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The Official "How to Ship Coral" Thread


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There are LOTS of people out there who use soup thermoses or travel mugs---with great success. I don't mean to rule that out--it's definitely a viable option if you do it right. I would be interested to hear if anyone is shipping in a thermos during these frigid winter months. How could you heat the thermos or do you just not ship that way in the winter?


Those of you who may be infrequent shippers--but who still want to trade---try a thermos in a box! I would still try to "cushion" the frags in some way. Either with paper towels, or a better method for thermos shipping may be to cut up some plastic fish bags and put them in there with the frag.


Someone once shipped me three zoa frags on reef plugs, all in the same thermos with no cushioning. Needless to say that it was like a martini shaker---and the frags got pulverized on the trip. Don't do that!!!!!

Edited by mvite
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Awesome, my man, just Awesome! Thank you for a job well done.


Did you read the article I sent you about the idea of shipping the corals wrapped only in damp paper towel, and not submerged in water? What are your thoughts on it?


Maybe I should post the pics of the stuff I got that time, packed in the won-ton soup container....


I have received frags shipped via this method and it worked very, very well. So much so, that I've considered it myself for the day when I ship. :)

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Im' going to post some pics of those breather bags I use and place them here with a few tips of my own to add to your great posts Mark ( if you dont mind?)

I think accomplished shipers should share all thie rknowledg ein this thread, and this thread should be made a sticky.



I SWEAR TO GOD last year about this time I bought a maxima off a guy in maryland and he sent it to my in celophane candy wrapping with a bread tie on top. His othe rpackaging matearial consisted of a thin walled shoe box, and shredded newspaper stuffed inside a larger shoe box. And to top it off he used clear tape to close the box ! ( like you would use to wrap a present.)

I think I may still even have pics of that horrible mess some where?

I have had some dusy's ( even recently) but that one take the cake hands down.


i have no experience with the kordon breather bags... it would be a good lesson for me too, thanks!


did the clam make it?!

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People need to make sure when they are using the heat packets that they allow them to breathe. If you completely seal them or the box up air tight then can not breathe and therefore they can not heat. Also make sure you use appropriate heat time for shipping time, 5 hours walmart packs won't cut it.

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There are LOTS of people out there who use soup thermoses or travel mugs---with great success. I don't mean to rule that out--it's definitely a viable option if you do it right. I would be interested to hear if anyone is shipping in a thermos during these frigid winter months. How could you heat the thermos or do you just not ship that way in the winter?


Hi, I just wanted to add to your thread by telling you about how my first online zoas were sent to me.


It was really awesome. He used a plastic insulated thermos and the zoas were in bags inside the thermos, and to help protect them, each bag had chaeto surrounding the frags, so they really didn't move within the bag. The heat pack was nestled up against the thermos and was still hot when I received the pack a couple of days later. Even though the thermos was insulated, the heat pack did transfer the heat to the water and no joke, the water was around 80 degrees.


I received this package on one of the coldest days in Colorado and I would buy from anyone who uses this method.

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mvite, what time of year do you think would be best for shipping? I would worry during the cold winter months; but i would also get worried during some of the hottest summer months.


Do you have any particular time when you prefer to ship?

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mvite, what time of year do you think would be best for shipping? I would worry during the cold winter months; but i would also get worried during some of the hottest summer months.


Do you have any particular time when you prefer to ship?

I have been going non-stop since last March. I took off a couple weeks between Thankgiving and Christmas---but received plenty during that time.


I think the BEST times would be Spring and Early Fall. But really, if you insulate correctly--you should be protected from cold and heat.


One thing I don't do is use cold packs. Ice melts in a few hours---so cold packs--IMO---chill the water at first and then---after the ice is gone--the temp must rise.


I strive for as stable an environment as I can get---in a 6x9x12 box!! :lol:

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How come my PPEs didnt have 'Awesome Aquatics' written all over their box? :angry:


I'm jealous :lol:

LOL! I did that for adin-----and I had told him that I felt gross because the lady who got the box was probably like "What the hell kinda low budget loser does this with a marker on the inside of his box?" :)

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LOL! I did that for adin-----and I had told him that I felt gross because the lady who got the box was probably like "What the hell kinda low budget loser does this with a marker on the inside of his box?" :)


Hahaha. That's funny :P


You shoulda done it in multicolor sharpie :P

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Some of you may not know this---BUT---you can use UPS GROUND--for in-state and surrounding state OVERNIGHT FOR UNDER $10!!!


You have to confirm zip codes at UPS.com---but I have been using UPS Ground for under $10 overnight for over a year now!


You may wanna wait until the weather breaks to try this because the box usually stays on a truck for the whole 24 hours----brrrrrr!!!


I never tell UPS what's in the box---and if I am forced to list it, I list "aquarium additives" :)

Then if asked to elaborate I tell them it's a mineral supplement for aquariums and it's a non-dangerous liquid.

Edited by mvite
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shipping corals is a breeze, cold pack, heat pack, no pack. if you ordered from LiveAquaria or Extreme Corals, you will see the absolute best shipping methods.

Heres some extra stuff I do:


I write acclimation and care procedures

I write on the box "DO NOT LEAVE IN SUN" during the summer

I write on the box "THIS SIDE UP" and "LIVE FISH"

Whatever increases the chance of survival is something you must fee responsible for doing.


shipping light fixtures greater than 20 inches withOUT the original box.....now there's a challenge.

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when we at the lfs in town open up pakages during colder months they take the heat packs and put it in a folded paper plate(half vise) it seems that it keeps the water pretty good temp

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shipping light fixtures greater than 20 inches withOUT the original box.....now there's a challenge.


Actually Mvite sent me a light that was 24" and it seemed that he didnt have a problem with the box. It wasnt the orginal...Im sure he remembers it ;)

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what time of the day is best to ship out? morning/afternoon/doesnt matter?

I know that my local Post Office's last Express pick up is 4:30pm. UPS NDA drop off is 6pm at my local UPS location.

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Would it make more sense to ship it in the afternoon? Since they would spend less time shipping... i dunno, my 2 cents.


yes, it is better to ship in the afternoon right before pick up.

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it depends on the pick up time. my AIM mail center down the street has a UPS pick up time around 4pm, so i usually start packing around 2:30pm (to cut out styrofoam, line the box, toss in a heat/cold pack, bag the coral, print out my labels) and get there in time to meet the guy in brown.


i hate shipping USPS though. everytime i go to the post office, even if i already sealed the box, they open it back up again and start asking questions. and its not like the guys there aren't the same guys every time i go there. they know what its all about. seriously.

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Actually Mvite sent me a light that was 24" and it seemed that he didnt have a problem with the box. It wasnt the orginal...Im sure he remembers it ;)


was it metal halide? :P

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was it metal halide? :P

Nope nope nope---Don't even pay attention to that--he's bustin on me because I shipped him my 24" light and not the 30" he was looking for. I only saw his post wanting a 2 x 65W PC light and I sent it to him!!!


And it was a PIA to ship.


I am bummin' right now. E shipped me a butt load of coral---and UPS is blowing it right now because of the weather. It still says "on-time" but it should have been here by now.


We will test that package E!!! 2 days--with SPS colonies and all---BOO HOO for me!

Edited by mvite
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