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oh what a day. LFS was a disappointment. They had nothing and their prices went up. plus they weren't going to get anything new. Guess I'm not going to be getting anything new for my b-day. Maybe somebody could recommend a place online that doesn't charge a lot for shipping? Otherwise it'll have to wait till summer when I can drive down to ThatFishPlace in PA.

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coffee updates?


Very sorry.

Both are good.

I surprised myself by liking the Indonesian Sulawesi better than the Guatemalan. Halfway through a cup of it right now, as a matter of fact.

This will probably sound weird as a description for coffee, but the Indonesian has a sweet note to it that I like.

I don't mean the kind of sweet you'd apply to cookies or something. It's hard to describe, but it's good. Not a sugary thing at all.

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sounds good weets. i tried the tea thing, got some different types of green teas from a friend who orders from far east. pretty good, not my cup of coffee though.

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Black tea for me all the way. I tired that chai tea but it doesnt taste anything like the chai they had in Turkey. It's more of a Lebanese type tea.


oh yea, good afternoon WL :happy:

Edited by opy01
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I had been wondering about Maria the last couple of days too.

Someone needs to do some detective work.


I like hot tea as well, both black and green. For Green Tea, I love whole leaf Imperial Gunpowder Green Tea by Taylors of Harrogate.

I like Chai Tea, but only the way I make it at home, brewed in a pot on my stovetop. I dislike the Chai Crap peddled at stores. I make mine fairly strong.

I get Tazo's Chai teabags and brew it exactly the way they say on the box, mebbe just a little strong. I use their method though.

For black tea I like English Breakfast Tea and Irish Breakfast Tea.

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English Breakfast is what I prefer when going out. Tazo Awake is what I get from Strbucs and Target. I keep at least one box at home and at work.

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Coffee, then tea, then Coke, last would be RedBull and the likes. This is the order of all caffeinated beverages from superior to inferior.

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Thats quite a way to get started in the morning ray. I'd be awake for the next three days after that!
No. You misunderstood me... That is the order of superiority. Coffee is superior to all others. If I cannot get coffee, I turn to Tea. If I cannot get Tea, I turn to Coke, so on and so forth.


I do 2 coffee a day. First is 24 oz, second is 16 oz. Any more caffine than that, and I'm geeked out. Another drawback to having more than the perscribed amount is the ####s. My ass runs like a faucet if I have more than that.

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