's what Aiptasia looks like eh. I have Joes juice, try that or at this point since it's all new rock / tank something more dramatic?

Joes or a hell of a lot of peppermint shrimp.

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I wouldn't be supriesed if a few peppermint shrimp could take care of that in a week or so...you just need to get rid of all of them or you're gonna regret it...I wounder if you could do a joes juice bath and just drop the whole rock in w/o killing the good stuff

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Gotta drop this for the norcal reefers... you've got hella aiptasia. I say you throw 5 peppermint shrimp in there when you're finished cycling. I don't think they should count towards your livestock limit though.

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question_____ I have a livestock order being delivered to my hospital tomorrow. I plan on adding most of it to the pico, but taking a few animals out within the week. They serve no purpose at this point.... perform no service...... offer no help other than beauty. I will net them out and redistribute to my home tanks within the week. Should they count towards my livestock budget? What if I post no pictures of them whatsoever?



EDIT ____Harthag.... You have been a member for 3 and 1/2 years and have yet to see a glass anemone? I am not willing to declare that your hitchhikers are indeed Aiptasia, but they certainly look like that to me. Either way, congrats on a long run aiptasia free.... until (possibly) now.

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question_____ I have a livestock order being delivered to my hospital tomorrow. I plan on adding most of it to the pico, but taking a few animals out within the week. They serve no purpose at this point.... perform no service...... offer no help other than beauty. I will net them out and redistribute to my home tanks within the week. Should they count towards my livestock budget? What if I post no pictures of them whatsoever?

Eh, whatever. No pics, it never happened, right?

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Eh, I have had many a romantic eve.... many a wonderful experience.... many a shared joy....... Just because no one was snapping photos doesn't mean it didn't happen.


EDIT ---- And if I have to hire a photographer to prove my experiences were real.... I would be one broke mo' fo'

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Eh, I have had many a romantic eve.... many a wonderful experience.... many a shared joy....... Just because no one was snapping photos doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Touché sir.

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Think that it's all going to be an honor system thing. I personally will remove my 10G HOB setup for all pics. ;) maybe we need 24/7 web cams:)

gezzz I need to start setting up and spending less time online :P

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Think that it's all going to be an honor system thing. I personally will remove my 10G HOB setup for all pics. ;) maybe we need 24/7 web cams:)

gezzz I need to start setting up and spending less time online :P

Get to work, we want pics! :lockdown:

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That sucks... 'tho I would be interested in seeing if peppermint shrimp would actually clean it up.



my peppermint doesn't do squat . must be a female :P i just inject them with lemon juice. dead the next day. cuc takes care of the rest.



shipping cost doesnt count on livestock budget right?

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my peppermint doesn't do squat . must be a female :P i just inject them with lemon juice. dead the next day. cuc takes care of the rest.



shipping cost doesnt count on livestock budget right?



You have to remember pep shrimp will eat the easiest food first. If you put them in a mature tank you are feeding they will eat the fish/coral food first. if you put them in a tank with just aptesia and no other food source they should clean them up.


If it were my tank I would buy a single schooling bannerfish. Don't feed it and it should take care of the problem. I have 2 of them in one of my tanks and I can't old a rock in the tank and they will opick it clean while I'm holding it. They will eat the tiny feather duster worms also. Jus t know that tank is way to small for that fish long term. I would get the fish from a differnt LFS and tell them you will be returing it when the rock is clean. Make sure either way shrimp or fish that you turn the rock. Don't assume because the aptesia is under the rock that it will die.

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Some good idea's here. I will admit I purposely picked pieces of rock w/ as many of them on it as I could because I was hoping they were good things :) But the rock was also the most interesting shape so I'd of probably picked it still knowing it was bad.


Yeah 3.5 years on here but just got my first SW setup this year, 3.5 years ago I was going to do SW & wussed out, ended up w/ my 75g Oscar tank instead. All my rock in my tanks has come from my local clubs President & Vice Pres who have beautiful tanks so pests haven't been an issue.


I'm tempted to bake the rocks just because all sides are covered & I don't want to miss anything but I've seen some large Copods now that must of been on the rock so don't really want to kill everything. I think my first step is to borrow some Nudibranches from clubs Vice Pres as he's around the corner & had a bunch of em a few months ago, believe those are sposed to eat Aiptasia.


Edit: K, read up on Peppermints, may give them a try along w/ the joes juice combo, sounds like they tend to munch on corals as well so I'll have to figure out something to do w/ em after they do their job as they won't be staying in this tank.

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are you injecting your Peppermint shrimp with lemon juice just cause it's lazy or cause it's female?



my peppermint doesn't do squat . must be a female :P i just inject them with lemon juice. dead the next day. cuc takes care of the rest.



shipping cost doesnt count on livestock budget right?

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We need a mod on Doc Frye's thread. His prices are absolutely ridiculous. $15 for 11 mohawks??? Laughable.


If these prices are allowed I'm dropping all of my zoas/palys to $.05/polyp.

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Anyone have a way to contact Eric other than thru NR? His inbox is full and his website is disabled


I'm guessing you already have this since you sent him paypal, but his email addy should be in your paypal transaction archive. If you can't find it PM me and I'll send it to you.


We need a mod on Doc Frye's thread. His prices are absolutely ridiculous. $15 for 11 mohawks??? Laughable.


If these prices are allowed I'm dropping all of my zoas/palys to $.05/polyp.


Hey you might wanna check page 2 of his thread. The stuff you read is what he paid for his stuff, not what he credited towards his tank budget.

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I'm guessing you already have this since you sent him paypal, but his email addy should be in your paypal transaction archive. If you can't find it PM me and I'll send it to you.




Hey you might wanna check page 2 of his thread. The stuff you read is what he paid for his stuff, not what he credited towards his tank budget.

OK still 4 mohawks for $8???? Vivid sells 4 for $65.99.


2 billy clubs for $10????



I'm reducing my price values drastically. The snow globe palys I put down as $5/polyp are nothing compared to the billy clubs.

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