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I got another interview offer for a washington state internship, the first one didn't want me. Maybe Oak ridge will invite me for some interviews too.


how's it down there weets? I think some warm weather would be nice for a bit.

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Weather is PERFECT here right now, it's so nice out.

Had all the windows and back door open all day, been jumping w/kids on trampoline and walking places in the neighborhood.

I LOVE this time of year here. :)

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its finally warming up enough here, that I think I'll get to drill the 75. better get it done soon. I almost bought a tang to day which would have been thrown in the 29, with the rest of my rif-raf.

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We have decent weather here, warms up nice during the day but its still rather cold when I take the dogs out and leave for work in the morning.


Mark it snowed my senior year of college on the first weekend of my spring break stranding me in KY when I was supposed to be driving to Alabama to get my wedding dress and have a bridal shower. We got about 6 inches or so and everywhere south of us got a bunch of ice so I had to delay driving down for a couple of days. My sil and I made the best of it though we went sledding, made snowmen, and had a snowball fight.


MD is the conversation is on weather make a comment on that before trying to change the subject its the only way to participate w/o getting yelled at.

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Mini Dude--









That's the nicest possible way I could think of to say that at the moment.

Ima go get some coffee to calm my brain down now.

Edited by Weetabix7
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Yeah. The coversheet. I know, I know. Uh... Bill talked to me about it. Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. And the problem is just that I forgot the one time... and I've already taken care of it so it's not even really a problem anymore, Bob...


Ima go get some coffee to calm my brain down now.


Poor Weetie needs her brain hugged :(:grouphug:



Quick poll - Acros or Montis?

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I do love my Porsche though & it should always be acros.



anyway Weetie brought up coffee... don't suppose its the good stuff. doesn't seem like it should have gotten there yet.


be back later I'm going to go listen to Kraftwerk in the German car.

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I'm with JP. Love my Porsche - Wish I had Acros.


Montis are like Mercedes.


Does anyone dabble with the Free Trade coffee?

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bonese come now montis aren't that bad.

bob drove a Porsche. As for me, I only have an A4. But with the mods, it tastes like Porsche.

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i know it is blasphemous.... but i recently received a keurig coffee system. kinda cool, kinda cheesy. anyways the coffee i got with it is all fair trade supposedly. it is from green mountain. decent stuff, the espresso blend is ok. i still like my cuban coffee though, that stuff is liquid crack.

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I do enjoy Merc's they are a little and by a little I mean alot over done where I'm at. EVERYONE drives a Merc or BMW. My mom however got the 6 series and that thing is a BEAST.


Bitts - What year? Would you ever go the Audi route again? I'm interested in the Q7 if I go the SUV route. But vineyard and Audi doesn't mix well.


Yeah the Keurig to me is cool, then again I have 0 knowledge on the subject. The Keurig comes in the small packs right? I was more on the lines of the actual "Bean Bag" (NO idea what you call them). I enjoy the cause but don't drink coffee so wouldn't know how it matches up.

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yeah in little cup things. most of the coffee they have is absolute crap. there are a couple that are decent. my buddy roasts his own stuff and will send some to me every now and then. nothing beats grinding home roasted, and put in the press..


audi and bmw over merc anyday

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