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Coral Vue Hydros

Atomics 90g Mixed Reef


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nice lookin reef!



Thanks alot!!!


Not too much has been going with my tank. Ive not been home lately so its due for another big water change and I still need to get my C02 tank filled for my CA reactor. I also got a new float for my RODI so that I dont need to keep filling up buckets and putting them in my ATO. Hopefully I get a better camera soon so i can take better pictures.

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I did the Mesh Mod on my Skimmer. So far it seems to be working alot better, but only time will tell.



Also my Flame angel has popeye. Ive heard there is nothing your can do and any stress will only make it worse. Ill keep an "eye" on it....

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I went to Premium Aquatics yesterday and picked up a few goodies.


I had always loved the moon lights on my old Aquapod so I added 4 LED blue lights to the tank. It really shimmers at night.


I also bought 3 new bulbs for my sump light. I have been going one about every 6 months, so i stocked up on them.


I also got a new large magnet algae cleaner. It works so much better than the old medium one.

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I went to Premium Aquatics yesterday and picked up a few goodies.


I had always loved the moon lights on my old Aquapod so I added 4 LED blue lights to the tank. It really shimmers at night.


I also bought 3 new bulbs for my sump light. I have been going one about every 6 months, so i stocked up on them.


I also got a new large magnet algae cleaner. It works so much better than the old medium one.


Tank looks good man im coming out on thursday hopefully i can get some macro the new skimmer is doing wonders peace man

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Tank looks good man im coming out on thursday hopefully i can get some macro the new skimmer is doing wonders peace man


Thanks Eric, Ill cya on Thursday



great aquascaping. love the shape


Thanks alot, I worked really hard to get it the way I like it



Im going on friday to get a new RBTA!!!

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is there as much coraline growing as it looks like in those pics? what bulbs are you using if it isnt the camera..?



I have a ton of Coraline growing. Im using Phoenix 14k 250w bulbs. They are GREAT but at 100 dollars a bulb I might go with something different next year.

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I finally got my Co2 tank for my calcium reactor filled. I swapped my 10lb for a 20lb tank so I wont go through that problem for a while. Indyreefer2010 is coming over tomorrow to help me set it up. I also might paint my background black and scrape all the Coraline algae off the back wall of the tank. I know i cant get it all but I like the clean look. Because the calcium reactor will make my life so much easier, I am getting a RBTA Friday and Christmas money will go toward some new coral soon. Maybe another SPS frag pack!!! This time ill take better care of it.

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It has been in my sump for about 3 months. He has been hiding back behind the rock and I have not been able to enjoy this wonderful colorful creature. So i dug around in the sump for about 30 min and finally got him into my return section of the sump. I also gave him a few small pieces of liverock to create a home in.


here are the pics of him.









Atomic - Is that a Purple Lobster? If so, I'm curios as to why you keep it in the sump. Aren't they reef safe?

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Every once in a while i get lucky in this hobby. I have a very cool and fast growing encrusting monti that has always done very well in my tank. 3 weeks ago a mushroom started to get a little close and i thought i would let them battle it out (i thought the monti would win). 3 days later the monti started to die and within a few hours it was completely dead. Well last week I was arranging my frag rack and noticed a green spot where i had originally let the monti grow out on the rack. To my suprise it was a piece of the monti starting to grow and has been doing very well. Its now the size of a dime and starting to have 2-3 branches growing. It must have grown over its frag plug and left a very small spot on the frag rack.



Okay - I plead ignorance on this one. What kind of mushroom can take down a Monti? Everything I have ever read about mushrooms indicate they are peaceful and they occupy a much lower position in the aquarium than a Monti does. Please enlighten me.

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Atomic - Is that a Purple Lobster? If so, I'm curios as to why you keep it in the sump. Aren't they reef safe?


Yes this is a purple lobster. They are reef safe when they are small, but this guy was about 4" long. I was having a mysterious problem with missing fish so I placed him in the sump. I also found a hitchhiker crab that could have been the culprit. They both have since been given away and I have no problem.


Okay - I plead ignorance on this one. What kind of mushroom can take down a Monti? Everything I have ever read about mushrooms indicate they are peaceful and they occupy a much lower position in the aquarium than a Monti does. Please enlighten me.


When I bought my tank a little over 2 years ago it was COVERED in mushrooms. not just a few, but TONS. They seem to take over everything and have been a total pain. They started to grow over my Monti and either because of stinging or lack of sunlight because of blocking of the light the mushrooms killed a Monti, it was a small frag anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got a new Calcium test kit and a new Digital Thermometer yesterday and will start running my calcium reactor tomorrow. Hopefully everything will test fine!!!


My new thermometer says my temp high has been 81.7 and low of 80.5.



Ill also be helping Indyreefer set up his new 60g tank tomorrow. We are building the sump and his liverock is curing and getting rid of hair algae as we speak.

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Today is the day Ill set up the Ca Reactor. My Alk and Mag were messed up last week so it took a few days to get them back to where they need to be.



Calcium: 450ppm

Alk: 4 meg/l

Mag: 1350

Phos: 0

Nitrate: 0

Salinity: 1.025

Temp swings from 79.5 to 81.5


Im going to put a small container for the effluent to drip into, then ill place my PH controller in it to test the effluent water. I also have a PH monitor for the tank. Hopefully everything will work!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Its been a while and I have a few new things I have added to the tank. The Carpet Anemone has not colored up as well as I wanted but its eating and doing fine otherwise. I also got a huge colony of Blastos and Hydna.


The pump went out on the CA reactor so its down for now until i get some money for the new pump.































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  • 1 month later...

tanks lookin good dude i want to get out there sometime and check out that carpet i also have a few things i can frag if you are interested in some new additions to the tank

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I dont really like it at all. Its very hard to get fine tuned. I also have power problems every once in a while. Nothing major but power might kick off for 30 sec at a time once every 3 weeks. During this time my tank drains excess water into my sump causing the water level to rise. Thus making the G3 Overflow as soon as the power kicks back on. It usually doesnt hurt too much, but sometimes it leaves a puddle on the floor by my tank and puts all the skimmer gunk back into the tank.



Ill be getting a new skimmer after tax season.

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