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d'Espresso's Solana, Baby S'mores pics p.29


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10 more hours and my new corals will be here.. They are gonna be here at 10:30am Central time! :) I need to go sleep. lol

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Beautiful tank. I love your acan garden.


You are using 150w MH + LED right?. May I see how you set them up?


Thank you for the kind words, that's mean alot coming from you!


Yes, i am using 150w 14k Phoenix MH w/ 6 Royal Blue LED Hybrid. i will try to post some pic up soon! The Maxspect was to much for my coral that it bleached some but i did the emergency switch and saved all my corals.

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Thank you for the kind words, that's mean alot coming from you!


Yes, i am using 150w 14k Phoenix MH w/ 6 Royal Blue LED Hybrid. i will try to post some pic up soon! The Maxspect was to much for my coral that it bleached some but i did the emergency switch and saved all my corals.


That helps me a lot. I am thinking about switching to Maxspect as well. Now I have to change my mind.

I always see coral fade in color when using LED. I wonder why.

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I am very pleased with my new corals and they all open up right away! Probably couple days later I will try to take sone new pictures of all the frags soon.


Today Im taking the family out and about and maybe try to look for a fish store in New Orleans.


Hopefully something nice I can put in my little reef box :)

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Day 2 with all the new frags I got are doing well and start to open up better. This is a good start for new beginnings. I definitely gonna get some more later on.


Yesterday I stopped by this little reef store in New Orleans while I was out-of-town with my wife and baby. I found my prized fish for a decent price. I picked up a Redhead goby, Tiger goby, Red stripe Trimma goby, and Golden neon goby. I did my research while I was at the fish store and they all worked out and get along pretty good. Here is a little brief description from ORA


Tank Raised Red Head Goby

(Elacatinus puncticulatus) ORA


The Red Head Goby’s natural range is from the Sea of Cortez to Ecuador. This small goby, as the name implies, has a brilliant red head with a translucent body. Within the red coloration there are vivid gold and blue stripes. The Red Head Goby is a known cleaner goby, it is not uncommon to see individuals remove parasites from other fish. Initially they are slightly more cryptic than some of their Caribbean counterparts but once they get comfortable in a tank they tend to stay out in the open where their vibrant head makes them easy to spot. Their small size and peaceful behavior makes them a perfect match for large and tiny tanks alike.

Recommended Tank size: 10 gallon or larger aquarium with a mixture of either live sand or loose coral rubble as substrate.

Feeding and Diet: The diet should consist of a variety of live and frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen food preparations for carnivores. If kept in a reef tank, it should be fed once per day.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1" to 1-1/2"

Level of Care: Easy

Reef Compatibility:Very good reef or community fish.


Red Stripe Trimma Goby

(Trimma canna)


Description: The Red Striped Goby, from the reefs of Cebu, is another in the Trimma Family of gobies and is also often hard to find. They are smaller gobies, reaching a total length of 1 inch. Their body is opaque in color with red irregularly shaped spots. Their eyes are quite large and are also spotted in red and gold. They are very active and quite peaceful, and make a wonderful addition to the saltwater reef, nano or fish only aquarium.

Recommended Tank :1 gallon or larger aquarium.

Feeding and Diet: The diet should consist of a variety of fresh or frozen seafood, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp. It needs to be fed twice per day.

General Comments: Small groups, or pairs, tend to do better in an aquarium, but need to be introduced to the tank simultaneously. Do not house these gobies with larger, aggressive fish or invertebrates.

Level of Care: Very Hardy, easy to maintain

Reef Compatibility:Good Reef and Nano tank species

Approximate Purchase Size: These are tiny fish, usually 3/4" to 1"


Tiger Goby

(Elacatinus macrodon)


Description:  A brand new Nano tank fish that has plenty of personality and an unforgettable look. A great addition for the smaller tank. Never gets larger than 1-1/2". These beauties are named after their tiger stripes, but are a mild mannered goby that will socialize will all tank mates.

Recommended Tank size: 1 gallon

Feeding and Diet: Tiger Gobies will readily accept small meaty foods that are offered. Their mouths are fairly small, so only small foods are given any attention.

Reef Compatibility: Tiger Gobies are very good reef tank inhabitants.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1" to 1-1/2"


Golden Neon Goby

Elacatinus sp.


Description:  The Golden Neon Goby, is also called the Yellow Prow Goby, and Yellowstripe Cleaning Goby. It should be housed in a 10 gallon or larger aquarium. Rarely will it become aggressive towards other fish. It is a hardy cleaner species that will service tank mates, cleaning them of parasites, which may help control some diseases, such It is common for the Golden Neon Goby to spawn in an aquarium, laying its eggs in a crevice or empty shell.

