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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Lani's 40 Breeder


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Well, let's see if I can turn that frown upside down. :naughtydance:

And don't say you can't take the same pics. It just takes a lot of patience. The biggest hurdle is to get them to stop for just a second.. fast little buggers. <_<


Having a good kit to use doesn't go astray either it would seem :P Maybe if you tried to sweet talk it, y'know, put on some candles, turned the lights off and played some Barry White they'd slow down? I hear that works on all kinds of things. Especially the ladies.

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let me know if you want any more colorful sticks.




You're back!


Having a good kit to use doesn't go astray either it would seem :P Maybe if you tried to sweet talk it, y'know, put on some candles, turned the lights off and played some Barry White they'd slow down? I hear that works on all kinds of things. Especially the ladies.

'Let's... get it on.' ;)


Best looking hair algae on NR.com! See if you can sell it!

Haha, want a frag?? :P

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'Let's... get it on.' ;)


Is that an invitation? 'cos I know at least like 20 people on here who'd pay for photos. Let's make it happen.

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Is that an invitation? 'cos I know at least like 20 people on here who'd pay for photos. Let's make it happen.

Your place or mine? (Please say yours, I want to see Australia :wub:)


your pictures are gorgeous! What lens are you using?

Thanks! Canon Digital Rebel XT w/ Canon 100mm macro. :)

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Your place or mine? (Please say yours, I want to see Australia :wub:)



Australia? See, we could do that but the problem is you'd never wanna leave again ;) Why limit it to either? Let's take this thing on the road! Tourbus and all. Arena style.

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Your place or mine? (Please say yours, I want to see Australia :wub:)



Thanks! Canon Digital Rebel XT w/ Canon 100mm macro. :)

that's the lens I want!! I want it even more after seeing your pictures lol

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Australia? See, we could do that but the problem is you'd never wanna leave again ;) Why limit it to either? Let's take this thing on the road! Tourbus and all. Arena style.



that's the lens I want!! I want it even more after seeing your pictures lol

Well then, DO EET! :D


Beautiful tank & photos Lalani! :flower:


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You sure like to dance in a naughty manner eh? :P I can dig it. In fact, call me a shovel.



ps. your tank needs at least 5 more Sharks.

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When I think things can't possibly get any worse..........








One of the three lunar lights I attached to the tek fixture fell into the tank today... Couldn't have been in the water any longer than a minute before I noticed, but apparently that's plenty of time to pi$$ everything off.. A few zoas have started to open up again (hours later)..



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I had an R2 moonlight attached to the part of my canopy that swung open, so if I didn't close it carefully, it would pop off an into the water... and there was never a problem. None of the inhabitants seemed to notice if it fell in (for extended periods sometimes) and it always worked after I let it dry out. Until it got rusty at the connections, and I had to get another one. That reminds me, I still have no moonlights! What kind do you run lalani?

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water+electricity= FAIL


Setosa seems to be losing color...


aww man that sucks... hope everything gets better. does the light still work? or did it short-circut?

The light was still shining while it was in the water. The connector is corroded, but if I clean it out and let it dry it will probably still work.


I had an R2 moonlight attached to the part of my canopy that swung open, so if I didn't close it carefully, it would pop off an into the water... and there was never a problem. None of the inhabitants seemed to notice if it fell in (for extended periods sometimes) and it always worked after I let it dry out. Until it got rusty at the connections, and I had to get another one. That reminds me, I still have no moonlights! What kind do you run lalani?

Mine are R2s, I think. I dunno, see pic a few posts down.

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Just rinse it will & let it dry out. Hubby saved many a TV & appliance after hurricane & intercoastal flooding. He took TV's out behind the shop & rinsed the insides with a hose. You have to be sure it is good & dry or it will short. Hope everyone recovers OK.

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:( I've been thinking about getting LED moonlights to see the tank at night, but all these horror stories make me nervous.
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If you do decide to reuse it after being dried out, make sure it's been rinsed of any salt thoroughly or it will screw out and runs the risk of catching fire. If it was freshwater you'd be in the clear, but because it's been in salt water the chances of it ever drying out fully while the salt is still there is virtually zero...

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What part(s) of the electrical bits were exposed to the water? It could have run much current through the tank and the voltage would be low too... I wonder why everything freaked out.


I'd also be more worried about the PCBs or components corroding from the SW exposure.


If you rinse it right quick, you minimize risk but it's no guarantee that it will work.

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Thanks guys. I really don't care if the light still works or not, I'm just worried about the tank right now.. Everything still seems to be struggling, except for a few zoas. I did a small water change, but I'm mixing more sw for a larger one.


Isaac, the entire lunar light was in the water. Good thing they float. -_-

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