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Coral Vue Hydros

nUgZ's 10g Frag


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Thanks Weetabix. IME/O the sand not only added extra filtration and biodiversity, but it also gave the corals some of the necessary nutrients they were apparently missing before. It's the same as having a BB tank and having to feed very heavily to keep good colors. Here's a picture of my Green Slimer Acropora before the sand.




Here's a shot not very long after adding the sand.




I think that speaks for itself. The light I'm using right now is the Coralife Aqualight 150w halide and 2x65w PC actinics. I'm going to be purchasing the Phoenix 14k bulb soon. I was using the XM 10k, but it lost it's spectrum so I'm using a Hamilton 14k until I get the Phoenix. I bought it used and I need to get new actinic bulbs but I do like the fixture. The only problem is that it's bigger than the tank so it can be tough getting your hand in the tank without messing with the light.

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Nice coloration on that slimer bud. The tank is looking great and it looks like all of your frags are incredibly happy and growing nicely for you. So after my wedding, can we get a nice package together? Maybe a far of the green slimer, and caps you have, and possibly some zoas/palys?

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So you don't find that that is too strong of a light for a 10g?


I currently have a 150w Phoenix 14k over mine, but it's kinda high over the tank cause I was afraid that it would be too strong if I had it any lower. I'm getting ready to move the tank and was thinking of changing to a 70w MH cause I will have to lower the light significantly due to less headroom.

What are your thoughts on that?

Also, what kinds of color differences have you noticed in your corals, as you've switched between bulbs with different spectrums? I don't mean color differences in the way the corals APPEAR due to the different color spectrum, but ACTUAL color differences in the corals.

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I just read through this whole thread to get ideas for my prop tank.


I really like those purple zoas you posted a pic of in post #84 around pg. 4, I think, and your pink zoas. I'd be interested in trading you for frags of those sometime.


I also like your recent micro rescue, very nice.

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No I don't think the light is too strong. It's all about acclimation. My halide sits maybe 6 inches over the water. If you're going to use just the halide I think a 150w would be perfect. I don't know if I can give much solid info regarding the coral colors. Both the XM and the Hamilton bulbs were used when I got them. I hope to see even more improvements with the Phoenix. We might be able to do a trade sometime. The Purple Haze you were talking about have bleached some under the lights(imagine that). I hope they will color back up quickly under less light. I like those Micros also...thanks.

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WHAT???!!! You bleached my soon-to-be Purple Haze babies??!!! :o

For shame!!! :angry:;)

I'm not sure I should be listening to you on lighting advice now!


I just looked, and in the place where I want to move my 10g prop tank to, the light would only be 3-4 inches over the water, so it would probably cook stuff, and I don't mean in a tasty way like at the Reef Chicks Coral Kitchen!

It would probably cook my hand too, when I try to do stuff in the tank. I REALLY hope this doesn't mean I can't put the tank where I was planning to, it was so perfect!

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If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me....I do have good advice to give. If you're going to do a retro you should look into t5-HO's. You wouldn't need a whole lot for that size tank and they are quite bright. They should also fit well in the spot you have in mind.

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If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me....I do have good advice to give.



You do seem like a nifty guy...

and you have yummy coralz...

OKAY, all is forgiven!!! :grouphug:


If you're going to do a retro you should look into t5-HO's. You wouldn't need a whole lot for that size tank and they are quite bright. They should also fit well in the spot you have in mind.


But the shortest T5's are 24" long. They may also be a little expensive for me.

I've found a used DIY 70w MH with a 14k Astralux bulb that I can get from a guy locally for a decent price, which is what I had planned on using.


I'm still pondering the whole sand thing. Your before and after pics are quite impressive, but I'm still not sure. Sand just seems like it would be a great area for detritus to gather as well. Hmmm....

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Needreefunds- Thanks a lot. BB can be a great method, it just has to be done right. You have to replace all the nutrients that are being removed.


Weetabix- T5's are actually being made in a lot of new sizes now. I believe there is an 18" t5HO you can get. As far as the sand goes, if the bed is maintained well you shouldn't have a problem. Just make sure you have plenty of sand sifting critters and you'll be fine.

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I love the green slimers and blasto wellsi.

You have so many things I want!

Do you keep the blasto's on the bottom, given their lower lighting requirements?

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