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Coral Vue Hydros



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Hey Erik, put me down for the drawing and keep us updated on your website! I can't wait to check out what beauties you've got, the parents are soo good lookin!

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im trying lol i lost a whoel bunch in grow out sux but oh well. I had a huge temperature drop since I ac the room and i forgot to put heaters in their tuns. Awhole bunch ended up droppin i was very upset but it happens. I have about 600 more that are a couple days old and shes laying again. I iwll update pix as soon as my nikon d90 comes in it was supposed to be here already damn it lol

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Aww man sorry for your loss :tears: I am glad I am not doing this, I'd be crying with every fry that didn't make it. I am sure you'll do great with the next 600, Good Luck! fingerscrossed

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The new batch is doing great and strong just going through meta im going to post pix of some of the B grades but here is a quick pic of my Spartans








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Quick question? why does the little clown fish like to hang all the way on the top water? is it because he hungry? just kinda afraid it my do a carpet surfing

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This breeding pair looks awesome, he is wild caught right?


Maybe you can clear some confusion up for me, from what you had described as deformed in a previous thread, this fish should also be considered deformed, shouldn't it?


PS. I like the spartans markings....maybe you will have better luck with picassos than you do breeding onyx.


Quick question? why does the little clown fish like to hang all the way on the top water? is it because he hungry? just kinda afraid it my do a carpet surfing


Clownfish are social animals, they will always try to pair up. If he is alone, chances are he see's his reflection and is trying to pair up with it. do you ever see him twitch, or turn sideways? If you want him to be more visible in the tank, find him a mate.

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^ forget this tard


Christo - I'm interested in some of your picasso's and a pair of Onyx - but I've got some questions for you first. I'll shoot you a PM later on.

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^ forget this tard


Christo - I'm interested in some of your picasso's and a pair of Onyx - but I've got some questions for you first. I'll shoot you a PM later on.


Intelligent, and constructive. I asked a legitimate question and would like a legitimate answer. Christos (Erik) claimed a clownfish I bought from Booyahs was deformed, yet he is clearly Breeding an equally deformed clownfish and selling offspring to you guys. This is the second fish i've seen you breeding that would fall under your classification of "deformed."


I just want a clear answer, because you made a huge stink about my fish being deformed. It would be nice to know if these fish are really deformed, or if you were just trying to detract from another breeders work for your own profit?

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bp I answered your question through via pm i wuld not like to ruin another thread as you did one already. Please take this to pm no need for a rutkiss id appreciate it and ill answer any questions you have which i did about tow min ag in a p, i sent you

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bp I answered your question through via pm i wuld not like to ruin another thread as you did one already. Please take this to pm no need for a rutkiss id appreciate it and ill answer any questions you have which i did about tow min ag in a p, i sent you


I think you have already created a big enough stink that this needs to be addressed publicly. Please answer here, and I'll move on.




Why don't you just ask the question instead of adding all the other crap with it?


Background and context needs to be provided for a relevant answer.

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I answered yor question in pm if you want to copy and paste it go right ahead i wont answer again thank you

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I answered yor question in pm if you want to copy and paste it go right ahead i wont answer again thank you


A lot of that isn't completely relevant, do I have permission to selectively quote the PM?

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bpkenn you can do anything you would like I cant stop you. I was wrong for bashing your fish that was deformed. Absolutley i should have kept my two cents to myself. Your fish has great coloration and it really hinestly doesnt matter if she has a hump if your happy with her. My onyx female has the same hump yet i wasnt aware she did through the pictures I got of her. Either way my apologies for starting something that was irrelevant. My wild caught male does nto have it from what i see maybe the tiniest bit but he is wild caught thanks

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The moderators have agreed to re-open these threads provided nobody gets out of line. With that I feel that christosclowns PMed apology can best explain the conclusion.


