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Pod Your Reef

1/7/06 Dajin 12g nano-cube dx


Here's the tank after the third rearrangment. I moved the heater to the filter as well as upgrading the pump to a maxi-jet 600. Don't plan on rearranging again, just adding new corals.

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Tank Shots

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Hey...i like how you have your tank arranged and that black clown is nice. I don't quite have that open arrangement in mine but the next aquascaping i do will definately be that way. cool tank

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nice tank. Two questions:

1)Is your rock against the back wall and ifso, are you concerned about cleaning back there?

2)The structure looks solid. Was anything used to hold the rocks where they are or did you simply stack them?

Thanks and good luck.


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The rocks are a bit close to the wall. But there is enough room to clean back there. The rocks are stacked. I spent a couple of hours making sure each one fit with the other. Kinda like a jigzaw puzzle, but its solid. Nothing moves when I bump during cleaning.

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Fantastic looking tank!


I'm about to set one up and sorry but i am going to copy yours!


Good work

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NICE Tank but i got 1 question..are you only using one pump or to u have 2 running for more flow!! BEUTIFUL thats a 10

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how much did you pay for your clown i just got a pair of them that have babies like every 3 months and i paid $65 for the pair was that a good deal?

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Im only using one pump, maxi-jet 600. I was also using the stock pump but the tank was getting too hat. I paid 48$ for the clown.

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