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PPE ? Could be....

The Propagator

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this tread is great ive been following since it started.very funny.hey prop i never got to thank u for the pink acan i got from u and the extras u threw in there.acan is doing great darkened up alittle but still beautiful.thanks again

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Deleted User 7

Hey TP,


I know this is off topic and I in no way intend to steal your thread but you seem to be the expert with zoas. I was wondering if you could shoot me a quick i.d. on these as I can't seem to find an answer elsewhere. If there was a better way of asking you, feel free to chew me out. If not, thanks for your help!


Here's the pic, it's a bit blurry but you can see the colors. (my roommates camera is crappy and mine doesn't yet exist). There are two types. Some are a metallic pink and the other metallic green.



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the frag master

PS: Most people who go directly from HS to college are 18 their freshman year, theres nothing about getting ahead involved here.


well, i early enrolled when i was 16. im jsut about to graduate and im about to turn 19!!!!!!! big difference about getting ahead there buddy. now, about my photos, ill get osme better ones, i was i na rush. my camera sucks, and the camera that i use on my firneds boat is jsut a waerproof one we use to take photos underwater, he wont even let use it when we go out. ill get better photos in the morning, im puffed up form man-o-war stings , man they were all over the place i went this weekend.

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mahi mahi boy

They wash up on shore all the time on the Gulf side.... so how many did you get sprung by, 10-20?


Tell us another story captain kangaroo!

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ya i got bit a few times when i was cleanin out my rattlesnake cage today. no biggie tho, just rubbed some dirt on it

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The Propagator

Kid'o if you got hit by just one man'o war you would be screaming for mercy.

Let alone several.

Infact several stings would more than likely land you in the intensive care unit at Florida General Hospital.


I know of at least 3 body board surfers ( what ever you call them) That took atvantage of the winter waves and ended up getting into a mass of man'o wars.

Guess what? They all died. :(







I dont even want to know how you caused that LOL!!!

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PS: Most people who go directly from HS to college are 18 their freshman year, theres nothing about getting ahead involved here.

well, i early enrolled when i was 16. im jsut about to graduate and im about to turn 19!!!!!!! big difference about getting ahead there buddy.

Hey now that were buddies and all maybe you could mail me some sample frags of those PRPEs that youve been growing, I would post great feed back AND take some pictures of them for you although when it comes from my mouth people around here wont even need pictures ;) . P.S. I FEEL SOOOO inferior I am a junior in college and i'm 20 already, now I feel like should have been here when i was 12 after talking to the frag master.....

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The Propagator

I graduated college with a 16 year old boy.

He did all 4 years in 2, and a did all 4 years of highschool in 1.5 through test outs.

His parents held him back from were he should have been at all through grade school and junior high. ( he said)

Little fooker was a true genius.























( The hook is baited...patience young grass hoppers ! )

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Kid'o if you got hit by just one man'o war you would be screaming for mercy.

Let alone several.

Infact several stings would more than likely land you in the intensive care unit at Florida General Hospital.


I know of at least 3 body board surfers ( what ever you call them) That took atvantage of the winter waves and ended up getting into a mass of man'o wars.

Guess what? They all died. :(

I dont even want to know how you caused that LOL!!!


they seen tenticles and his bf "doin something" outside. there just holding each other tightly cause there confused and scared.

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First off, this thread is a freakin hoot!!!! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time!


Dude, If you were popped by a man o war, you would be beggin mercy. I got nailed on the ankle when I was 7 and I still bear the scar today...and let's just say that was decades ago! I have never been in worse pain and that counts scratched corneas, broken bones, four knee operations, pulling a homemade arrow out of my side (long story), a fractured skull and numerous shop accidents involving all kinds of machinery. After every one of those I said, "that wasn't as bad as the time I got stung by that damn jellyfish when I was a kid".


Post a picture and let the world move on! I don't even like zoos and this darn thread has sucked me in. The thing is like crack, one hit and you addicted!!! Poop or get off the pot, laddy! :D



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maybe were talking about different jellyfish. at the local beaches there are those jellyfish that float with a big bubble . ive stepped on one and wasnt hurt to bad. just burned and left a red mark.

