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Cultivated Reef

Weetie's 10g Prop Tank


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Yeah, it's out of mine too, under normal circumstances. But wedding gifts in the form of $$ are nice :)


Anyway - the A720is is essentially an 8 Megapixel version of the G9 anyway, so I think you'll be happy with it.


I hope so!

Now if they would only get them in stock at the local Wal-Mart! I can get them shipped to me for the same price from Amazon.com, but Wal-Mart has a 30 day satisfaction guarantee, and if it doesn't work the way I want it to I can just drive 5 mins to return it.


Cute pups OC, and I did tell hubby all of that, I guess it's just not the right timing. On the good side of things, instead of spending my time helping a new dog get acclimated to my house, I'm putting some time into FINALLY getting this tank going again!!!

Maybe, just maybe, I can start up the new tank thread for it in a week! (No promises!)

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Hubby says no doggie.




I didn't raise no dummy! Way to go Joe! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????????? Remember Missy & TJ's dogs or had you moved by then? They haded you a towel when you walked in the door. Wonder what doggie slime would do to your tank. You just need to come play with Cindy more often!



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Do you wanna see the crazy kids who make my room as messy according to my tank thread? Haha, not to make you feel bad :)


I had a photoshoot in the backyard today with my sidekick. Haha





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I didn't raise no dummy! Way to go Joe! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????????? Remember Missy & TJ's dogs or had you moved by then? They haded you a towel when you walked in the door. Wonder what doggie slime would do to your tank. You just need to come play with Cindy more often!



It's unusual for a dog that isn't a full-blooded mastiff to drool. That's why I was interested in a mastiff mix in the first place. I'd LOVE to have a mastiff, but don't want to deal with the drooling.

Owner says the only time this one drools is after he's had a drink, which is not unusual for a dog anyway.

Mastiffs are one of the best breeds out there for kids. They are extremely gentle and tolerant with them, and are very protective of them as well. They are also very laid-back and easygoing.


Sorry, I didn't mean for your thread to become a "post a pic or your dog" thread. Unless you don't care.


Nah, I don't care. It's not like there's anything else going on in this thread right now anyway!!!

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:blink: I skipped right over the mastiff part of this before! Amber and I thought about one of those in the future. We're scared it'll eat us broke. Next one will *hopefully* be a boxer...playful, but strong, can put up a good fight if/when needed :)


Well, anyway...get to work on that fence ;)

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:blink: I skipped right over the mastiff part of this before! Amber and I thought about one of those in the future. We're scared it'll eat us broke. Next one will *hopefully* be a boxer...playful, but strong, can put up a good fight if/when needed :)


Well, anyway...get to work on that fence ;)


Yeah, "maintenance costs" was one of my only concerns. Since this one was a mix, he wouldn't get as big, which is another reason I was looking for a mix. He's 14 mos. old and 75 lbs now, so I'm guessing he'd top out at 90-95 lbs.

I grew up with boxers, they're an awesome family dog. They are a higher-energy dog though, and need to get enough exercise. I don't think I'd be able to meet a Boxer's exercise requirements. They do have the potential to be droolers as well, although most of them aren't. I grew up with both drooling and non-drooling Boxers and can tell you that the non-droolers def. got more attention from us kids! It's a bit of a pity actually since the one that drooled also had the sweetest personality out of all of them.

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I am having a very annoying day!!! :angry:

Does anyone have any shenanigans they would like to share to distract me from my grumpiness?


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I have no shenanigans to share but I'll share a picture of my young dog as a cutie pie puppy and then a recent funny picture.


I also just updated my tank thread with pictures of the new frags from you if you'd like to see!



Cutie pie!! Oh so innocent!



Never guess she's a show dog would you?



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I am having a very annoying day!!! :angry:

Does anyone have any shenanigans they would like to share to distract me from my grumpiness?



Weetie you can't take her anywhere!!!!


Weetie, C est Ma and myself were coming home the other night after a few drinks when my car broke down. None of our cellphones would pick up a signal so we walked to the only house we could see and knocked on the door. An old man opened the door and we asked him if we could use the phone to call our girls and tell them we were stranded. He said we could but only one at a time. He said his 10 year old son was watching TV and to make sure we didn't look at him. He was born without ears and he was very sensative about it and he didn't want us setting him off. We said sure and I went in first.


As I walked to the phone I could hear the TV and I casually glanced over and this kid with no ears is looking right at me. Before I could look away, he yells at me, "What you looking at Mister!". I fumbled for something to say and finally said he had a nice smile and he should take care of his teeth. He said, "Why should I worry about my teeth". and I showed him my fillings and told him that he would have a mouthful of them if he didn't. That seemed to calm him down and I made my call and got the heck out of there.


C est Ma went in next and I warned her of what happened and don't look at the kid. Shewalks in trying her best not to look over and makes his call. She can feel herself being stared down the whole time and can't stand it any longer and glances over to hear "What are you looking at!". C est Ma, remembering what I said, told the boy he had nice hair and to take care of it. After getting the "why" reply, she said that if he didn't it would all fall out one day and with that C est Ma sped out of the room.


