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Innovative Marine Aquariums

SoCal Meet N' Swap III


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Haha. I go away for 24 hours and 3 pages are added on. Sooo what am I? Underage representative?

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since this seems to be all socal, anyone know where I can find an aquapod 24g locally at a good price? guy in classifieds seems to have gone awall on me. I was hoping to have something setup for the meet, but looking doubtful now.


and NO I don't want a nano-cube.


thanks guys girls.

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Scott Riemer
since this seems to be all socal, anyone know where I can find an aquapod 24g locally at a good price? guy in classifieds seems to have gone awall on me. I was hoping to have something setup for the meet, but looking doubtful now.


and NO I don't want a nano-cube.


thanks guys girls.

I got the best price I could find from ATA (Atlantic Tropical Aquariums) in Artesia. 2007 AP24, $159 or $309 with the 150watt HQI. http://www.atafish.com/products.htm


I personally wouldn't buy livestock from them but the price is right on the AP.

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now I don't wanna rush it at all, but if I get this tank monday, and someone here is kind enough to give me lr and ls, do you think I'll be ready for frags at meet time? Hopefully Pacific reef will even give me some water from one of their tanks too to help with faster cycling.


Thanks for the tank recomendation, as I don't wanna deal with shipping and breakage.


any help is GREATLY appreciated and will be remembered come frag time

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Cheapest LR will run you is $2/lb I've seen. Or do you mean "give" = "sell"? :)


I'd take things slowly, but you might be able to put a few corals in your tank by the time of the meet.


Tong's in FV had a cheap AP24/150W combo last I heard of. You might want to check them out too.

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I am willing to share in the future when things are growing like weeds. I NEVER forget those who help me. you can ask my car club(s) if you doubt that.


what is tongs? only heard of 'thongs' and ain't been there in a LONG time.


go CSULB!!!!!!! (figured I'd throw that out, even thou they were out a while ago)


Cheapest LR will run you is $2/lb I've seen. Or do you mean "give" = "sell"? :)


I'd take things slowly, but you might be able to put a few corals in your tank by the time of the meet.


Tong's in FV had a cheap AP24/150W combo last I heard of. You might want to check them out too.

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AGJLKS:DJFL:JSDL:KJF;lsdjwopijegbo opsdjfaosjd ;ozxjcv;lzfo;asjdf0qut0pJa;LSDFL;JSDFGLJAG



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AGJLKS:DJFL:JSDL:KJF;lsdjwopijegbo opsdjfaosjd ;ozxjcv;lzfo;asjdf0qut0pJa;LSDFL;JSDFGLJAG





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fraggle rockette

just upgraded to a 10g long prop tank... someone was leaving the hobby and i am trying to recuperate their old corals (that have been ignored for a month... sigh). this could possibly mean more frags for the meet, but we'll see... ;)


not to be too off topic, but when you guys get new lights for your cubes (i have a 12g), what do you do with the old ones? i'm getting a sunpod, bu i want to try and retrofit the hood to use on my prop tank and don't have any good ideas on how to go about doing that yet.

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:tears: There is always next year to look forward to buddy. Look on the bright side, UCLA is back as an elite BB team and we'll be hitting the Final Four every year.

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:tears: There is always next year to look forward to buddy. Look on the bright side, UCLA is back as an elite BB team and we'll be hitting the Final Four every year.


i think he forgot to go to the bathroom






oh this is fun :lol:

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to quote larry the cable guy......


' looks like the brown snake is playin' pee-a-boo with his buttcheeks'




hahaha. back to the topic............



GO BRUINS.......wait........nevermind!!!!!!!





i think he forgot to go to the bathroom



oh this is fun :lol:

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LOL..........looks like it's time to pour the Hatorade and celebrate for you guys. I guess your schools can hope to beat UCLA next time...........Oh wait, I forgot, WHICH schools did you guys go to...............??? :rolleyes:

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LOL..........looks like it's time to pour the Hatorade and celebrate for you guys. I guess your schools can hope to beat UCLA next time...........Oh wait, I forgot, WHICH schools did you guys go to...............??? :rolleyes:


They are probably ashamed to name their schools. I would too, if I went to East Nebraska Community College. :lol:

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CSULB..... known for basketball....when that fails.....baseball......when that fails..... the LARGE POINTY PURPLE THING in Long Beach!!!!!!!! what YOU got?????


(hope everyone gets the pun.......) :o





LOL..........looks like it's time to pour the Hatorade and celebrate for you guys. I guess your schools can hope to beat UCLA next time...........Oh wait, I forgot, WHICH schools did you guys go to...............??? :rolleyes:
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Thinkig about bringing a few frags of these Green Clove Polyps if anyone's interested...lmk.




yes I am interested :D

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wow, its interesting what one will say/type after a long day and a few beers. :) hope my commenet didn't offend anyone.


None taken. I'm over it. We had a good run in the tournament. Now, on to the meet!



I will be going to Pacific Reef today to take some pictures of the new nano cube and I will post them later this afternoon, for anyone who is interested in purchasing it.




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cool i didn't know nano-reefs had frag swaps.I have a couple things to let go if anyone interested...i will also bring a few frags.... lmk.



i have this 18g via aqua tank 25obo via.jpg


and a 20" coralife 96 quad pc less than 2 months use for 30obo.

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