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Coral Vue Hydros

15 gal Coldwater Dual Biotope


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At least Daniel appreciates my rockscape. :unsure:


Okay, I retract my comment, as I have yet to see any other pics of your tank besides your sig, which doesn't reveal much. Do you have a thread yet?



THE PIPEFISH EATS! and even better, it was frozen food! I mixed in some frozen cyclops with the brine shrimp today, and the brines movement got him excited, and then he started eating the cyclops! This is a big relief, I was worried, since pipefish need to eat a lot and all. The way the tank is currently set up, it is effectively a gyre, which keeps the food suspended in the water column, which is excellent for prolonged feeding. I think he'll be a lot happier once I get some eelgrass, too. And one of the people at my fishstore, who has experience with cw animals, said that bay pipes (which is what I think this is) are some of the easiest of all pipefish to keep, which was encouraging.


I also have a question to pose to the public. I know that tropical pipes need an almost constant food supply, since they have a very rudimentary digestive system. I was wondering if in colder water, they would digest and metabolize the food slower, and thus not need to be fed as often? Like, one or two times a day, versus 4-5?



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Oh, and I forgot to mention, I've found three (so far) tiny frosted nudibranchs in the tank. Supposedly they eat snails and hydroids, I'm guessing that they came in on the pink hydroid colony for that reason. They're pretty, so, a welcome addition, and hopefully they'll be less problematic than the opalescent nudis.



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Congrats on the pipefish! Coldwater fish can't afford to be as picky as their tropical counterparts, so I think you may have better luck with a once a day schedule with yours than with tropical pipefish.


And no, I don't have a thread yet. During a monsoon last week the humidity got up to about 80%, which finally made my tank sweat. So much, in fact, that the paint peeled off the back. I'm still trying to fix the problem. :)

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Ahh, that's no good. My tank has only sweat on the 100+ days, which don't happen very often here, so it hasn't been much of an annoyance. You must have AC, that doesn't keep the humidity down? And thanks for the info on the pipe, about to check google to see what I can find, too.

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The AC helps, but the monsoons boost humidity from 20% to 80%+ in a half hour or less, so the AC can't always keep up.


Shoulda gone acrylic I guess, lol. Luckily we only get a couple really bad storms a year.

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Well I'm jealous, if it gets over 90 here more than likly the tank is covered in sweat. This is with it covered in 1" styro on 3 sides and the bottom and sitting beneath an a/c vent. :angry: Maybe we should move to the desert once Daniel is done with school, I'm sure he could find work out there and he would more than likely be closer to the places he is trying to research. Ahh, what am I talking about its all pipe dreams he still has 5 yrs. -_-:(:rant:

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says the one obsessed with mini carpets.


hmm, it gets over 90 a lot there, too, doesn't it? Move here! It's awesome, and it's near the ocean. Is Daniel going to be a professor? Lots of good colleges in Portland to teach at. Lewis and Clark, Willamette, Reed, Whitman (that one's kind of far away though), etc. DO IT!

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says the one obsessed with mini carpets.


hmm, it gets over 90 a lot there, too, doesn't it? Move here! It's awesome, and it's near the ocean. Is Daniel going to be a professor? Lots of good colleges in Portland to teach at. Lewis and Clark, Willamette, Reed, Whitman (that one's kind of far away though), etc. DO IT!


yep...thats the plan....if i can take another 5 years of school (although only a year and a half of taking classes left).


:wub: Whitman geology program


Oregon wouldn't be bad either - better than the desert -_-

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Yeah, Whitman's kind of far from the ocean. It does have an epic coldwater tank though, which is a plus.



yeah, but closer to good ocean than what I have now...stupid Chesapeake :angry:


and the rocks around there are SPECTACULAR :)

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Good rocks at whitman? Or here? I found a fossil at the beach this weekend. That's a rock ;)


They say that if people keep polluting at the rate they do, Puget sound will be the next Chesapeake. :(

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Okay, I rearranged the rock so it divides the bottom tank in half, one side being high flow and the other low flow. It doesn't look as good as it did before, but it should keep every one happy. Pics if I can finish my homework before the lights go out.



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Good rocks at whitman? Or here? I found a fossil at the beach this weekend. That's a rock ;)


They say that if people keep polluting at the rate they do, Puget sound will be the next Chesapeake. :(



Pretty much all of Oregon...it's all volcanics of some sort out there :D


sadly, i dont doubt it...we're facing the loss of so much blue crab due to pollution that they'll have to stop catching them or risk extinction. hope that doesn't happen to the Puget.

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i know this is a long shot but.... where would I go about getting a spiny lumpsucker? Im seriously rethinking this temperate water thing since I live by such great resources. ie free filtered, cold saltwater

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Yeah, there's a lot of new construction on Puget sound, and it's not going to stop. People just need to be conscious of everything that's going into the water. At camp they told us that the water in the Seattle area only gets fully flushed out once a year, so what goes in hangs around for a while, and I imagine it could build up pretty easily.


On a happier note, it's September, and you know what that means: time to start thinking about the trade again! I don't know what the temps are like in your areas, but it's definitely cooled off here. I've got a few changes on my end, one which will effect the trade some. My mom convinced me, and it's probably a good idea, that I shouldn't get the animals first. I don't have much experience shipping, and even though I'm by far the closest to foreshores, I think it would be better for someone with more experience to redistribute everything, just to be safe. I don't want to kill everyone's livestock. :( That being said, I think Jeremai's the next closest, but I guess with free shipping it doesn't really matter where it goes first, so whatever you guys think. The other thing ( I mentioned this earlier) is that since I already have a U. grebelnyi, I'll be taking of that off my list of ordering things. That means I'm ordering 1 C. californica and 1 E. lizbethae (brooding anem). I'll also add 1 E. prolifera, as that would fit in perfectly with my eelgrass biotope. If he still only has a couple brooding nems, I'll drop that off my list, and just get 2 E. prolifera, that wasy someone else can get the brooding nem (unless no one wants it, in which case I'll still get it). Let me know what you guys are thinking!



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It's cooled off a bit here - only 95 today. :rolleyes:


omgomgomg It only got that hot here like, three times this summer!


I'll keep my eyes open for the other thread.

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I finally uploaded the pics from my trip to the San Juans! All of these pictures are of fouling communities (stuff growing off docks) in either Friday harbor or English Camp, both on San Juan Island. I basically just stuck the underwater camera in the water and pointed it at stuff on the docks. Didn't even have to get wet!


Purple Duster, Metridium farcimen and (I think) M. senile








Yellow tipped nudibranch



M. farcimen



Assorted feather dusters



Urticina grebelnyi




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Jamie the maroon/purple feather dusters are actually crinoids. Well at least the ones in the second to last picture are. I can't tell about the one in the first picture, but I think it is as well. I didn't know there were any cold water species. hmmm must show Daniel.

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