She tells us what happened and we are both begging Weetie to just get in and out and don't start any trouble. Weetie walks in and locks eyes with the boy as soon as she enters the room and lets out a small chuckle which infuriates the boy. He screams atWeetie, "what in the @#$% are you looking at!" Weetie just smiles and tells the boys that he has beautiful eyes and that he better take care of them. The boy, still steaming, yell, "why do I care about my eyes." Weetielooks at him, smiles and says "Because you don't have any damn ears to hang any glasses on.


Like I said, you can't take her anywhere.

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Cutie pie!! Oh so innocent!



Never guess she's a show dog would you?




Awwwww!!! :happy:

HEY, I have an idea!!! I think you should bring your dogs over to distract my kids SO THAT I CAN ACTUALLY GET SOMETHING DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Grumpy... Weety GRUMPY? O come on now... its the weekend, there is no grumpiness alowed on the weekends!


Here is something to distract you with...


*draws a blank*


Dang... I guess I got nothing...

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Main Entry: shenanigans

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: mischief

Synonyms: antics, capers, dirty trick*, fooling around, frolicsomeness, funny business*, gag, hanky-panky*, high jinks*, horseplay, horsing around, misbehavior, mischievousness, monkey business*, naughtiness, nonsense, prank, trouble, vandalism


Okay I am done now. Hope you feel better in the morning Weet.

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Today at work I was hugged by a woman in a giant robot suit.

(The math department has a new marketing strategy for our elementary books, and the manager was trying out the suit before they took it public.)

I was having a bad day, robot hugs fixed it.

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Today at work I was hugged by a woman in a giant robot suit.

(The math department has a new marketing strategy for our elementary books, and the manager was trying out the suit before they took it public.)

I was having a bad day, robot hugs fixed it.


I want a robot hug!!!!

Or a puppy...


Hey tangboy, why doncha come by and help me figure out how to set up the new system replacing this one? That's one of the things bugging me right now, I just can't quite seem to get it to work right.


Hey, I have a stupid n00b RO/DI question for you guys.

I've got my Mighty Mite and I'm trying to set it up, but I can't figure out how to put the inlet and outlet tubes into the thing. I know where they're supposed to go, that's not the problem.

There are these weird blue nipple things that I'm supposed to take off and put the tubes in, and I can't get the blue nipples off. Is there a special way to do it?

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Your kids would love my dogs. They will fetch literally all day. They never get tired of fetching and kids never get tired of throwing the ball for them. Perfect match!




The dog on the left is my 8 year old dog who absolutely loves kids. She will seek out kids, any kind of kid, from babies in strollers to young teenagers to pet her and love on her. She is a therapy dog in a local elementary school, working with 3rd graders and younger. Your guys would adore her. The other one is the 5.5 year old boy. He likes kids too and will also fetch all day.



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Your kids would love my dogs. They will fetch literally all day. They never get tired of fetching and kids never get tired of throwing the ball for them. Perfect match!




The dog on the left is my 8 year old dog who absolutely loves kids. She will seek out kids, any kind of kid, from babies in strollers to young teenagers to pet her and love on her. She is a therapy dog in a local elementary school, working with 3rd graders and younger. Your guys would adore her. The other one is the 5.5 year old boy. He likes kids too and will also fetch all day.




So when you wanna bring 'em over tomorrow???

If you really keep the little terrors distracted I might be moved to give you more frags!!!



Maybe they don't come off but pull out a little, put the hoe in, let the nipple go :naughtydance: :naughtydance:


Oh yeah, THAT was helpful!!! :rolleyes:

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Heh heh,


Unfortunately I've already promised my husband that I'll spend tomorrow doing married couple stuff.


Wouldn't mind bringing them over one day though. I'll bring Sol (the one in the other pics) too. She is scared of kids so I've been trying to expose her to as many as possible.


Frags for letting your kids tire out my dogs. Not sure which of us is getting the better deal. Tired dogs=happy Olivia.



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Tired, distracted kids=happy Weetie gratefully showering you with frags!!! :lol:


If Sol is scared of kids my 2 yr. old might freak her out, but if you think she's up for it I'm willing to try.

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:blink: I skipped right over the mastiff part of this before! Amber and I thought about one of those in the future. We're scared it'll eat us broke. Next one will *hopefully* be a boxer...playful, but strong, can put up a good fight if/when needed :)


Well, anyway...get to work on that fence ;)



Not intending to hijack.. but dshnarw.....I've always had boxers.. and i can tell you they are GREAT DOGS.

if you buy from a good breeder and spend a little time with and try and avoid the the really high strung pups you would be pleased.. great with kids, short hair dont shed much and love to be laying on you. really great pets.

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We'll have to pick a good day and I'll bring them over. Sol might be scared but I'll bring her crate so if she can't handle it she can sit in there. She is capable of getting over her child fear if the child throws her ball for her. Then she decides that she is not going to be eaten and it might be safe to associate with the small human. Silly dog.


Or...depending on the day I might leave her at home and just bring the others. Have to see.



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