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Office Pico


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Tank Shots

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I bought the same tank about a year ago at petco. They were clearing them out for $9.99 1 gallon with light and filter.

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o nice, i wanna start up a pico tank. u have any advice? i have a 20g nano at the moment and its going good.

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A clownfish in a 1g tank is absolutely cruel. You're just as much of a fool as Rapalla if you disagree. Find any reputable source that says otherwise and I'll keep my mouth shut.

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I never said I disagreed with you. I'm simply stating that your comments are worthless to the original poster (as he will undoubtedly ignore anything you say anyway) because of the tone. If you were to give criticism it could most certainly be done in a more productive and constructive manner and perhaps your overall goal of educating another reefer about the inadequacies of a 1g tank for a clownfish (assuming thats what you were going for) would be taken more seriously. As of now calling people "cruel" and a "fool" only point to the true nature of your own personality.

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And thats the problem. You think that its fine. I think your point was made, but there is a difference between making a point which will be ignored and scoffed at and making a point that will be used in the future as useful information. You are clearly the former.

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Who are you to decipher the impact my method of conveyance will have? It seems to me that now you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. I'm done. Good day.

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LOL what a bunch of kids minimalist is right though nutty and you should act like the all knowing either at least he relize animal cruelty. It is a little small poster (I dont want to have to go look up the name ) and is that cyno I see in the back?

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Whoa...people need to chill out and just be nice and professional with one another, thats all guys. Lets keep this site fun and educational, we're all just trying to do our best.

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No matter what anyone else says, I still love the tank.

1. How do you manage ammonia/nitrate?

2. Any carbon filtration?

3. Any coral?

4. Lighting?

A clown goby or catalina goby would have been better.

Catalinas like colder water.

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look f all of you. i would put a tang in there. so if it is not your tank or he asked your suggestions. shut it.

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Hi all, the little fellow are Ok in the tank... Basically the hang on filter are equipped with coral chips and 'aquapharm Pur-II' carbon to get red of the necessary toxic, prevent the water from turning yellow, ordourless etc... water changed are made 1x per week just a little will do.. that why if you notice i there is red grape and green weed to extract the nitrate and ammonia.... lighting 13wtt PL light.. some of the coral are small specimen of star polyps and zoos.

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Im sure hes fine but perhaps he would like to go on holiday from time to time to the bigger tank you have at home?


When I [shock horror] get a job in an office again im sure ill get a tank and my fishies will go on holiday to a pico like yours - whenever my clownfish jumps into the filter he always seems pleased and excited to come back into the tank again - he even greets all his old friends!

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Brian da lion


The thing that bugs me about people saying that a tank is too small is that they are mostly just saying it based on what other people have said. No one on this site actually cares about the happiness of a fish. Its just become a reflex to say something as soon as one sees a clown or mandarin or tang.

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Helfrichs Chick


"No one on this site actually cares about the happiness of a fish. Its just become a reflex to say something as soon as one sees a clown or mandarin or tang. "


There are actually many people in the hobby who regard the animals we put on our tanks as a life, a being, and not just a dollar sign. You should not generalize. No offence to the author of this thread or the pic, but I know I wouldn’t be too happy locked in a 5ft by 5ft room my whole life. And im sorry but when people say "oh he is sooooo happy in there" that’s ridiculous as soon as someone learns clownfish go ask him, im sure he will let you know. O well its just MO

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