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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Opy's BC29 Upgrade!


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It looks to me like the flesh is turning white and then dieing leaving the bone behind. It started last week, I changed the flow so that it is directly towards it, but it seems that hasnt helped. I now have added a Koralia 1 and have kept the K nano in the tank in case I want to use it as well.


i had the same issue with my slimer. turned out to be tissue necrosis.


here's the link, http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?...c=208596&hl , people gave me advice on what to do.


i ended up cutting the dying part and my slimer has been doing fine since then.

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wow i sure missed a lot but you do a very good job of updating your tank. very nice by the way! i love Benny too. you might want to take bulldozer out though. i think my version got hungry and ate my blenny. i came home one day and he was already being half way eaten! i also believe he ate my clown gobies.


Bulldozer has been gone for about 2 weeks :tears: . I miss him but he started munching on my acros and I couldnt have that. The manager of the LFS bought him from me for his personal tank so I know he is in good hands. Benny seems to be very happy and has picked up really quick when feeding time it lol. And next time dont go away for so long :P .


i had the same issue with my slimer. turned out to be tissue necrosis.


here's the link, http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?...c=208596&hl , people gave me advice on what to do.


i ended up cutting the dying part and my slimer has been doing fine since then.


Thats good to know, thanks. Now if I start having problems I will know where your thread is and what to do. In fact I am heading over there now :happy: .

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No new updates on my tank other than the new baby conch snails I got from corallineadam. Well I did have to remove my shrooms from my home tank because the LEDs were bleaching them and they were all heading to the bottom of the rock. They are now in my office tank to readjust to the old light.


I went to the zoo monday and had a great time also





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Thanks! He has eveyone fooled, he stole mysis from my brain <_< . He is doing great though. At the LFS he was always hiding and never came out but at my house he's always swimming around exploring... maybe contemplating escape?

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Ok heres the update on my purple tri-color. I dipped it in iodine the second day I had it then in Revive Coral Cleaner about 2 weeks later then one more dip in Revive about 2 weeks after that.


September 5



September 20



October 8 (I think my white balance was a little off but it is actually almost that purple)


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Thanks!!! The SPS and LPS should do alot better now that my magnesium supliments are in and I am now dosing. Stupid Mg was down to 900. It will take a bit to get them back up but at least now I know why my calcium was low.


In the mean time I have to find some other way of supporting my wife and I. This "work" stuff is killing me and I havent had any time to post lately. Between merging domains and setting up 3 new servers and being on-call I am exhausted and cant find time to do anything but mess with my tanks.

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Thanks guys! Here is one I took a few minutes ago that the shutter had to stay open 25 seconds but the color is alot more accurate and the polyp extension at night is alot better too.



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thanks guys! I am going to spent tomorrow taking updated pics. My digi, monti cap and tri color all have grown some. The slimer and others still look the same though. I got projects at work that are coming to an end so I will have more time for NR soon.


Adam, I am seeing 3 of the snails in my home tank alot lately so hopefully they will start earning thier keep soon lol. Not sure where the other 3 are but from all the rocks I have they could be anywhere.


I have my first baby zoa from a frag I made. I am going to redo some of my office tank and make more frags next week so hopefully in a month or so I will have some to trade :happy: . I am also getting shrooms like crazy so I will be putting those on thier own rocks too.


Well now I got an itch to frag so I am off to pluck some zoas now instead of next week :D .

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Yep and I am still waiting on a response from DA about why it will not work right. I does not ramp up and down. It only turns the LEDs on and off. DA has become a bit slow in support lately. I am quite dissapointed in them for that too. I may not be their best customer but after buying 3 RKLs, 2 modules and 2 probes I would think that they would be a bit quicker to help me out.


I slacked off and didnt get pics of my tank this weekend but I did go back to the zoo this weekend. I have a membership there so I can go any time I want and it very relaxing and great excersize. It also gives me an opportunity to practice my photography skillz.



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you are using the meanwell drivers correct? i wen t to the support section of DA last last night and saw your thread on your issues. i do hope that the problems were solved with the 1.14 upgrade. still, there should also be the ramping up/down feature. i just received my alc yesterday and have not installed my leds over the 37 gal for this reason. i just wanted to do it all at once. i just should have done it to begin with. also which version of meanwell do you have? "p" or "d"

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I am using the Meanwell D and I just installed 1.14 firmware on the ALC and it does not ramp. I posted my config but DA has yet to respond.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. It's been a few days since I've been able to post because of work. Being on call 24/7 plus working 50 hours a week takes its toll but next week will be alot better. I try to come in and check things out periodically but its tough sometimes and when I can I only get to reply to one or two threads. :(


I got some updated pics of my acros. I love looking through the camera at them because they are so cool to watch. Ever since I started using Roti-Feast my SPS have eben doing ALOT better. My LPS even seem to like it better than mysis. Although I did get a different brand of mysis that my clowns seem to love more than my other stuff. Maybe my other stuff just got freezer burn.







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Ok so I was looking in my tank and I saw this thing moving around my acros. I looked closer and it looked like some sort of slug that I had never seen before. From what I can find it looks like a stomatella. If so then I lovew it! Who knows how long its been in there and where it came from but it really looks cool.





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yep, that's a bonifide stomatella! those suckers are fast too compared to other snails. i ave been wanting to get more


i got my drivers yesterday and tested a led out. it seems to ramp up and down just fine. it tk e awhile to figure out the settings. i didn't have any destructions with it. at first the same thing was happening with the straight on/off, but then i noticed that there was a advanced light option and that did the trick. i should have it finished sometime this week hopefully. :rolleyes:


anyways good find on the snail

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