Recommended Tank size: 1 gallon

Feeding and Diet: It feeds on a variety of live and frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysid shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen food preparations for carnivores.

Level of Care: Easy

Reef Compatibility:Very good reef or community fish.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1" to 1-1/2"

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Great choices. Ive had all of those species in the past.. they are pod decimators and get along well as long as they have their space.



Your tank looks fantastic BTW

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Great choices. Ive had all of those species in the past.. they are pod decimators and get along well as long as they have their space.



Your tank looks fantastic BTW


thanks hype, your tank is one of many inspiration that would like to have. So natural and clean looking!


About the gobies you have in the past, that is good to know they did well for you. I am trying these guys out and planning to get more. I am on the search for 2 masked gobies and 3 more trimma gobies. Trying to do a Goby Nation. Lol :)


But it's very hard to find in my area which we don't have that much lfs around here. :(

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Well Fedex delievered on time and i like how fast this was shipped next day. Here is a shot of all my new goodies in my tank after delivery.








sorry about the flash

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Needs moar water IMO. Otherwise, I'm extremely jealous of the anemone shrimp. My maxis need some gardeners :P

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Whoa looks like lots of new stuff!! How is it all doing?


Those new gobies are awesome!



Hello jacob long time no see nor hear you bro.


Loving the new goodies i got and wanting to get more. But first i need to catch my tailspot blenny because he is being bad and started chasing my new gobies, bite my clown fish and just being bad all the way. What's a good way to catch him out?


Planning to get some more gobies again, was wondering how many 1"- 3/4" gobies can i put in a 34gallon tank? smile.gif


i was thinking gettng total of 12 different kinds in pairs. is that possible?

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I was in here a couple days ago haha. I am packing for my trip B)


Ah that is annoying. Try netting him while you are feeding, or a bottle trap.


Well they start fighting if you get too many. I dunno how many though lol.


I think that may be a bit too many haha.

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Where you heading out to? Hope u have a safe trip!


Well good news I caught the bad dude when he was sleeping in his shell, so now he is on time out and tomorrow he is going back to the lfs. Lol


I might just get about 6 more gobies instead of 12.

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Alaska! It should be awesome. Thanks I hope so too :)


Nice! That was waaaay easier than I thought it would be haha.


Yea much better idea. I would still talk to someone else though. I think these guys need more room than we give them credit for lol.

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Here are my new fish I just got in.










I also have more coming in soon so any concerns or comments are welcome!


This morning I caught my tailspot blenny in his cave so I got him out right away and return him back to the fish store near my house. He was a fun character with lots of personality but he also thinks he is the king in the tank and the clowns is his body guard. So bye bye blenny and hello all gobies :)

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dang dude got enough gobies haha? I'm getting a McCoskers for my 34 today! I ALREADY caught the sixline and moved him out haha! looking good playa

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dang dude got enough gobies haha? I'm getting a McCoskers for my 34 today! I ALREADY caught the sixline and moved him out haha! looking good playa


hellnaw never enough gobies lol :) j/k I probably going to keep around 7 different kinds of gobies. Oman I hate u! That mcCoskers gonna look hella sick in there! Can't wait to see. Well I got rid of the blenny problem hopefully my trimma comes out to play with the rest.


So now I am on the search for some more gobies. Do anyone have any suggestion or know where I can find a cool 1" 3/4" gobies, please let me know where to find some.

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hellnaw never enough gobies lol :) j/k I probably going to keep around 7 different kinds of gobies. Oman I hate u! That mcCoskers gonna look hella sick in there! Can't wait to see. Well I got rid of the blenny problem hopefully my trimma comes out to play with the rest.


So now I am on the search for some more gobies. Do anyone have any suggestion or know where I can find a cool 1" 3/4" gobies, please let me know where to find some.


I have had clown gobies before! sick little fishies!

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one clown goby you don't see to often is the panda clown goby.. lil off the beaten path for clown gobies. and really cute too.

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Those new gobies are so cool.


Thanks bro, i wanna get some more but different kind of pairs.


one clown goby you don't see to often is the panda clown goby.. lil off the beaten path for clown gobies. and really cute too.


I heard they don't live to long and they are rare to find. i would love to get my hands on them though but it probably gonna take me years. :D

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Have u seen any aggressiveness while adding different gobies?


I see mine picking on each other from time to time, but I've wanted to add more.

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Here is AUGUST 1, 2010 FTS:




The New Acans Garden:










Have u seen any aggressiveness while adding different gobies?


I see mine picking on each other from time to time, but I've wanted to add more.


The only problem i had was the Tailspot blenny, had to get rid of him fast but either then that every one is doing good so far and share caves with each other. It's funny how they got their own spot to hangout on each corals. lol :)

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