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New 46g bowfront tank!


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I've decided to keep the tank...


And not upgrade the lighting, as i dont want to risk loosing more things :( As knowing me id get more and more corals...


Im keeping the tank how it is, and am going to give it a 6 week wait before adding in more fish or anything. Then, probably get a wrasse, and another fish... I will keep you all posted!!!


My clowns doing awesome! Such a cute character! And my cleaner shrimp is dying to clean my clown! LOL He creeps over to the clown, and waves his arms lol :o ... Soooo funny! I will take pics of tank too to show you what the tank looks like currently...


Flick :)

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crappy 17w FW plant grow flourescent tube, and 2, 23w of the new twisty type incandescent house bulbs.... lol this tank was suppose to be a FOWLR... but the anthela, mushrooms, and toadstool came on the rock (got him fellow reefer as sweet deal) and now i want more and more corals! :P lol



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I've decided to keep the tank...


And not upgrade the lighting, as i dont want to risk loosing more things :( As knowing me id get more and more corals...


Good decision :)

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lol thanks :P


I am going to take some new pics of the tank and inhabitants soon for you :) I just love my clown!!! Soooooo cool to watch! :D Such a character! ;)



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Hows it going flick. Im glad to hear that your clown and cleaner are doing good. You losses were so unexpected.

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Real sorry about your fish Flick. I know how attached you were getting. It really sux when we lose livestock and we're not sure why. Glad to here you decided to fight the urge to break it all down. I have been there myself. Hang in there and hopefully better days are ahead.

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Hey Flick thanks for checkin out my tank so i figured i check yours. Its sick i like it a lot. Ive been thinking about your question about what im going to put in my tank. I think the first thing will be a percula clown then il start with the corals but that one i need to think about more. I figure i have plenty of time because after i finish building im still going to have to cycle my rock. Im going to try to figure out exactly what im gonna do by then but if you have any suggestions let me know it will make my life easier. thanks, PeteyC

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thanks guys :)


Yeah, my tanks awesome, clowns happy, cleaner shrimp is sweet, and im happy with it ! :D Other than when i loose my love, the bicolor angel, and Nemo :( That was soooo hard to deal with in one morning :(


Sweet! Get a percula ;) I love mine!!! lol


Flick :)

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Hey guys! :)


Thanks Gerber, im undecided on what my next tank additions will be though. I think i want to get a true perc as a freind for my ocellaris, then a wrasse of some sort, and a bigger fish after thank. Maybe another angel? Or kole tang? or something, we will see :)


This is my next addition technically though :P




A fellow reefer got it 2 and a half weeks ago from Big Als, and is upgrading his tank so he needs a bigger one! :D So, he was asking $225, and i waited, then he went down to $200, and i finally made an offer of $180 and he agreed! :D So, pretty much brand new, still has box, warranty, all papers, reciept even! ;) It will be great for my tank! A little more than 4 watts per gallon, and fewskillz has the exact same one, on the exact same tank (46g bowfront). I love the look of it, and for only $180 why not? ;)



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Hey :)


So i got it for $180, picking it up soon... and have to let my mom know of my new plan... lol.


I then want to get the new light, get a frag of frogspawn from a fellow reefer on the way home (They both live in same town so might as well), and then in 5 more weeks or so get a true percula as a buddy for my current clown ;) . He's doing awesome by the way! Sooo cute and entertaining! :D


Flick :)

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New lights! Awesome, that is just what many people recommended that you should do. :) Your corals will love the increased illumination. Money well spent IMO.


dsoz :)

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Yuppers! New lights baby! :D lol


Yeah, many did, and i found a great deal on a 3 week old awesome 192w canopy for $180, so im doing it!!! :D :D :D SOOOOO EXCITED! Not sure when i can pick it up, mom still doesnt know :( LOL


Thanks dsoz, have fun on vacation man :)



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Hey everyone! :)


It's been ages since i updated!!! Well actually only like 5 days but still ;) lol


The tanks doing great! The clownfish is still awesome, and is very curious. Loves swimming around, and getting in your face when its up to the glass! The cleaner shrimp moulted again the other day! Soo cool to see! This time i actually saw him do it! :o Soo cool!


