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Got my BC29 today......


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I just got it in today, and wanted to know when I got to buy the LR and LS for it this weekend if there is anything I should be looking for that might be a deal breaker. The LR and LS are from established tanks, and I just would have to end up with a bunch of LR and LS that is no good for some reason.....


On a side note, I found a good use for the bioballs.... My African Greys love to chew 'em to pieces.... Well atleast the one does, the other one could care less. :lol:





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Well after feeding the bioballs to my birds, i had to find something to take up the space in the second chamber. I really wanted to use a skimmer instead of a fuge so I set out to get one to work. After hearing bad things about a few of the "cheaper" nano skimmers, I went with the Tunze 9002 DOC nano one. I know someone on here used a reefpack one but gutted the entire back of his tank to get it to fit.... I didnt want to get that crazy so I decided on the lone 9002 unit. The main piece fits in the chamber perfectly, but the cup wouldnt fit into the rear chamber.... :angry::angry:


OUT COMES THE DREMEL TOOL !!!!!!! And I think it came out GREAT !!! All I did was lined up where the cup would sit, and used a drum sander attachment on it, and notched the plastic abit. Nothing to harm the structural rigidity at all, and then did the same for the top. I ground a TOUCH AT THE BACK, WHICH YOULL NEVER EVEN SEE WHEN THE TOP IS CLOSED.... It came out great.


Heres some pics....










What do you guys think so far ?!?!?!

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It looks great!! I am still going to wait for the one from kyle @ sapphireaquatics though. He is supposed to have a prototype done and it is designed to fit without any "dremelling", is that a word? But props to you, this looks like a good alternative. ;)

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Got the new Rio 6HF hyperflow pump today too.... Its a tad bigger than the stock pump, but flows 350 GPH versus the stock 243 GPH. It also only uses 15 watts verus the 20 that the MJ1200 uses up. So im using less watts and getting more flow... SWEET. The hose is also larger than stock, the stock hose O.D. is actually the same size as the new hose I.D. Should give me a good amount of flow. Only problem now is I ordered a Hydor-Flo and it says its onlt good up to 310 GPH.... :angry:









Basser1 - Yeah, It came out GREAT. couldnt be happier. Especially after reading all the great reviews this skimmer is getting. I figured Id just get this since I know it works... cant wait to see sapphires though to see what they come up with.....


Im going to go to a finer sandpaper now and make the parts i clearanced even smoother... you wont even be able to tell it shouldnt be clearanced there.... :D

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TealCobra... thats awsome you got the tunze to fit. I have been hesitating ordering the cube untill all the skimmer / fuge issues have been worked out. I cant wait to get mine.


Kyle emailed me today saying you could put his skimmer in the 2nd chamber & use chamber 1 as the fuge & it woudl tumble the chaeto. Then put purigen / heater in chamber 3.


Keep us posted how the tunze works with the dremmeling. Ive read that the submersion height needs to be set & I am curious how it works in conjunction with your hood clearance.


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I sure will, I shold be putti in LS and LR and water this weekend, so once I get all that in, I can give you more specifics.... as for now, im extremely happy with the way it came out.

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Just finished doing the widening of the 1st chamber mod....




And my 4.36 upgrade came in today from nanotuners.com. I think im going to hold off on that mod till I have the LR and LS in there just to see the difference between the 2.36 and the 4.36, but who knows, im usually too impatient to wait to do anything. :D

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Well, I got 45 pounds of LS and 15 pounds of LR from a local guy who was closing one of his larger tanks that I couldnt pass up, so i started the process this weekend.... As I posted earlier, I went with a Rio 6HF pump, which is rated at 350 gph, the best part was that I was able to go with Eheim 16/22 tubing and go directly from the pump to the bulkhead which is nice because there are now no 90 degree fittings or the like to slow down the flow, and the thing pumps like crazy....





I had to keep filling the second chamber in order to get the water level high enough to skim fully, but its running great right now, just not much to skim thanks to the guy who i got all the sand rock and 30 gallons of water from had impeccable cleaning ethic... the stuff was spotless. I added a filter sponge thing to have the water slowly go into the 2nd chamber instead of just pouring into there to help quiet the tank down abit....





So far I just have the stuff in the tank seeing if its going to cycle any. Im going to be getting another 30 or 35 pounds of LR and aquascaping this week if time allows... Ill give more updates as soon as I get more. :D The best part was the "extras" that came along for the ride... I have about 10 blue legged hermit crabs and about 15 snails... not sure what kind but theyre cruizing around doing their thing...




I should have the Nanocustoms 4.36 mod in by this weekend also, Ill post pics as soon as its in....

