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Nick's Reef
Sorry buddy, I have no clue what that stands for.... :P

yeah I figured you wouldn't so I edited my last post, i ment green bay packers zoos. I'm not into all the names for crap either but all my lfss sell zoos by name, same w/most montis.

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I got home today just after the lights had kicked on & saw these crazy sweepers on the millie. So I took some shots of the tank & here are a couple of the better ones.


Green acro growth shot.




Sweepers on the blue millie.


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I don't have a clue what they are called either H laugh.gif


Thanks for giving it a shot Prop! I think my next round of purchases are going to be from you and Mark. I've yet to give NR member corals a shot and you guys have some sweet stuff.




Man, it's hard to believe that out of all the members on this site no one can peg a name to the zoa's in my tank. I do realize there are tons of different color morphs out there, but I highly doubt I'm the only one with these. C'mon people help a brotha out!

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Hinecken, if you really want to find out what they are called just look on Zoaid.com and looks around. Theres only about 3 pages of different names. I really love those orange ones!


The tank is looking great! Your photography skills are amazing! I am lovin that fuge! All of that cheato makes me jelous. Mine hasnt been growing much recently.

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Those guys are sweepers, they're always out when the lights first come on.


Btw, I love your 15 gal! I started reading your thread, couldn't read all pages but I really like the stacked up tonga. We had one with the white stand, it was an incredible tank and lots of fun to photograph, we even had a clam spawning event. Maybe Mr. Hinecken will post a pic later :D

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These next two pics are specifically for Klarion. The Boss (read: LadyHinecken) "requested" that I post pictures of our 15g before that b!tch Wilma ruined it. The first is an FTS taken just a few months after set-up. The second may look blurry, but what you are really seeing is our crocea clams spawning. It was truly an amazing sight. We were sitting on the couch watching TV and suddenly our crocea's started spawning. I was forced to do a couple of water changes, but managed to snap off a few shots before hand. Less than two weeks later, Hurricane Wilma took out our power for over 3 weeks and I watched our pretty little tank die in front of our eyes.


FTS 11-11-2004



Crocea Spawn 10-16-2005






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Well that sure was a nice tank! What kind of lights did it have?



Thank you! It was a 150 HQI pendant, 14k geisman bulb.

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I took some new pics tonight. :happy: Mike brought home a new coral so I took some pics while the new one was opening up. Please to enjoy.


Green Acro & an emerald crab.



Blue-Green Acro



Orange Encrusting Monti



Blue ricordia


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Finally picked up a nice piece of Blastomussa Wellsi. It has about 8 heads and is ultra healthy. This piece was in the show tank at the Barrier Reef in Boca Raton. It wasn't too cheap, but I couldn't be happier with it. Worth every penny in my book!







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WOW! Just when I thought your pics couldn't get any better--those of the blasto and all the ones in Lady H's posts are just incredibly sharp and beautiful!


And that is a SUPER blasto--one of my all-time fav corals, btw.


I'm drooling...



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WOW! Just when I thought your pics couldn't get any better--those of the blasto and all the ones in Lady H's posts are just incredibly sharp and beautiful!


And that is a SUPER blasto--one of my all-time fav corals, btw.


I'm drooling...




Thanks Diane, you're too kind! Since my camera isn't a true SLR I stopped trying to take the pics using the full manual mode. All I adjust now is the exposure level and it seems to take better photographs. My guess is that it's only simulating the full manual mode and the computer does a better job making it's own decisions. Unfortunately, I still have to photoshop the pictures to get the color correct. Everything still shoots pretty washed out, but not as bad as it was. I can't wait until I have some more cash and can scoop up the Nikon I've been eying for a while.


As far as the blasto goes, I'm incredibly happy with my purchase. It's a beautiful specimen and just glows in my tank. All the polyps opened up wide within the first two hours it was in the tank. This is definitely one of the benefits to knowing people in the store. He's had this piece for months in the tank so I was sure it was incredibly healthy, and somehow, the price sticker wasn't on the tank entire time.... ;)

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I vacation in Highland Beach at least once a year. I was there a month or so ago and stopped by Barrier Reef for the first time. I was very impressed with their store. I only wish I could have brought something back to Cleveland. I love that Blasto!!

