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Tudizzle's BC29


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thanks JC



well after the last rearrange I ended up with a dead spot and started to get a little cyano on my mat of yellow polyps


Did some good cleaning and another move to get things in line


quick pic




more once everything settles in

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woot woot just scored a nice Yuma rock!


1 pretty large one 3 small ones and an iddy biddy baby one all the same color kinda blue and purple. Will have to see how they color up in the tank. I will put up a pic once they settle and puff up.




Do Yumas put off little small ones as opposed to dividing? My ricordea's always multiply by dividing in two.

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WOW! I just read through all 25 pages of your thread. Jeez. That just sucked away a couple hours. Nice job on your tank man. Great job on the photos too. I will definitely be asking you some questions down the road.


By the way... we were you indulging in that great powder a while ago on your ski trips? I used to live in Park City, Utah and that light fluffy snow looks familiar.

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Thanks dex-


Shoot any questions my way and I'll do my best to help...or at least give you my take on it!



The snow is mostly from the Rocky Mountains here in Colorado. But it is the same champagne powder they get in Utah. Won't be long now and my tank goes on the back burner and the fluffy white takes over.

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thanks BC...I finally got the left side how I like it and its growing in pretty good.



Just saw this and grabbed a pic...







Come on...I know you feed these beotches!!!! What are you waiting for?




hahahaha not tonight little buddy :D

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I have had such bad luck with emerald crabs... They will either crawl over the barrier on the back and get mangled by a pump or trapped, or they will frustrate me constantly by picking and moving things that they shouldn't be. I've given up with them.


I hear great things about them though, so good luck!

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I hear great things about them though, so good luck!



I have only had him for a few months and I got him to take care of som bubble algea, which he quickly did. But since I feed alot of meaty stuff to my suncoral, plate and my brain I think he will be kept fat and happy. I will be keeping an eye though! :ninja:

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Now that I have moved my octospawn into the center of the tank it really puffs up. It is for sure the king of the tank





Yumas are settling in....so hard to capture the actual colors they have :angry:












and a new FTS


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WOW!! doesn't look like there's any room left! Just a forest of beautiful corals!


and i have a piece of them! :P HA HA

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what.....start over? I just about got this one stocked and it's taken well over a year! B)



from the side it doesn't look so full...




its all spaced out well....no coral warfare here

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emreald crab went straight to work and took care of the BA in no time


Thanks PR your slice is sweet too. Love those clams




Been looking at the photos and the tank and it seemed a little "dingy" I guess is the word.


Soooo I replaced all the bulbs today with Coralife bulbs. I took apart the hood and cleaned up the light shield real good. Also there was a crazy amount of dust in my fans so i cleaned those up as well.


Now the tank is really looking sweet! The colors are really popping and back to how I was use to. Funny how a little slipping over time isn't noticable but putting new bullbs in has made me realize...what a difference!

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Fishhead Junkie

Sweet tank. Looks like someone has a chub for frogspawn and hammer corals!!! :P How long do the bulbs in these nanos actually last, or should I say produce the standard amount of light expected from that bulb?? I'm thinking I should probably swap out my bulbs for the extras I got from the manufacturer for free.



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whats not to like? :)


reef porn..













now for the money shot...interspecies action!










they say a year for the bulbs but I guess it could depend on the quality of the bulbs?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Looks great. I bought a new torch. I will post a picture next week. I think you'll love it.



sweet they look really great in the flow. I had to get rid of mine because it was just too agressive. As things grew together it was really ####### everything off. I miss that little bugger though!



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Looking great Tudizzle! I love the pics and your tank is looking great. Let me know when you're ready to frag some of those yellow polyps. I've checked several LFS where I've been traveling lately and no one seems to have any.

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Looking great Tudizzle! I love the pics and your tank is looking great. Let me know when you're ready to frag some of those yellow polyps. I've checked several LFS where I've been traveling lately and no one seems to have any.



Consider them yours......as soon as I get one of the thermos's back that I have already sent out.


I am currently 0-3 on sending out free frag packs and getting my thermos and the shipping costs back. You know one of the people (dive) who has been holding onto 1 for over a year now :o


But I have a feeling I will be getting at least one of them back in the next few weeks.


As soon as this happens I would gladly put together a frag pack for you for the cost of shipping or for a trade of some sort.

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