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My Room Nano


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Tank Shots

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please tell me you photoshopped those butterflys in there.... please. What is that like 15 gallons?

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Nop, they are real baby butterfly temporalily host them for my fren... as his tank crashed... they are doin fine...

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He just said that he's holding them for a friend. Give him a F*&^ing break. Damned police everywhere.

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It's Ok bro Tony, let them be... i just wnt to share my tank photo here... i've been into this hobby for nearly 3yrs... as long i'm able to keep the marine life happy and healthy i'm happy too.


Or maybe i should post a picture of Yellow tang in a 1ft tank....!

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dannyfish: you are what is wrong with the hobby


Rap: nice clean nano...hope your friend can recover his tank

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nice, very clean, hope my 10g FOWLR comes out as. btw, wwwwish your friend luck with the crashed tank.

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Colorful and clean, the envy of nano-reef :)


lol, very nice tank Rap, how many gallons?

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I give the dendronepthyas two months until they've shrunken into nothing.


Those fish aren't reef-safe. Would be good to know what you're putting into your tank before you do it.

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Well, I have only been a member for about a week now, so I dont know to much about this site, but from what I can tell lots of people are more into what others are doin, why not wory about your tank and not shout at others for what they are doing, I dont hear any of you moaning about half the corals in you tank have been ripped of reefs around the world. like I said site member for a week, yet have been keeping marine aquaria for 18 years or so. In conclusion, SHUT UP!

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What an idiot. I don't care if that fish is only in that tank for a month. It's moronic. How do you KNOW your livestock is happy? Did the fish tell you? This same guy has a clown in a 1g tank. It's rediculous.

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Cube...well said...a little harsh at the end, but your overall point is valid and IMO 100% correct. :)

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minimalist - I guess he knows his fish is happy the same way you must know it isnt. Is it your tank? No, so why does it bother you so much? Are you sure that the fish is being mistreated? Could it be in a bigger tank? Absolutely. But it could also be one of the 80% of clownfish that are imported each year that dont make it to market because they die.

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It's a well known fact that butterfly fish fair poorly in small tanks, and that tank is tiny. Again, any reputable source will validate this.

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Above the original poster stated that they are a temporary inhabitant of that tank. Whether or not he is truthful in that statement is another story. I dont need any reputable sources to validate any of that, I have my own opinions. But again, calling people names and ridiculing them is the worst way to go about proving your point. If you spent half the time on helping others that you do writing these slanderous remarks, perhaps this sort of indiscretion wouldnt happen as often.

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I'm not going to argue with any one, but IMHO if he is only holding them from his friend, it would be the same as if the butterflies where at the LFS and no one was interested in buying them for a month or so.

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WOW.... been busy setting up a nano for one of my client here. What a thread...! the point i'm joining this portal is to share and learnt from others reefers not only here but to the entire nation who are into this hobby. As a professional i don't really care for those ego comments from some reefers here... either there are being kiddish, vain, or self centred.


Back to my tank, as said earlier i'm helping my fren to hold the poor little fish from his crashed tank... those fellow seems fines and happy only sometimes they do peck at my sponge... i think i could hold those fellow till next week by then my fren tank will be OK.

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Agree with what some of the others are saying those butterflys are going to have a field day with the corals! Its your tank

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But isnt it true that all aquarium fish may not be happy because of there life in a tank. No matter what size... its not the ocean or a lake.


Anyway, great nano. Keep up the good work.

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