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Dahlia's NEW 20L PICS page 70


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thanks everyone!

I just got a nice fat paycheck (NOT, screw you minimum wage jobs....) but I plan on getting something like a crab or fish soon... and prolly hitting up the 10 for $100 deal again like i did last time, I'm doing that next weekend prolly =]

I'm not doing anything hard (pipes/sh...whatnot) for a couple reasons, im in the process of moving, and will again next year, and i want buy things i like and not be limited, like i would with other things...

plus, i freakin love euphyllia and thats a big ole NO with pipes/sh....


Whoa those goldfish are seriously ugly.



*sticks out tongue*


haha, really though, they are, but so much in fact, that they are cute =]

i'm getting another one this weekend too =]

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haha, really though, they are, but so much in fact, that they are cute =]

i'm getting another one this weekend too =]


If only that could be the same for guys :tears:


So are you not busy anymore? if you aren't you could always make that sig for me :P

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If only that could be the same for guys :tears:


So are you not busy anymore? if you aren't you could always make that sig for me :P


haha, i'll get to that soon, i promise =]


Hey those are the same pink shrooms I used to have! Aren't they show stoppers?


haha, well they look pretty darn close, i lub dem =]



i just got done feeding them, so most are all closed and mad lookin =[

i'll take pics of all tomorrow





right side






the infamous coralline growth shot



the cuties started off as 1, now 4 with 3 lil budding guys



snails new fav spot






these were brown, now they are freakin crazy green!














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Looks like you're getting some great coloration and growth! You may not even need to dish out all that extra money for new lights. But if you did, I bet your tank would turn into a forest of zoas in a second.

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Looks like you're getting some great coloration and growth! You may not even need to dish out all that extra money for new lights. But if you did, I bet your tank would turn into a forest of zoas in a second.



yeah, i don't think i'm gunna have the money for it, tuition is kicking my butt now lol.

but, i think everything is fine for me, at least for now, color is NOT lacking imo =]



FTS with everything open



ever-growing gsp



chocolate chip mint sunflowers



eternal sunshines & pink panthers



pink zoot suits (with aqua splatters/mints in background)








AND, i know nobody cares, but TOO BAD because I finally got another goldfish for my 40g

he is a tiny pearlscale, and his name is Charles Gregory the First, he is IMPOSSIBLE to get a good pic of because he is so darn fast!







you can see how tiny he is, but my other fish are monster sized too!




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Love the new pics Dahlia! Your coralline growth is insane!! I used to have growth that intense until I got an urchin that can keep up with eating it faster than it can grow back... <_<


And your goldfish, one with a wierd growth on it's face and another with bulging eyes. Definitely not the average goldfish I tried to keep as a kid, lol!

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I was going to say Charlie doesn't look tiny...actually he looks kind of fat, until I saw that comparison shot. He's a cutie. I'm just amazed you still devote that much attention to your freshwater after moving to salt. We have a planted tank in our living room and it is terribly neglected. I can't wait to find the catfish a new home so we can tear it down.


Great pictures as always D!

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Love the new pics Dahlia! Your coralline growth is insane!! I used to have growth that intense until I got an urchin that can keep up with eating it faster than it can grow back... <_<


And your goldfish, one with a wierd growth on it's face and another with bulging eyes. Definitely not the average goldfish I tried to keep as a kid, lol!


aw, thanks :wub:

i LOVE LOVE LOVE pincushions, but i know my pretty coralline will be no more with one =[

haha, yeah, they are "fancy" lol, i can't wait till i get my own house and have like a 200 gallon with 20 of em!

i hope lil charles gets nice and show-size, being a pearlscale and all, they are suppose to look like this, it's not overfeeding





I was going to say Charlie doesn't look tiny...actually he looks kind of fat, until I saw that comparison shot. He's a cutie. I'm just amazed you still devote that much attention to your freshwater after moving to salt. We have a planted tank in our living room and it is terribly neglected. I can't wait to find the catfish a new home so we can tear it down.


