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Coral Vue Hydros

15 gal Coldwater Dual Biotope


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Sorry to be so absent from this thread. Work, family and way too many hobbies have kept me away. But it is now time to contribute.

My 30gal Bio-Cube has been up and running for almost 2 years now. I keep the temp at a constant 61 degrees. Everything was running real smooth up untill about 5 mnths ago when my filter/pump stopped running and I didn't notice it for two days. Normally a filter/pump stopping would not harm the tank to much if you had other sources of circulation and filteration (which I do have). Unfortunatley the pump was driving my chiller......Can you say crash!!!! Well close.....Of course I lost my orange cup corals, red gorgonian, all my urchins, and an assortment of Strawberries and other odd critters. I cleaned out the tank of any dead creatures and fixed up the pump and hoped for the best. Currently, about 60% of the critters survived!!! Totally amazing!!! Water temp was at 82 degrees for two days!! Both of my Catalina goby's made it, most of the Cowery shells, starfish, snails, crabs, worms and a small amount of Berries also survived.

Here are a couple pictures of my most recent additions.



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OMG, I just got literally the best CW-related pm ever! I'll tell you about it in a week or two (just to make sure everything goes smoothly, don't want to get anyone unnecessarily excited ;) ). Hows about 2 elegants and 1 stripy? or 1 elegant and 2 stripies?



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mike - awesome starfish!


dshnarw - I KNOW!!! I still haven't pm'ed jeremai yet, who else can you think of?



:lol: keep him out of the loop for a while...its funnier that way :P


thats pretty much the list for coldwater setups that I know of

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oops, sorry, I pm'ed him before I read that message, oh well.


Kingwintergreen has one too, I need to pm him, since he was on the original deal, too.

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oops, sorry, I pm'ed him before I read that message, oh well.


Kingwintergreen has one too, I need to pm him, since he was on the original deal, too.


eh, thats okay...he'd just use his mod powers and figure it out :)


oh yeah...how could i forget about KWG?

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Well, I guess he doesn't want any then! (hint hint, POST SOMETHING JEREMAI)




And also, we must not mention what we will be getting, lest anyone attempt to steal our fortune! (aka, suspense!) muahaha! :ninja:

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Well, I guess he doesn't want any then! (hint hint, POST SOMETHING JEREMAI)




And also, we must not mention what we will be getting, lest anyone attempt to steal our fortune! (aka, suspense!) muahaha! :ninja:


:lol: oh wellz...his loss :) MORE FOR US!!! :lol:



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Geez, you guys are lame, stuck at your computers on a Thursday night! I was at a black tie thing, my apologies. :flower:


I'm in. jamie, did you ask MrAnderson?


bout time... :P


computer in jeans >>>> black tie ;)

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bout time... :P


computer in jeans >>>> black tie ;)


I like getting dressed up, but I have to agree jeans are normally better than black tie.


Hey Jeremai if you hire me I could be your date to these events :lol:


Jamie, I hope your contact really does pull through Daniel's tank is looking kinda empty. :)

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Hey Jeremai if you hire me I could be your date to these events :lol:

Woo hoo!


Jamie, I hope your contact really does pull through Daniel's tank is looking kinda empty. :)


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If you say so. ;)


Hmm, I wonder if I could get a larger chiller, maybe set up a prop system...


:o oh the possibilities!!



:lol: I was just tellin Jamie I had a 40b sitting empty...and I'm pretty certain the chiller can handle it given the bathtub test... :)


Yes....Jamie's contact will pull through big time, you guys are in for a treat!!! Just get your tanks ready for lot's of treats!!!





JAMIES CONTACT RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yay for icky poo pictures!





The lone Metridium senile



New green sculpin



Urchin-nem combo!




OMG I'm soo excited for the - you know what. The top tank is gonna be sooo awesome. Just imagine every side of the tank but the front panel totally carpeted. :drool:



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ooh...thats purty...


OMG I'm soo excited for the - you know what. The top tank is gonna be sooo awesome. Just imagine every side of the tank but the front panel totally carpeted. :drool:




omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg



ok...i'm calm now...



















NO I'M NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg

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