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Snowflake Clownfish laying eggs


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well the good news is that i have seen the eggs change color so thats a good thing. They are still eating eggs so i dont know how long it iwll take them to stop. Next week i will be using different parents to take care of the eggs. And i have the wyoming whites laying as well ill keep ya updated im still around just a bit quite thats all its always quite before a big storm

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we have fertilization eggs have changed colors i will post pix as soon as i can i will finally have snowflake babies clutch was small but oh well

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we have fertilization eggs have changed colors i will post pix as soon as i can i will finally have snowflake babies clutch was small but oh well

You will finally have snowflake babies I thought you said you use to breed snowflakes all the time anyways congrats on finally having some eggs when do they hatch how many will be snowflake

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I did have snowflakes babies before when i lost my male about two years ago i havent had any since I was getting out of 100 to to hundred eggs 25 to 50 snowflakes some extreme some not so extreme. Right now there is about 100 or so eggs give or take its their second time laying so im sure the spawns will just get larger. The pictures are blurrry i will get better ones asap as they develope eyes. Hope he lets them go to full term hes doing a great job right now on day 3








this wyoming whote has just layed for the second time pictured below i hope he fertilizies next week so we can get some cool baboes out of him






Dont mean to get off topic but i snapped a pic of these two tonight had to share lol





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well i hatched about 20 or so and they are eating great well see in a couple days when they start forming stripes how they look

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Just a question what does donis reef have to do with me or my clowns. This thread has nothing to do with her fish. Maybe you think that my fish are from her your very wrong. These fish are wild caught offspring just to give ya a heads up.

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Just a question what does donis reef have to do with me or my clowns. This thread has nothing to do with her fish. Maybe you think that my fish are from her your very wrong. These fish are wild caught offspring just to give ya a heads up.

It was just a statement.if you want spartan clowns goto donisreef.com since people like them. No need to get your panties all ruffeled. How are the snowflake babies doing?I heard occellaris bar up faster than picassos you should post some pics we want to see them!!!!!!

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its all good, anyway the snowflakes have dropped down to 8 i lost the other 9. They just layed 2 days ago and there about 150 or so eggs that are all fertilizied so this batch will hatch in 4 days or so. Ill keep ya posted

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no actually i have had the worst vibrio virus in the world. It was horrible. I ran into problems with bad microalgae dont even ask it was brutal. Im building a whole new grow out cuz everything was infested and i didnt feel like bleaching so im going with acrylic tanks brand new. Its always somehting. Another thing i found out is that the blue bucket of salt from oceanic has .50 ammonia when diluted and i was getting die offs so im working kinks out. When it rains it pours. Right now i have no babies at all. I have lost 8 batches in a row and im waiting for new nano from reed mariculture cuz the three i had were bad and caused serious problems. But randy reed is great and hes covering everything and getting me out new stuff. I hope it gets better

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No the parents are perfect because they are on two different systems and i never croos contaminate water. I pretty much starting the growout form scratch all over again. Its the only option so these things happen. Just like people we get sick sometimes we can cure it sometimes it is a life long illness that kills us. I dunno seems like clownfish die allot easier but im trying so well see

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok well here is an update for those interested. I have 5 snowflake pairs laying right now and all of them are fertile. I wll be hatching around 300 eggs this weekend from pair 2. The original male and the second male who were eating the eggs are fertile and have stopped so hopefully I will have some wicked looking fish in the next month. I hope everyone is still interested as i will be giving the first pair away for free in a drawing those who are interested start speaking you piece. i hope i get to talk with all of you. This year will be a great year for clownfish considering the fact that i figured out the lil problems I ran into and now i have more eggs and babies that i know what to do with as it looks. Ill ttyl see ya

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