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Thanks for the update. Thats great everything is working well for you. Ordered some items preparing for my tank purchase. Just the basic things like a bigger heater, digital thermometer, magnet cleaner for glass, coralife timer, & a new test kit. Im comming from a 12 gallon eclipse that is just too hard to keep up without proper filtration. Ive been doing alot of reading & seeing how your tunze fit is great. I plan on ordering my nano-skimmer next before the tank, stand and 4.36 kit.


What are your plans for the 1st chamber? The guy from sapphire said you can use the 1st chamber to house chaeto. & nanotuners emailed me back to let me know that they will have a fuge light for the 29g biocube in a couple weeks. Thanks & keep us all posted.

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Right now i just have some filter media in there that I was using to get the water clear.... once I get done with that I would probably be using some LR in the first chamber, thats about it. The pump is awesome, its flowing so well that the water went from REALLY cloudy, to how you see it in one night.... Couldnt believe it. I will definitely keep updating this thread to let everyone know how all is going... I actually got a cool glass scraper from doctors foster smith that has a thermostat built into it.... really conveinient if you ask me. :)

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A quick question for you - What is the diameter measurement of the collection cup for the Tunze Nano skimmer??? The Tunze website, lists the width of the unit at 2.1". But I don't know if this is for the lower housing or the collection cup? Also what is the width of the chamber of the 29 cube? I'm interested in in the 14gal model and want to know if the rear chamber width is the same size. If so, I'm going to purchase the Tunze, and perform the cutouts just as you have done for your 29.


Your help would be appreciated.


Thanks, DBC

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After trimming down the edges of the tank and baffle i have between 3 3/4" and 4" and the cup at its widest (the way top part) is a touch less than 3 3/4". Fortunately where the cup fits its only like 3.5" and I have zero clearance issues... I could actually make it all the way down the chamber with the cup now that ive clearanced that area, but it would be a tight fit. Roger vitko said that Tunze is actually making a smaller cup for the nano model and it should be out shortly... theyre just working on their nanostreams right now. the smaller cup is the same width as the unit, 2.2" or so... theres pics on reefcentral in the tunze forums, look for the nano doc 9002 skimmer thread and youll see the prototype pic...

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Tealcobra, Im getting close to ordering my Tunze nano skimmer. Can you tell me where you bought your skimmer? & how much you paid. I havent found many places that sell this, & would like to find the best deal as we all do... LOL

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I got mine at marinedepot.com It was $130 if I remember correctly. So far so good with it, its nice and quiet and is doing a good job so far...

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Hey everyone, I found a few things on my liverock, does anyone know what it is ?!?!?








The first one I have no clue what it is, it looks like some type of polyp or something maybe ?!?!?


The second one is some REALLY bright green stuff, im hoping is just coraline algae...


The third one is all over that rock, its like a deep red bubbly looking coral, not sure what type it is though... anyone know ??

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Agree with ToZeBeach,

Definately seems like sponge in second pic, and looks like you got real lucky on the third rock. It looks like ricordia mushrooms.

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I ordered a 50/50 and another actinic... So ill end up with 2 actinics, 1 10K, and one 50/50. I should have that in this weekend, and ill post temperature differences, and pictures to show off the difference in light.... :)

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Hi Tealcobra - I installed my 4.36 lighting in my 29g BioCube earlier this week. I opted for the same lighting choices as you and am of the opinion that there is too much "white" light when fully lit, would like to hear your opinion when installed.

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I dont think it seems too white personally.... If you look at my walls there is alot of blue on them... I think it looks nice and crisp with a touch of blue. I have the bulbs set in there so the front is the 10K, then an actinic, then 50/50, then the last actinic. Make sure he sent you a 50/50... when i first got my kit i had another 10K and an actinic instead of the 50/50... He sent out a new one next day for me so the customer service was phenominal...The kit was pretty straightforward, except for a few things I would write into the directions, and the new fans are too loud for my tastes, im going to monitor temps, and if they stay down as much as they have been so far, I may put the stock fans back into the hood.


Stock Lighting:



Stock Lighting:



Nanocustoms 4.36:



Nanocustoms 4.36:




What does everyone else think ?!?!?!?

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Very nice!!!!!! Are you happy with the bulb selection? I plan on purchasing the same kit.


Question... Do you have your system on a timer setup? How did the kit change the moonlight operation.

I want to be able to control the moonlights on my system since i use a timer & a power cutoff would kill the moonlights on a stock system.


Im suprised you dont have your heater in the back.


Looks great, keep us posted, i enjoy seeing your tank come along.

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The heater will be in the back shortly... I just put it in the tank to try to get the water warmed up while I was filling the tank. Yeah, I have the digital coralife timer for the actinics and moonlights, and then a seperate home depot timer for the daytime bulbs....

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