Great pictures as always D!


haha, yeah i've had my goldfish for years, and they live for 10-30 years so i try and make their long life as nice as possible =]

i love them so much, people always are like "woo freakin whoo it's a goldfish" but they have such good personalities, always coming up to the glass and eating from my fingers.

i tried planted with my goldfish, but that turned into just a nice buffet for them LOL.

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Nice tank, I like the aquascape and the corals are nice too. The goldfish are kinda neat too, I used to have a pond in my backyard with about a dozen fancy goldfish but that lasted til' the racoons found out how to get the mesh cover off. I hate the ones with the bulging eyes tho.

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Insane pics, that's cool though! I wouldn't mind looking at goldfish like your's all day! :) Traditional ones are just rather bland in comparison.


I LOVE my little tuxedo pincushin urchin. It even took a piece of coralline and put it over it's back along with various zoas, lol! It doesn't always eat my coralline, but it's eaten more than I expected it would.

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Nice tank, I just looked at a BC 29 at petsmart yesterday and I have to say it looks deceiving in all the pics I see on this site the tank looks small but in person the tank looks huge.


And nice goldfish I used to have a bunch of them ( ten cent goldfish :))but I had to give them to my LFS since I'm moving and could only keep one tank, they ended up being sold to some guy who put them in his pond but now seeing gold fish again makes me think "Hmm.... Well gold fish were cheaper than coral".


this is a newb ? and off topic but see how you added "pg 52" to the title- how can i do that? thanks.


You go to the first post on your thread and click edit, then click full edit and you can re-type the thread title.

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overloving.... same thing. :)



haha, i think a lot do overfeed to get them "show-quality" but after years of mutation selection, the damn things organs are all frucked up and they come out like that.

and i lub dem.


Nice tank, I just looked at a BC 29 at petsmart yesterday and I have to say it looks deceiving in all the pics I see on this site the tank looks small but in person the tank looks huge.


And nice goldfish I used to have a bunch of them ( ten cent goldfish :))but I had to give them to my LFS since I'm moving and could only keep one tank, they ended up being sold to some guy who put them in his pond but now seeing gold fish again makes me think "Hmm.... Well gold fish were cheaper than coral".




You go to the first post on your thread and click edit, then click full edit and you can re-type the thread title.


haha, that is EXACTLY how i felt when i picked up my BC 29 from the lfs, HOLY BATMAN THIS IS HUGE!!!

before i moved, my parents were like, "you HAVE to get rid of the stupid goldfish" and look how far that got lol. people don't think it, but they are actually a lot of work for fw, I change 40% weekly, have 2 filters, and have to make gel-food so they don't float all crazy from swim-bladder issues.


thanks for helping them out too =]

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Nice Lionhead Goldfish.. I like the white one with the eyeliner! Yeah I try to tell people goldies are a lot to take care of.. very messy! Anytime I say that, people always say well I always see people keeping them in a small bowl with no problem... yeah.. and most die. I have a Koi pond with a few fat comet goldfish. I just moved them to temporary indoor enclosures. They're not happy, but it's technically slow down time for them.. they're fattening up for their winter slumber.

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Nice Lionhead Goldfish.. I like the white one with the eyeliner! Yeah I try to tell people goldies are a lot to take care of.. very messy! Anytime I say that, people always say well I always see people keeping them in a small bowl with no problem... yeah.. and most die. I have a Koi pond with a few fat comet goldfish. I just moved them to temporary indoor enclosures. They're not happy, but it's technically slow down time for them.. they're fattening up for their winter slumber.


thanks =]

thats exactly how i feel about goldfish, totally UNDERrated

i want a 200 gallon or a pond or something awesomely huge for them when i get my own place =]


palys being irritated by the damn hair worms :angry:



fast growing lemnalia with a lot of new sprouts



shroom sneakin in the shade



my turbo, they always look like they have a lil elephant trunk



some toadstool





and me goldfishehs










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That picture definitely needs to win a POTM contest of some sort! B)

is there a PTOM award for the fish you most wouldnt want to meet in a dark alley?

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