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Sorry buddy, I have no clue what that stands for.... :P

I think it's "green bay packer" zoas he's talking about. I have really developed a thing for zoanthids. Not too big on names either (zoaid.com) but it's easier to say "eagle eyes" than try to describe "the ones with the bright green skirts..." I am thinking about doing a sump intake kinda like yours, seems very simple yet clean. :)


edit: addition

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Wow, you guys, awesome pictures of some very beautiful corals.

Big thumbs up.

Sorry if you've already said this, but what kind of cam are you actually using?


Also, absolutely fascinating and a tribute to you that you had clams spawning in your tank, very cool!

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Nice blasto!


Nick: Thanks Buddy!


Wow great shots and sweet blasto! They have such nice stuff in that show tank down there!


LRM: Here's a little tip... all the corals in that tank are for sale. They aren't cheap, but they're the pick of the litter.


I vacation in Highland Beach at least once a year. I was there a month or so ago and stopped by Barrier Reef for the first time. I was very impressed with their store. I only wish I could have brought something back to Cleveland. I love that Blasto!!


Cmador: Next time you're coming down you should PM me. If you want some corals I can hold them for you in my tank and then send them up to you when you leave. There are MANY nice reef stores down here. We're pretty lucky to have such a selection.


I think it's "green bay packer" zoas he's talking about. I have really developed a thing for zoanthids. Not too big on names either (zoaid.com) but it's easier to say "eagle eyes" than try to describe "the ones with the bright green skirts..." I am thinking about doing a sump intake kinda like yours, seems very simple yet clean. smile.gif


Holdorf: I love my sump, I designed it so I would have the entire floorspace to use for my DSB. IMO, the bigger the better. A word of caution though, the only reason that intake works so well is because I have a really slow turnover in my sump. If it were faster I would have a terrible micro bubble problem. Also, I'm not so sure it would work as well in a nano-sized sump. The sheer size of the T fitting is what makes it work, that and all the bio-balls I packed it with. I think a U type fitting in a smaller sump would work better. The small amount of bubbles that you would have with a U would be released near the surface so they shouldn't become a problem. Either way, I'm always willing to help if you need it. Run a few designs this way and we can hash out the details together.



Wow, you guys, awesome pictures of some very beautiful corals.

Big thumbs up.

Sorry if you've already said this, but what kind of cam are you actually using?


Also, absolutely fascinating and a tribute to you that you had clams spawning in your tank, very cool!

Weetie: Thank you so very much for your kind words! Our camera is a Sony DSC-F717. I do NOT recommend Sony cameras, they make a decent DVD player and a pretty good TV. IMO stick to Nikon, Cannon, or Olympus. Our clam spawn was definitely an event to watch, unfortunately I never got a chance to try raising them thanks to the storm. I'm hoping I'll get another chance in the future.

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That's what I heard/read about sump GPH (or lack thereof) from the big guys (Fenner, Paleatta...) Use other means for turn over, and go low for a 'fuge. I have a Rio90 on the AF med, so not really a whole lot. I am debating the another K1, but anyhoo. I was thinking a 20H for the sump of the 20L. We'll talk later. ;)

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That's what I heard/read about sump GPH (or lack thereof) from the big guys (Fenner, Paleatta...) Use other means for turn over, and go low for a 'fuge. I have a Rio90 on the AF med, so not really a whole lot. I am debating the another K1, but anyhoo. I was thinking a 20H for the sump of the 20L. We'll talk later. ;)


A 20h sump is definitely the way to go for your 20L. It's what I would do. The slower the turnover in your sump/fuge the better it will work. It's all about contact time. You can use that slow turnover to your advantage for other things as well. For example, it's pretty stressful to top off your tank directly into the main tank, the corals don't like that wave of fresh-water very much. By using the slow turnover it slowly mixes into the water column and is much less stressful. Same goes for dosing trace elements. I've also found that my skimmer works much better in the slow turnover environment. I have the skimmer dump back into the sump intake so it's like having a ghetto recirculating skimmer.


With regards to using other means for circulation in the main tank, you can set up a closed loop in the sump so you don't have to look at powerheads the main system. Instead of another K1 you can pick up a mag drive or eheim and some lock-line and setup a loop. They're really very easy to do without drilling holes in the tank.

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