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first i wanted to say great zoas. second i am not saying frag master is a liar or not one; although this whole being stung numerous times makes me lean toward the first. But I just wanted to add that i took a college level calc class last year with two 14 yr olds. they were brother and sister, not sure what he was going to school for, but his sister was in the nursing program. They were in a couple of other classes I was in as well.

needless to say i felt stupid.


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Man o' war stings... Jesus. That would FOOK you UP! Think up better lies. I vote he gets a whack with the ol' BAN-stick. Because his lies STINK. Ha.

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The Propagator
maybe were talking about different jellyfish. at the local beaches there are those jellyfish that float with a big bubble . ive stepped on one and wasnt hurt to bad. just burned and left a red mark.



Nope, same ones. Those are man'o wars.



You MUST have been grazed dude.

Thats all I can say :lol: .

If you had been hit full force with one of those nematocysts it would have light you up good.

Just one sting wont kill you unless your alergic to it, and there are those who arent as suceptible to its venom, but CAN be killed from multiple stings.

But that one sting will usualy burn like the dickens and make you holler mommy. :)

Maybe you are one of those people brassmonkee?

Maybe your not as suceptible to its venom?

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it was dead washed up on the beach getting a sun tan. :) maybe it wasnt in full force cause of that. never seen one alive in the water. im sure getting tangled up in one of those wouldnt feel great.

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the frag master
10 bucks says fragmaster says he's also one of those people. coincidentally. guess i just prevented that tho :)

i wasnt going to say that, im still burning form it, i did yelp a little when i got stung, next time im wearing my wet suit. ill have better pics of the zoos in a few minutes, i jsut got home fro mthe doctors. and besides, this is the first tiem i have been stung by one, these are blue though, im wondering if they were just plain old jellyfish, but i have seen man-o-wars around the local beaches lately. if you look at any communtiy colelge, you wll see that HOMESCHOOLED children can early enroll, and HIGH SCHOOL children can DUAL ENROLL. I went when i was 16 because i was homeschooled at that time, due to me moving from ft lauderdale in the final part of the school year. ill have non blurry pics in about 15-30 minutes, i got to go shower from the stuff my doctor put on my back.

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The Propagator

Their tenticles are always blue or silver white.

Thier baloon body can be from dark blue to clearwitha very light blue tinge.

It all depends on how much co2 they have retainmed to stay a float.

As they retain the co2 gas it expands thier body emensly making it apear clear the more it stretches.

I "think" the only jellyfish in the gulf that can be more of a dangerous nusainces than the Portuguese Man'O War is the Lions mane Jelly fish. ( those are huge )



I will be patiently awaiting the pics before I go to the hospital for the day.

For your sake son I hope they look atleast some what like them.

Otherwise I suspect somthing wicked your way will come.



5 minutes left in your 30 minute window to post........... ( joke)



Your 30 minutes are up. :)

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the frag master
Their tenticles are always blue or silver white.

Thier baloon body can be from dark blue to clearwitha very light blue tinge.

It all depends on how much co2 they have retainmed to stay a float.

As they retain the co2 gas it expands thier body emensly making it apear clear the more it stretches.

I "think" the only jellyfish in the gulf that can be more of a dangerous nusainces than the Portuguese Man'O War is the Lions mane Jelly fish. ( those are huge )

I will be patiently awaiting the pics before I go to the hospital for the day.

For your sake son I hope they look atleast some what like them.

Otherwise I suspect somthing wicked your way will come.



5 minutes left in your 30 minute window to post........... ( joke)

Your 30 minutes are up. :)

propagator and the rest of you, i have goofed, the polyps i thought were the same as props are not totaly the same. they are the same colors, but they have no stripes, i was looking them and noticed that. there is one polyp with the stripes but i cant focus on the stripe or the polyp becuase it is at an angle that i cant get my crappy camera to give me a good picture at. i am taking the high road and saying that i goofed, i dotn expext any mean pm's like i got the other day form a "unanimous" member (the " " are there to show im not going to reveal who did it but you know who you are) and that if i get cursed out out again i will make sure you get punished. i have not used profanity towards anyone on this board and never plan to because i dont use it in my every day speech, especially where i work and go to school. sorry prop ill let this thread get back to the original concept, prop i would like a frag of those however, because i dont have the same ones, i could trade you the ones i do have for a frag of those when you get more available).

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