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The Singapore Green Tank


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All ritey, I saw that easter island tiki in travisufer's tank and couldn't get it out of my mind! I must have it in my tank too!


I went around looking for it but no luck finding it. Then it hits me that I can mould it myself! I've tried the airdry paperclay which, expectedly, dissolved once it hit the water.


I thought it was the end of my tiki adventure and suddenly, 2-part eproxy and coral chip popped in my mind!


This is my brainchild after 5 minutes of creative work.




I basically moulded the eproxy into shapes for the forehead, nose, lips and chin. Hope the One Ring embedded the tiki some mysterious powers to bless my tank.


Into the tank!




Thanks for looking!

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So far maintenance is simply water changes? Or is there dosing involved?


Hi there, |squee|! Thanks for the compliments and delicated your 1st post to my thread! :)


I haven't done any waterchange yet because the tank is still under cycling. But yes, maintenance is just waterchange. Will use carbon if neccessary, ie yellowish water etc. There's no dosing of supplement involved for this tank. I will try to keep maintenance as simple as possible.




Yes, siphoning by gravity


Nice DIY Tiki

Oogie has a tiki in his oogiecube2 - Oceanic 30G also.


Thanks, rickjg! You are a great help!


Yup, I saw his tank and the tiki too! Very beautifully done up! Hope one day that my tank will mature as nicely as his tank. :lol:

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I made 2 more tiki! Easter Island tank would be a more appropiated name now... :lol:




Note the big diatom bloom that's happening in the tank now. But it should be over soon as there're tiny hair algae spouting everywhere.


Latest hitchhiker who reveals himself today.




He's going to be a great help for clearing the hair algae, but if he dies... omgomgomg

I'm having a big dilemma now. Should I let him go or keep him? Need some suggestions please...


And the latest fts, diatom in its full glory!




Thanks for looking!

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He's going to be a great help for clearing the hair algae, but if he dies... omgomgomg

I'm having a big dilemma now. Should I let him go or keep him? Need some suggestions please...


Hmm tough call... He does fit the theme, and looks very cool; but there is the omgomgomg factor... dunno but I'd say laters to him just to be safe.


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All ritey, I saw that easter island tiki in travisufer's tank and couldn't get it out of my mind! I must have it in my tank too!


I went around looking for it but no luck finding it. Then it hits me that I can mould it myself! I've tried the airdry paperclay which, expectedly, dissolved once it hit the water.


I thought it was the end of my tiki adventure and suddenly, 2-part eproxy and coral chip popped in my mind!


This is my brainchild after 5 minutes of creative work.




I basically moulded the eproxy into shapes for the forehead, nose, lips and chin. Hope the One Ring embedded the tiki some mysterious powers to bless my tank.


Into the tank!




Thanks for looking!

awesome duncan. my moai wasnt handcrafted but yours look great. i believe these things are made by plennplax. anyway, a bunch of moai looks great. mine is currently in my new fw froggie tank but I may end up getting another one to go in my 20H :P

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The Ultimate DanK

Careful with that ring. There are a number of magic rings in this world and none of them are meant to be trifled with. If all else fails cast it into the fires of mount doom (between the left and right legs of my Oprah) and hope for the best.


The tank is looking good too. :D

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Hmm tough call... He does fit the theme, and looks very cool; but there is the omgomgomg factor... dunno but I'd say laters to him just to be safe.



Ya Pinner Reef, he's cool and @ a quarter inch long. Most probably will say good bye to him when the cycle is over.


awesome duncan. my moai wasnt handcrafted but yours look great. i believe these things are made by plennplax. anyway, a bunch of moai looks great. mine is currently in my new fw froggie tank but I may end up getting another one to go in my 20H :P


Thanks, travisurfer! I got 3 in my tank now! Thinking of making 2 more, but afraid that they steal the limelight from the tank itself! :lol:

Yup, go get more moai! We can start a trend of moai tank!


Careful with that ring. There are a number of magic rings in this world and none of them are meant to be trifled with. If all else fails cast it into the fires of mount doom (between the left and right legs of my Oprah) and hope for the best.


The tank is looking good too. :D


My precious... my precious! Think I will sink it to the bottom of my tank instead it gets hold of me! :lol: Thanks for the comments, The Ultimate Dank!

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lol, I agree. Nice ring. You should sink it so that the top part sticks out of the sand :P I haven't been able to find one that cool looking either.

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Think I will just keep the ring with me, it's MY PRECIOUS! :D


Thanks, clifford513!


btw, am I due for a cleanup crew? I want to wait until all diatom are sucked up!




This is the front wall of my tank!

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Okay... A few days ago, I added a couple of astrea snails and a trio of cerith snails (from my 10g tank). Apparently, the algae cleaning task is too much for such a small crew size. The areas that they cleared just a day ago; new algae was spouting again.