The tank params are great! And im looking into getting that 2 x 96w 50/50 canopy soon. Then i found 20+ members on another site, that are in Guelph (my town) too! :D Im SOOO EXCITED! Most have tons of corals, and larger scaled tanks... such as one guy has a 55g, a 14g biocube, and is getting shipped his new 225g in 3 weeks time! :D So i can go visit him and check out this awesome system! Im pumped! lol


Im looking into getting frogspawn, maybe a torch, and some other corals for cheap from those fellow reefers. I also dont want lots of fish. Im going to get 1 more clownfish as a buddy for my current one, then thats it for fish i think. I may get another smaller fish, but i want to use my money to get some coral frags, and see if the clowns will host one of them! lol I will keep you all posted! :)



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The tank's looking real good. The coraline on your rocks is really amazing. Those lights will definitely help your situation out. You ought to be able to keep pretty much anything other than sps.


Following along.

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Thanks :)


Ya coraline is growing! :D Spreading everywhere, and started to seed on glass :D I love it!!! Ok thanks about the light :) I saw your comment on my lighting question one :)


I will post a new FTS today guys :) And i might get another clown. My params are great, and its been few weeks since i lost the other guy.... so i think its safe! :)



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Thanks man :) I was going tp PM you to ask if i could still have it! I will let you know...


IM BACK FROM THE LFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think im addicted though.... I walked in to get another clown as a freind for my current clown, Nemo, but the clowns were sick :( So, i went to leave the store when i found 3 baby bicolor angels!!! They were $36.99, 1.5"-2" long (VERY baby... Maverick was 4"-5")... so i got one ;) I could NOT resist!!! You know how much i love them guys, i just had too!!! His names Junoir, and i got the healthiest baby one. He is **SOOO** active! Maverick was never active like an angel should be. He stayed in one cave pretty much :( Where as this new baby was out and about in the tank at the LFS, picking at rock, definately a non-stop mover and a grazer for sure! :D Im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASED, and excited, and happy i found him!!! Wow, im pumped! He's currently getting drip acclimated in, and is doing awesome!!! He is already looking for food in the bucket! LOL


I am taking pics, and i hope you guys support me getting another bicolor! As i know some of you said i shouldn't get another one :( I just had to, they are my favourite fish, and i couldn't pass this super healthy, very active baby up ;)



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2 weeks of healthy fish, good water quality, and some changes. I brought a sample of water to my LFS today aswell, they said everything is good, but i could lower my PH if i wanted to... its at 8.4. I have also cut back on feeding which i fed a lot before :( , and the tank seems cleaner, the params are better, and the fish look better (rather than being fat) lol... ;)


I just put a bit of marine flake in Junoirs bucket (while being dripped) and he ate it! :o He's very active, and obviously a great eater if he eats flake (which Maverick didn't) and if he ate while being acclimated! :D So these are all very good signs! :D So pleased!!!


Flick :)

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haha coming! ;) Im taking lots... no worries! :P


So, i just put him in the tank... He swam around a bit, met my clownfish, Nemo. Nemo got scared lol and swam away... Junoir then sawm into a nice lil cave i knew he'd like (its small and tight, but he fits in it like a glove...) and the cleaner shrimp decided to meet him. Junoir got scared when Buddy (the shrimps) tenticles got close to him, but he was fine. Buddy walked away, and Junoir came out again. Did a lap of the tank, and picked at the rock a few times already! :D He's now back in the cave, so im going to give him some peice and qiuet :) He needs some rest, after all he is a tini baby! lol


I will upload the pics of him i got in the drip bucket, then take other pics later once he's more comfortable and out :) Will post soon!!!


Flick :)

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