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D-D H2Ocean Pro Salt


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I just switched over to it (slowly) and my softies and lps appear very happy with the new mix. Much better polyp extension. Ca, Mg, Alk and pH all seem to be more stable now too. I was initially using RC then tried Tropic Marin, went back to RC and finally tried DD. With all other things being equal (feeding, bioload, lighting etc.) I have seen the best results and been most satified with DD.

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  • 4 weeks later...
So anyone try Brightwell yet? All of my LFS carry this stuff... I am thinking about trying it (switching from Reef Crystals).

I think I'm going to try it as well. Not because I dislike DD though... Just want to try something new! Plus my LFS has it for 30% off this weekend! B)

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I think I'm going to try it as well. Not because I dislike DD though... Just want to try something new! Plus my LFS has it for 30% off this weekend! B)


Brightwell was kinda scary because they basically claim on the bucket that it matches seawater, and tests conclude it certainly does not = false advertising.

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What tests?


Brightwell was kinda scary because they basically claim on the bucket that it matches seawater, and tests conclude it certainly does not = false advertising.
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What tests?


It's pretty fairly well known and evaluated by Boomer.


Tests aside, any salt that claims their salt basically matches sea water is full of it :) They actually had the numbers on the buckets saying that their salt was the same as seawater.


The tests of the salt show it to be a fairly decent salt but far from what they claim on the bucket.


I can find the exact article if you like but you'll have to register to the site to view it.

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I'm using brightwell neomarine....I like it so far, as does my tank....mixes clear, which is the number 1 thing in my book after parameters.


some tests show inconsistent alkalinity....11 instead of 8 or something like that, but thats not a really big deal in the real world IMO. threads exist on RC as far as this...but most of the negativity seems to be of the nitpicky variety IMO. People pissed about it not meeting exaggerated marketing claims, which I guess is understandable.....Overall though, after reading those threads, I wasnt considering not using the salt or anything that dramatic.... not looking to rehash the debate here, btw.


funny, the salt has a really crazy almost disturbing plastic smell too it, though.....fyi/


my favorite salt will always be tropic marin pro reef though....its the best IMO, if you can find it.


EDIT: want to try this DD salt everyone keeps hyping....as long as it mixes good.

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I'm using brightwell neomarine....I like it so far, as does my tank....mixes clear, which is the number 1 thing in my book after parameters.


some tests show inconsistent alkalinity....11 instead of 8 or something like that, but thats not a really big deal in the real world IMO. threads exist on RC as far as this...but most of the negativity seems to be of the nitpicky variety IMO. People pissed about it not meeting exaggerated marketing claims, which I guess is understandable.....Overall though, after reading those threads, I wasnt considering not using the salt or anything that dramatic.... not looking to rehash the debate here, btw.


funny, the salt has a really crazy almost disturbing plastic smell too it, though.....fyi/


my favorite salt will always be tropic marin pro reef though....its the best IMO, if you can find it.


EDIT: want to try this DD salt everyone keeps hyping....as long as it mixes good.


Agreed, it seems like a decent salt it's just their rediculous claims. Does it still have everything printed on bucket saying it matches seawater almost to a T?

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i use DD salt and i love it. i do recomend though mixing it for 24hrs like the destructions say, but it is very solid and parameters and i love the fact that they put it in writing. when i have done a batch and used it right away instead of the 24 hr wait, the new batch water seemed to be a little cloudy but it went away in about a hour. this only happened twice when mixed and used right away and it has always been superclear when you wait the 24 hours. again it is a very good salt that it consistent.

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  • 3 months later...

So I'm getting ready to a WC.

Mixed the water for 2 days, like you're supposed to do.

Just tested it with Salifert test kits.

Got the following:

Alk- 12 dKh

Ca- 410-420

SG- just a hair under 1.025


I tested the Alk twice to be sure.

Is anyone's else's D-D H2O water mixing up at this high of an Alk?

I was surprised.

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I'm shopping for a new tank now since I've been out of the hobby for awhile. I really liked DD salt and that is what I plan on using for my new tank. I had good growth and extension from my SPS after finally getting my old tank switch over to DD and the params were great. I've heard good things from Brightwell as well, but I'm not rocking the boat since DD works so well for me. I do agree that it needs to be mixed in advance.

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I'm also am now using D-D, I originally was using Red Sea Coral Pro, and every batch I had mixed clear for me until my last batch it, it was so cloudy and had a brown film, so I thought I'd try something new, I always struggled with low alk with red sea, so hopefully this will be different, My alk on the nsw was also 12dkh with D-D but with yesterdays wc it gave my tank a nice boost....time will only tell long term results, but I'm hoping for the best.

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I'm shopping for a new tank now since I've been out of the hobby for awhile. I really liked DD salt and that is what I plan on using for my new tank. I had good growth and extension from my SPS after finally getting my old tank switch over to DD and the params were great. I've heard good things from Brightwell as well, but I'm not rocking the boat since DD works so well for me. I do agree that it needs to be mixed in advance.


YAAAAAAAAaa your back!!!!1

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  • 3 weeks later...

I stumbled into a new LFS around my work place, and the owner recommended DD salt. I read through this thread and i'm thinking of switching.


The only problem is the price. He quoted me $125 CND which is insane.


I'm debating between DD and Reef crystals. I'm currently running my tank on IO, but need to make the switch cos i'll be adding more corals (recently added a MH light to the tank).

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Let me say I switched to D-D from TropicMarin Pro about 4 months ago. My tank has been running for 3 1/2 years. My acros and montis have never looked better! They are showing good polyp extension and the colors have been nothing short of amazing!


Here's another link for you to look at:




Thanks for the link! Since my tank wont be heavily dominated by corals, do you think it's necessary?

My tank has been running for 1year.


I plan to add:


1x brain coral

1x Clam

Zoa colonies



Currently I have:


Frogspawn (expands to the size of a softball)


Small batch of Zoas


Judging from the coral stocking list, do you think it'll benefit me to switch to DD as opposed to RC (reef crystals)?

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I notice you do have a clam and they do use up Ca. Plus if you do decide to get some sps, especially now since you have a MH, I would still give the D-D a shot. Another thing to consider is dosing. With the D-D, plus weekly water changes, I no longer have to dose. So if you look at the standpoint of not having to buy additives, I'm saving money in the long run. ;)

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Deleted User 6

I've used DD for the past year now and I'm thinking of switching to the new TM Bio-actif or the new B-ionic 4-part. DD has lots of sediment and takes too long to mix, imo. And my particular bucket never had stable levels. My corals all fared very well and the tank has thrived, but I think I'm going to shop around now.

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I notice you do have a clam and they do use up Ca. Plus if you do decide to get some sps, especially now since you have a MH, I would still give the D-D a shot. Another thing to consider is dosing. With the D-D, plus weekly water changes, I no longer have to dose. So if you look at the standpoint of not having to buy additives, I'm saving money in the long run. ;)


Good call :). Might go to the LFS after work to pick up a bucket.


I've used DD for the past year now and I'm thinking of switching to the new TM Bio-actif or the new B-ionic 4-part. DD has lots of sediment and takes too long to mix, imo. And my particular bucket never had stable levels. My corals all fared very well and the tank has thrived, but I think I'm going to shop around now.



How long does it normally take you to mix a batch of DD salt?


I have a large rubbermaid container with a heater+pump. I let the water mix for 3-4 days before I do a water change. Would this still be an issue?

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