I decided to take over the job, and cleared all hair algae in 10 minutes.


And here's the old and new full tank shot for macro growth comparison.








Since I'm going for a maximum of 4 LPS, which isn't going to be enough to cover the bare patches on rocks; I'm glad that the macro is starting to overtake the tank.


A corner shot of the tank



Current inhabitants:

1 fire shrimp

1 skunk cleaner shrimp

3 sexy shrimps

1 red hermit

3 nassarius snails

2 astrea snails

3 cerith snails

3 moai statues


Thanks for looking!

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Think I will just keep the ring with me, it's MY PRECIOUS! :D


Thanks, clifford513!


btw, am I due for a cleanup crew? I want to wait until all diatom are sucked up!




This is the front wall of my tank!

wow, that is a ton of algae. is that the ring that spins around? ;) i am such a nerd when it comes to LOTR. almost brought myself to learn elvish once too :scarry:




Okay... A few days ago, I added a couple of astrea snails and a trio of cerith snails (from my 10g tank). Apparently, the algae cleaning task is too much for such a small crew size. The areas that they cleared just a day ago; new algae was spouting again.


I decided to take over the job, and cleared all hair algae in 10 minutes.


And here's the old and new full tank shot for macro growth comparison.








Since I'm going for a maximum of 4 LPS, which isn't going to be enough to cover the bare patches on rocks; I'm glad that the macro is starting to overtake the tank.


A corner shot of the tank



Current inhabitants:

1 fire shrimp

1 skunk cleaner shrimp

3 sexy shrimps

1 red hermit

3 nassarius snails

2 astrea snails

3 cerith snails

3 moai statues


Thanks for looking!

tank is still looking great. i like the natural fishless look. cool macros and shrimp are the greatest...and the moai make for an awesome addition as well :P

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wow, that is a ton of algae. is that the ring that spins around? ;) i am such a nerd when it comes to LOTR. almost brought myself to learn elvish once too :scarry:

tank is still looking great. i like the natural fishless look. cool macros and shrimp are the greatest...and the moai make for an awesome addition as well :P


The hair algae grew fast and thick at an unbelievable rate. Had my last straw with it when I can't even see what's inside anymore. :o

But the funny thing is that the hair algae never grow on the rocks. I was assuming the macro on the rocks out-competes it.


Yeah, I love LOTR too, but wasn't much of a fan until peter jackson put a face to the books. Guess I'm more visual-oriented.


Thanks, travisurfer. I'm planning to add more shrimps, and MOAIs! Thanks for the moai inspiration! :lol:


awesome, cant wait till you have the LPS in


Thanks, ging. I can't wait too! I want the branching LPS in order to complete the underwater bonsai look. Btw, is ging a chinese name?

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Guys... I got the most dreaded hitchhiker... THE MANTIS SHRIMP! And it comes in a pair!


I was staring at the tank, and caught a pair of antenna eyes peeping from a small cave. I proceeded to lightly sway a chopstick in front of the cave and guess what? The little bugger dashed out and smashed his claws onto the chopstick so strong that I felt a small vibration to my fingers. :o


And while I was trying to skewer him, I saw a second mantis in a cave not too far away! Both are just slightly less than 1 inch, and they are not the cool green or peacock mantis. Just some ugly hairy brown mantis...


Any advice, guys?


Current habitants AKA soon-to-be-mantis-supper

1 fire shrimp

1 coralband shrimp

2 skunk cleaner shrimps

3 sexy shrimps

3 nassarius snails

3 cerith snails

2 astrea snails

1 red hermit

3 moai statues (might be a bit hard to swallow)

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lol, tiny! I would skewer them and bask them alive through a magnifying glass until I can smell bbq seafood... but that has to be after I catch them. :(


Thanks for the compliment, tiny!

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News Flash!!!

I got the little buggers!


So I came home and found no mantis in the trap I setup earlier. I decided to step up the hunting tools. I positioned my scissors,blades opened, outside his cave. He was wary and take quick peek. He was quick and I never get the chance to cut his head off. Mission failed.


But I wasn't going to let them off so easy. I boiled some water and squirted the scalding water into their caves. They shrank back immediately but I continued to pump more into the caves.


And guess what? One of the mantis was boiled and limped dead at the mouth of his cave. I pulled it out with tweezers and this is what I got...




A full inch in length. The smashers hidden in his claws were like flexible hard plastic and he was built like a tank, fully armor-plated from the antenna eyes to the tail.


I assumed the other mantis is dead because I directly squirted into his hole, while the dead mantis was squirted indirectly. But if I ever see him again, I will squirt him, 100%! :lol:

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I really like your tank, looks really relaxing.


Thanks, Dallassask. I'm glad to be able to share the tank progress to you guys in nr.

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