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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Lizzie's RSM


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nrf-yay! shuld I be skurred.... :P I want them too.


bruce- I think I have 35-40 lbs of lr. I made the mistake of buying fewer big pieces, but I think I have finally found a good scape. Thank you!

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Dang!! What all did you send me!! I know the mohawks, mushies, and rpe.

The frag of zoa's that had like 5 all bunched together on a rock hasn't opened yet; could be horizons.

And then what are the zoa's with the purple thing attached to the rock? Is that the monti? It is suuuper pretty.

The only one that looks a little rough is the green monti I think? But we will see how it does after a while.

Thank you. :)

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ok so mostly everything is adjusted, and it looks like the only thing that is not lookin so hot is the monti. all of the zoa's are doing good, opening up fully. sooo heres some pics. I'm only sure on a couple id's, gulfsurfer, but if you could tell me what else is in it that would be cool. :)


Horizon zoo's, there is also a dark green polyp on this one, but idk what it is:








Mohawks!!! The pics are only like 3/4 of as bright as they are:














Hairy green mushy babiessss:





monti???? that isnt looking do hot:



unknown name, only one open:






















Thank you so much gulfsurfer!!!

And I will be getting even more goodies tomorrowwwwwwwww. :)

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Yikes the monti doesn't look to good but don't give up hope. I dipped my orange cap in freshwater trying to kill some bug and it looked liked the zoalgea just melted away and it immeadiately turned white. I tossed it back in the tank and after two weeks it had regained it's full color. They are some tough little bastages. I didn't frag from my idaho grape cap this time since I am having some kind of dino outbreak and that stuff just sticks to freshly cut frags and chokes out both the frag and colony. After I get it cleared up and tranfered to my 40 you'll get a free frag of that stuff on me along with whatever else I got lying around at the time. Good to see my stuff made it somewhat safely there. Hope you likes. BTW those mushrooms get really big really fast and split like every two weeks and those horizons zoas spread like wildfire once they get used to your tank.

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Hopefuly he'll pull through! Oh don't worry about it, I guess I just have a really cool looking rock attached to the horizon frag :P We should do some trading next time around, I'm sure I'll have frags of the new zoos, and superman shrooms :D

Everything looks awesome!!!!!


oh, and what is the dark green polyp with the horizons and the park purply ones called?

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thank you for your comments on my tank. Also I am so happy to see your reef is recovering. I love the RPE Zoa's I have PPE as you know. I will soon need a bigger tank or I will have to stop adding lol.


Also this is a question to all your posters


I have a Torch coral with 2 heads. One on the stalks it starting to erode away. I will say the coral still looks great other that the stalk. Does anyone knoe what is happening? Also can anyone help? If so please post on my tank thread.

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I got lucky finding this perfect sized one. He hasn't moved at all,I just stuck him there, turned the pumps off for a while, and he was attached! I was afraid he would mess with the corals, but not at all. :)


And the clown has completely started hosting him!! so cute...


And......I got new stuff! I bought from coralmorphlogic. I bought a St. something mushroom. the puffy one. and 2 rics. One is aqua light blue, one is bright green, and the mushy is a deep redish purple color. It is really pissed.

I was really happy with the shipment, my only complain was they aren't attached to anything, so I have to go through all that stuff. They even through in a little baby ric for free! super cute!


pics to come laterrrrrrrr :P

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Sweet, can't wait for pics, their stuff always looks so awsome on their site. I have no ideas what those purple polyps are but that green paly on the horizons frag is just a common green paly, they just have some nice color to them. Maybe next time around I'll be able to cut a single polyp of my nuc's with the idaho grape frag. My Pd's slimed away with my latest dino outbreak so I'm glad to be starting a new tank, and the only thing going in from my old tank will be my monti's and zoas, everything lese will be sold off and I might just have to kill the rock and recycle back in before I add it to my new tank.

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Sweet, can't wait for pics, their stuff always looks so awsome on their site. I have no ideas what those purple polyps are but that green paly on the horizons frag is just a common green paly, they just have some nice color to them. Maybe next time around I'll be able to cut a single polyp of my nuc's with the idaho grape frag. My Pd's slimed away with my latest dino outbreak so I'm glad to be starting a new tank, and the only thing going in from my old tank will be my monti's and zoas, everything lese will be sold off and I might just have to kill the rock and recycle back in before I add it to my new tank.

awww. that kinda stinks. let me know what all you sell, I'd be interested :) i'm excited for your new tank!


Lizzie your tank is looking awesome!!!!!!


Thanks! the shroom is still pissed, but the rics look sweet!!!!! :)

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I think I'm just going to craigslist the whole tank minus the lighting and collector coral and zoas that are going into my 40 for some more sweet frags to start filling out some space. Your tank is looking nice again after cleaning up that nasty cyano junk.

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Oh cool. :)


well two of my newbs disappeared..... the aqua ric and the st. thomas or whtever mushroom are gone, and idk where they went..

They must be in the back of the tank somewhere or something like that. It's wierd because they are the two biggest of the rics I got.... hmph. :huh:

monti is still white, but everything else is settling in nicely :)


edit:::::::: aqua ric found!!! only mushy is missing :P

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Sounds like ya got a mushroom bandit on your hands :)


After I get my new tank set up, you are getting a BIG coral pack, PROMISE! Might be 1-2 more months though ya know. I love to procrastinate :D

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haha. I knowzzz. he's a bad shrimpyyy. :P

sounds cool. I can't wait!!!!!

I think I need to upgrade soon...perhaps that 66 gallon RSM...... :)

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I love your zoas -- they are going to be awesome once they start filling out your tank!!!



Thanks! I can't wait for them to grow!I hope they grow quickly... :)




Haha, I wish. I wont get one until I have my own place. That would be a paint to move. So i will jsut have to live with getting a pico.... :P

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oh yeah and new stuff. I got a green hard coral...

Hydnopora??? I know tsk tsk I don't know the name, but my trusty lfs guy said it was pretty hardy and would start encrusting soon. It has a nice glowy color.


oh an I got a mandarin. but don't flame me. I asked the lfs if she was eating frozen and he said kind of. so he fed her and the looked very interested in the mysis and even took a few nibbles. So i grabbed her.I've wanted one forever but never took the plunge. so many people have had success with them lately that I felt encouraged.

I fed the other fishies yesterday and she was grabbing at the mysis, but not totally chowing down or anything so I am gonna work on it. :) My tank is over a year old now so the pods should keep her happy till she gets settled. She is so pretty!!! I named her Clementine


Be jealous.. :P

pics to come laterrrrr.

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Hey wussup lizzie, how's everything doing, that rpe start growing any heads lately. It looked like it was going to start sprouting some. I bought a frag of that green glowing norph from my lfs that wasn't looking to good from an lfs here for 5 bucks but it didn't make it in my 12g but I really wish it did becasue that was such a cool looking colony that it came from. That maderin should be ok since we have almost the same amount of rock in our display and if mine was going to starve he'd have done it by now. I've also seen mine eat frozen brine, spit it out a few time then finally chowing it down but rarely. He just stay's close to the rocks and and his little sweet spot in the back right corner. GL on your latest additions, I'll be chacking back later for some pics.

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I hope she does well too!

And the rpe does look like it is growing some new heads, looks like two little babies are starting to come up. the monti didn't make it, but everything else looks gorgeous!!!

pics will come later today hopefully!

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hey sweetie


long time no see. your tank is lookin great. im definitely diggin on the zoa collection youve got goin. keep up the good work hun. ill take some time later to look through all the other pages on here. for now i just checked out the last page you posted pics on. take care hun.



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