I answered yor question in pm if you want to copy and paste it go right ahead i wont answer again thank you


I pmed chris marks yesterday and told him that i was the cause of that argument. I told him it was not fair to close your thread because you were simpply attempting to show off your fish. I do apologize if I ruined it for you but i have worked my ass off breeding these clowns and I dont want to cause chaos. Your right your fish has awesome coloration and yes he may be a bit deformed in the head but some cquest pairs the majority of them do have that.One of my females has it not the male by the way Rods has it Mitches has it etc... Just because the parents have it does not neccessarilu mean the offspring will.


I'm glad we can clear that portion up. Mitch @ Booyah's produces some wicked onyx clownfish :) (most credit going to Bill addison of course!!!)


The deformity comes from nutritional and water paramters.

I don't agree with this. Why would we see this deformity in the wild caught fish then? I believe in natural selection, and to some extent, the oceans are one of the places that the taint of human existence has the...least immediate impact. Thusly I think it is a better indicator of nature taking its course.



my male is wild caught. All my males and picasso females are wild caught and yes one does have a hump but it does not affect the offspring.


If this "deformity" causes a major health issue to the fish, I would think that natural selection would have done the work of "culling" it from the ocean. Honestly, from this point forward, I will no longer be referring to that as a deformity. If it occurs in nature, and the fish survives along with the rest of the fittest, then it is obviously beneficial or negligible, and should not be looked upon negatively.



Your fish has amazing coloration and to you its beautiful just like to me mine is. I got out of hand you got out of hand etc... I am sorry sincerely

Thank you for the apology again, but I cannot return one to you. I do not feel I was out of hand. Such reactions on my part are to be expected when continuously provoked.



I really do it cuz I love it. Colby has ten pairs of my fish that are half an inch and almost completely black and he keeps them under t5 lights, where my brother has a pair of mine in a 29 jbj with halides and there not its hit or miss with early signs sometimes it takes a year or two.


That is why I would really urge you to grow your fish for a bit longer before you sell them as onyx. This way everyone knows they are getting what they are paying for.


edit: I would like to see Colby post some pictures of the completely black onyx that you bred if he doesn't mind.


I send my apologies again if I did not answer your question and if I was a jerk off in your thread. I really did nothing wrong to mitch and if you ask others I really am a cool guy and very straight foward. I hope this answers your questions and I hope this can be behind us


I disagree, and im sure Mitch would also. What you did was clearly defamation, but thank you for the apology, and I will move on from this unless I am further provoked.

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The new batch is doing great and strong just going through meta im going to post pix of some of the B grades but here is a quick pic of my Spartans









they are so beautiful Erik! I finally move the little clown that I received from You a month ago and is now in his new home. He like to look at him self in the front tank since he is only one in there for now still waiting for the new mate to come. :)

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I am going to pick tomorrow and will post tomorroe night. I was going to do it tonight but i had allot of siphoning to do lol ill post tomorrow night see ya

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Ok I am announcing one winner everyone they are a b grade pair The reason I am doing one pair is because since they are so small they have died in shipping the past ocuple times ill lose one or two because they get caught in the creases. I dont want to go through ten clowns in order to get one alive there im just losing clowns by doing this so im going to stick with one pair. Winner has to cover shipping at 55 dollars


The winner is


NanoReefNovice congrats

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Ok I am announcing one winner everyone they are a b grade pair The reason I am doing one pair is because since they are so small they have died in shipping the past ocuple times ill lose one or two because they get caught in the creases. I dont want to go through ten clowns in order to get one alive there im just losing clowns by doing this so im going to stick with one pair. Winner has to cover shipping at 55 dollars


The winner is


NanoReefNovice congrats



Congrats NanoReefNovice!


Erik, the clown is getting bigger and bigger by day. Still waiting for his new mate from you. he look so lonely. lol :) this is his new home now. here is the update on his new home from the 12gal ap to 34 gal Solana.




sorry for the bad shots but this the best i can take for a point shoot shot :)

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