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Once In A Life-time Nano!!!


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Mark the day on your calander!!! 5/28/04... I just moved to Knoxville, TN a couple of days ago... acctually Maryville, about 15 min south of Knox-vegas... I have been tooling around for the past couple days trying to find a new favorite fish store... i went to a couple of stores in my town then i got into the yellow pages and found a store in knoxville called.... THE CORAL REEF.... imagine!?!?! What could be there?... Well, i'm looking around.. this place has absolutly everything!!! So, i'm talking to one of the staff members there and i lean my elbow on a tank that was sitting on a stack of boxes, not really paying attention... we started talking 40 gallons... then 65... 75... ya know, big tanks... while I told him about my previous 20 gal experience, he pointed at what i was leaning on... "My bad," i said... "no, no take a look at that"... i've never seen anything like this in my life.. i don't know if anyone on this forum has one, but i've looked all over and have yet to see any pics... So here it is:


18 Gallon Acrylic Bow-Front (like a Nano-Cube, but bigger)

Built in Wet/Dry (like a Nano-Cube, but bigger)

Huge Skimmer incorperated (Could run a 75)

Over Flow

Skimmer Pump

Return Pump

Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture (36-Watt Actintic and 36-Watt 10,000K)



Length- 24'

Width- 8" (12.5' with sump)



Here's one of MANY pictures to come!!!

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Included Skimmer... WOW... I'm positive it could skim a 55 gallon tank... Can a Skimmer be TOO BIG?

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looks like a tru-vu tank. Does it have a separater in the back with a wet/dry system?

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ya its a tru-vu/Oceanic tank. Good deal man. Ive always wanted one simply for the fact the make everything combined in the tank.

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Lights... Most of the parts in this package are off brand, but they are built better than i could build them..that's what i had planned on doing.. a diy canopy and retrofit compacts...

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The skimmer in the glow of the Actintic lights... does anyone know how long it takes to break in a skimmer?... i've never used one... any information would be appreciated... Thnx

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The whole deal... even with the two over flows, and two pumps... the whole unit is still quieter than my computer fan...

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Men's Fitness... I'm guessing that YOU have a sharp eye for shirtless men...


This is the tank late on it's first night home... the dust from the Arag-Live sand just settled... Looks good eh?

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Nevermind.... I didn't have the pump output turned up high enough... My skimmer is working now as you can see... how do you know when a skimmer is broken in?

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you know when you start getting dark skimmate. Depends a lot on your bioload tho. I dont think youll have anything significant in there until you add fish/corals.

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really nice tank.....looks alot bigger then an 18gal...keep us updated, it should turn out beautiful once it's full..but take your time...

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