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Coral Vue Hydros

15 gal Coldwater Dual Biotope


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Haha! I finished. With one inch margins and 12 pt Times font! Though I have used in the "wider margins" trick a few times. My favorite was using 2.1 or 2.2 spacing, as opposed to double. That's always good for another half a page!


But I haven't taken pictures yet, but I will get to it, so you have that to look forward to.

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Haha! I finished. With one inch margins and 12 pt Times font! Though I have used in the "wider margins" trick a few times. My favorite was using 2.1 or 2.2 spacing, as opposed to double. That's always good for another half a page!




where's the pics?? :mellow:

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Quick fts of the bottom tank



Awww, he just metamorphised. :wub: (bad pic, but he's tiny!)



(sorry bout all the poop. That's thanks to the Urchin)



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Yeah, I know. It needs to go somewhere else. I might sell it, or I might save it till after science fair, when i'll have a cw tank set up already. That would be a lot of tanks though, so I don't know.

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pretty sweet tank jamie! just i think your anenome is wayyyy too big for that tank! if youre gonna keep it, add it to a 75 or something big!


Hey, how do you keep the eel grass alive and healthy? Do you dose your tank anything?

We don't dose our tank anything and all is well, but we can't seem to keep our eel grass embedded and alive!

Our lighting is wayyy too low, but we tried higher wattage light and everything dies, even when exposed for 8 hours/day. Right now its 40w, #1 20,000k bulb, #1 9,500k daylight. Any suggestions?

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What exactly is in the second pic?


Baby crab covered in detritus. He's basically in the exact center of the pic (maybe a little to the right). A bit ou of focus, sorry.


looking pretty nice there...


send me nem, kthnx


I'll send you a nem if you send me a nem.


pretty sweet tank jamie! just i think your anenome is wayyyy too big for that tank! if youre gonna keep it, add it to a 75 or something big!


Hey, how do you keep the eel grass alive and healthy? Do you dose your tank anything?

We don't dose our tank anything and all is well, but we can't seem to keep our eel grass embedded and alive!

Our lighting is wayyy too low, but we tried higher wattage light and everything dies, even when exposed for 8 hours/day. Right now its 40w, #1 20,000k bulb, #1 9,500k daylight. Any suggestions?


No dosing necessary, your problem is lack of light. Eelgrass will need a decent amount of light, for a 75 gallon tank I'd say around 100 watts (that is a guess, i don't know a ton on eelgrass lighting needs). The light also cannot be High kelvin temperatures, this is useless to the plant as blue light is not good for photosynthesis. So you will need more light, preferrably under 8000K, definitely no more than 10000K. Was 8 hrs a day the longest time you tried? I would go for at least 8 as a minimum, 10 or 12 preferrable. The problem with eelgrass is it likes the same conditions as algae, so if your eelgrass is doing well, your algae will be too. In my tank it's not hard to deal with algae because there's not much to keep clean, but in a 75 gallon I imagine it being hard to scrape the walls every few days. hth :)



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Ok, thanks jamie! I'll tell my dad and we'll probably get new bulbs and another fixture. We're going the cheap way. :P


And we went all the way up to 14 hours and everything died, so we turned it down gradually and now around 8-9.5 hours is all the stuff can take. We use the 20,000k bulb for our fish, inverts, and anenomes, while the other bulb is for our plants. So I guess we'll change our bulbs, add another fixture for $10 and redo our lighting schedule and see whats up. Our lighting requirements out here are pretty low cuz there's harldy any sun, even in the summer. Oh and our algae is not a problem. Before we started the tank, I was looking at all the aquascaping ideas on this site. So now everything is at least 3 inches from the glass so our Magfloat can clean the glass where it needs to.


Oh and what kind is that giant anenome you have in your tank above?

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Well, since it looks like everyone wants it, I think you guys'll have to fight for it. GO!

lol, jk

but, if I do sell it (WHICH I HAVEN"T DECIDED TO DO, BY THE WAY) how will I decide who to give it to?

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Well, since it looks like everyone wants it, I think you guys'll have to fight for it. GO!

lol, jk

but, if I do sell it (WHICH I HAVEN"T DECIDED TO DO, BY THE WAY) how will I decide who to give it to?





Jer is cuter.



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