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nUgZ's 10g Frag


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I finally got a Duncanopsammia. It's not an ORA, just an Aussie.




Here it is eating.




I also got a couple new Montipora frags recently.





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Here are three of the Chalices in my collection. The first one is a rescue piece from my LFS. A bad chain of events contributed to it's condition. It's called Magma and I like it.




I don't have an ID on this one yet, but I think it has a lot of potential.




I've had this one for a while.



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That first monti you posted a pic of looks like one I have. What color would you describe the body as being?

The second one looks like it might be an Idaho Grape.

I really like the Magma Chalice.

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Al- Thanks buddy!! I appreciate the kind words.


L- The body on that monti is kind of a cream or tan. I'd love it if the second was idaho grape...I paid $5 for it. I really like the Magma also...so did the store where I got it. They were selling it for $100. :slap: Hopefully it will improve quickly and grow even quicker.

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Here's my new Montastrea. I like it more and more every day. This is it's first day under the halide.




True undata and Micromussa.




Magma Chalice.




Alien Eye Acanthastrea echinata.




Some Zoanthids.





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Thanks Al. I would love it, but I don't know if my wife would agree. Maybe I should start small and work my way up. If I'm making money she couldn't complain.


These Zoanthids have morphed more than any I've ever had before. Here they are when I first got them.




After a few weeks.




A little longer.




And now this.



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you known what they say..... "Money TALKS!"


Those 'morhpies" are SICK! I mean totally SICK!! Sometime we gotta brain storm and figure out what ALL of your "Secrets" are.


When I build my next house I'll have a Tank Room upstairs for the big tank but down stairs I'll have a "Prop" area with some Prop tanks for that purpose!! :)

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Here's the only fish in the tank. Diadema Pseudochromis.




I fragged the Tyree True undata.




The Unattainables are having babies.




Purple Haze on the eggcrate.








Alien eye echinata.









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You drive me nuts!

You have all this stuff I want and you won't ship it to me!!!

Maybe it's for the best, don't have much $$ anyway...

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I'm sorry L....I'll ship you some stuff this year I promise. I'm working on getting rid of most of the ordinary stuff and focusing on the nicer pieces...but that means there's less and less "affordable" stuff for fragging.

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I'm sorry L....I'll ship you some stuff this year I promise. I'm working on getting rid of most of the ordinary stuff and focusing on the nicer pieces...but that means there's less and less "affordable" stuff for fragging.



I'm gonna hold you to that.

Now I need to either get some cool stuff at the swap to trade with you or start saving...

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Don't let me forget. I still don't have any Nuc. Greens or PD's. I know you at least have a connection on the NG's.



I'm gonna hold you to that.

Now I need to either get some cool stuff at the swap to trade with you or start saving...

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AcroporaLokani- Thanks. The tank's fine. I'm trying to get rid of some things to make room for frags of what I've got already plus I'm always looking for something nice. It's a problem with small tanks,


Josh- Thanks for looking. I really appreaciate it. It should just get better and better.

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Don't let me forget. I still don't have any Nuc. Greens or PD's. I know you at least have a connection on the NG's.


BibleSue has Nuclear Greens and Purple Deaths.

She's the one I got my NG frag from (awesome Christmas present!) and she has 2-3 frags of them right now for the upcoming frag swap this Sat.

Her PD's haven't grown out enough yet to frag, but when they do I'm first in line!

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